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Wounded tang... Help!

Started by petri, June 20, 2009, 06:12:00 PM

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I've got a little regal tang (about 1 inch long) I've had it for two weeks now.

He was suctioned by the pump (maxi 1200) and is all damaged on that side.  At first, when I let it go, you could see it's little body had taken the shape of the powerhead and it's skin looked all damaged. I didn't think he'd make it but when I was feeding the other fish, he started to swim and eat also!

don't know for how long he was stuck...

I feel so bad this happen to him but I think this little guy might make it.  Is there anything I could do to help it?  Extra care? Or healing medication?

Any tip would help! Thanks!

( if this helps... 75gal, 2oceralis, 2 chromis, some mushroom, 1 brain, 1 hammer coral, lots of live rock and cleaning crew..)


QT thats all you have to do until it recovery from stress.


A healthy tang would not let itself get stuck to a powerhead intank. As mentioned previously, the best thing to do is quarantine him, get him back to health and fatten him up.

Its an amazing fish when it gets big. Mine went from the size of a quarter to 5 inches in about 18 months. Biggest wuss in my tank.
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef



Thanks for the replies. 

I placed it in qt but unfortunately, he didn't make it.  The hermits seem happy about that!


That's too bad... unfortunately, it sounds like the fish was not in the best shape when it arrived...  Sorry for your loss, but as you say, good for the hermits.