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first saltwater set up. 44 gallon corner tank.

Started by CaneCorso86, August 24, 2009, 10:08:14 PM

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Hey all, just getting started out... tank has been running for about 2 1/2 weeks now.
let me know what you think. not to sure about my rock placement so far.
open to some criticism and ideas on what to get next!

- Jerrod

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Lots of tanks - lots of fish


very nice to see your tank/setup!

What are some of the details about setup/sump/pumps/lighting/fuge/dsb/rdsb/dosing/livestock plans/etc... (LOL)


pretty basic set up so far.. 44 gallon with diy stand. couple power heads, and hang on back filter right now till I grab a skimmer. For lighting i've got a 250w metal halide, and 2 actinic bulbs. Still learning tons, so I havn't had a chance to do much. About 22lbs give or take of figi live rock, and some DIY rock from a buddy of mine. thats basically it for now!  any ideas on whats next ? and timing for adding?


sounds like your're well on your way.  Just waiting out the cycle I guess, then time to get some "stuff" in there.. :)


Yup, right now is a great time to research the 'stuff' and get an idea of what kind of stock you are going to look for.

also Aquascape...then RE-Aquascape... and then Re-Aquascape... and then Re-Aquascape.....and then.. ok you probably get the idea


nice to see another salty. looking good so far. id say you can have a total weight of 50lbs of LR. and like hookup said wait for the cycle to start, then you have many options.


and how long does the "cycle" take.. i've heard a million and one responses


id wait about 2weeks .. then add a few snails / hermits. then after 1-2months start stocking Slowly.
and dont be worried when you stock and you get crazy/gross algae blooms, its normal. time will clear it up... just ask Salvini about his battle he overcame.


only the tests will tell if the cycle is done. Vince has good advise there.

Quote from: Vince. on August 25, 2009, 09:43:30 PM
id wait about 2weeks .. then add a few snails / hermits. then after 1-2months start stocking Slowly.
and dont be worried when you stock and you get crazy/gross algae blooms, its normal. time will clear it up... just ask Salvini about his battle he overcame.

Overcame! I wouldnt go that far but ive come along way.

White Lightning

Your tank is looking good so far. The cycling time varies on many tanks. So when Vince said 1 week - 3 months it gives you a pretty clear picture of the range. Just keep testing your water and you will know when the time is right to start adding some livestock. Start with some crabs or snails and week by week add a little more "stuff" depending on what your plans are; LPS, softies, SPS, FOWLR etc. I would assume with metal halides that you are planning on making this a reef tank? It's probably a good idea to start off with some frags to see how they do before adding any colonies. This may help with some of the initial costs. You will find a lot of good deals on this site. The saltwater hobby has so much to offer and I am certain you will be amazed with watching your mini eco system mature. Good luck to ya!


+1 testing...

wait until Ammonia and Nitrite = 0ppm, then based upon your Nitrate you might do a water change if it's high, or just start rolling along.


Ammonia and Nitrite now = 0ppm. Clean up crew was put in thrusday night. A couple big turbos, and some other regular snails lol the ones that go in the sand, and the ones that go on the glass!  :D dont remember the names of them! Also picked up a koralia 3 powerhead to get things moving! 


good choices. diverse is good. different creatures for different jobs.


Just a quick update - 2 clowns added to give company to the green chromis. All the levels in the water are still reading great! have a few green mushrooms in as well, all doing great. Working on finishing up a diy canopy, just finishing panels left to do! Im a gas fitter, so dont make fun of the shyt wood work! lol


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Dave and Diane

Looking good  there canecorso, by the way awesome dog.
I am sure your canopy will turn out just fine.

I have built my fair share and as each one gets done, the next improves drastically.

Keep us posted.



LOL funny,  im a tin banger/gas fitter too.   and my tank is the same shape as yours;all

good luck with the fish! :)  i had one dissapear on me, and lost 2 snails :(


I've always liked looking at brand new setups... something about them that I really like...

This looks very good.. I do very much like that rock... it will be very interesting to see this covered in coraline aglae... though I'm sure photos will never do it justice, in person I bet it will be a stunner...


start ups = crystal clear..  but no real life really, which to me is the only downfall.

I can't wait for the tank to start developing. I look up to many tanks on this forum. I already want to go bigger  :P ::)

And you are right.. pictures never do justice, especially a cheaper camera  :o


Quote from: Snider82 on September 01, 2009, 08:04:32 PM
LOL funny,  im a tin banger/gas fitter too.   and my tank is the same shape as yours;all

good luck with the fish! :)  i had one dissapear on me, and lost 2 snails :(

what company are you working for out there ?