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My 180g, 4 sided viewable project thread

Started by Hookup, August 28, 2009, 10:32:59 PM

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Quote from: HomerJ on May 26, 2010, 08:02:45 PM
I think he just Photoshopped a bunch of pic from RC....  ;-b
HAHA... just caught this... gives me an idea actually.. ;)


Woah! long awaited bu tthat much better. I can now die a happy man!


Very nice!   once again you impressed me.   Good Job! all the hard work paying off.


90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


120G Reef


Will do. 

Quick Update:

Closed Loop setup is causing two issues.  First is noise.  I'm fixing that with some modified plumbing, some low DB pumps (Gold Hammerheads) and some sound-damping materials in the cabinet.  Second issue is micro-bubbles are being created by one of the CL's.  This, I am 99% sure is because the CL input is below the sand... semi-hidden.... when sand or snails, or crabs crawl into the CL input, they cannot get out.  This is a design flaw that will be fixed, and should fix the problem.

Stand/Wall: Still in build mode. Quite sad really.  I'm stuck on how to create access from the 'wall side' to the system without having it look like a canopy....  It's an function vs aesthetics problem, and like the entire rest of the build, aesthetics will win...

Fish: Doing well, still trying to get rid of some clown fish and a midas blenny

Corals: Also doing well... lost a few, the only one i'm worrid about is the 8"x8" hunk of fire-engine-red montipora that is 80% gone, and still bleached out... many others are coloring back up...

Photos to follow.



Thanks for the update.  It would be nice to get the few remaining issues ironed out.  There's always something, n'est pas?

Still waiting for those pics.....
120G Reef


Tomorrow is work the tank day... Photoes will be taken.. And postered...


Blame the ex-Ottawa inverts crew...  BBQ and lots of mixed drinks won the evening..

Work begins in a hour or so...  Headache and all...

We did joke about taking photos at about 1am when the lights were out....  But were too discombobulated to pull it off... :-X


Excuses, excuses.....

Where are your priorities, man?
120G Reef

White Lightning

I enjoy working on my tanks but when it comes between choosing between mixed drinks and tank maintenance. Boozin' wins every time.


Carbon reactor changed...  Phosphate reactor cleaned but ran out of gunk...

Water change in progres...

Then into cleaning the display...  Razorblade scrape for sexy clean starphire...

Gimme a phew hrs..

Also found some stuff to sell... Forgotten corals....   Will have to post that up...


Sorry for the crap colors on the photos... just shot in auto-mode and didn't process other than to shrink... the Hippo is NOT purple... haha....


Quote from: Hookup on August 08, 2010, 10:28:27 PM
Sorry for the crap colors on the photos... just shot in auto-mode and didn't process other than to shrink... the Hippo is NOT purple... haha....

So, that's not a new breed of purple Tang?

Looks real sweet.

Did you manage to fix the bubble problem in the CL.

Thanks for sharing.


Now that's what I'm talkin' about.  Looking good Tim.
120G Reef


Quote from: new2salt on August 08, 2010, 11:25:06 PM
So, that's not a new breed of purple Tang?

Looks real sweet.

Did you manage to fix the bubble problem in the CL.

Thanks for sharing.

I have not fixed the bubble problem.  I've got a plan, but was not able to get the parts to pull it off this weekend.  The problem is *mainly* from the clogging of the input to the CL with sand and snail shells.  Current, the input looks like this..

***************|                                 |***********************************
**[sand]*******|                                 |****[sand]*************************
***************|-------|                |--------|***********************************
=======================|                |===============[GLASS]======================

So you can see (kind of) that there is a cup/bowl that holds the input to the CL... critters get in, and cannot climb up the sides of the bowl, and therefore restrict the flow, which starts the bubble problem...

The plan is to raise the the input to just above the level of the sand so that things can get on top of the input and crawl off without issue... Its the first thing to try.


I take it this is the CL entrance in this picture right?

Why not take 2-3 pieces of egg crate and criss cross them and fit them inside.  That way things can't make it down, but flow is not impeded.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.