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My 180g, 4 sided viewable project thread

Started by Hookup, August 28, 2009, 10:32:59 PM

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Losses so far

Sailfin blenny
Dragon pipefish
8xbarnicle blennies
5xcatlina gobies
2xother gobies

Yeah... Not happy.

The plan Jerry is to do something that will not mess up the aquascape....  Your suggestion is possible and will be added to the list.


How about some sort of cowl type input? Use a piece of pipe cut length wise. Lay it over top of the input. Mod. the input in place now so one side is cut away. Create an array of holes along the length wise piece of pipe - the cowl. By extending the input pipe it would reduce the amount of suction in one spot so it would give any livestock a chance to escape before it was pulled in or stuck to the intake.

With some silicone rubbed over the pipe then agramax stuck to it it would conceal it fairly well. If not this idea something similar? Just brainstorming not trying to pretend I know better... You must be POed all the work and attention to detail you guys have put in. I am sure you will come up with an inventive work around. Just be careful you leave the cap on the JD... ;)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


120G Reef



Have you looked at the closed loop intake strainers in Nineball's build thread?  Mr Wilson just posted some new pics this morning.
120G Reef


Quote from: Rybren on August 17, 2010, 10:36:22 AM

Have you looked at the closed loop intake strainers in Nineball's build thread?  Mr Wilson just posted some new pics this morning.

Yeah, they look pretty neat...  In-fact they are a better system...

I've got one plan right now that I will try.  If it doesn't work I have to weight out the options... This build, the entire reason I did this build, was to hid all aspects of plumbing in the rockwork under corals.... If I cannot accomplish that, I think I will order a new tank.  Yeah, i know.. but damn... I'm just going to be pissed off at it for 10 years, so better to get it done...

The "PLAN"
- modify the current in put strainers - I did this last night and it made a difference...   I've got a few ideas on how this might be "super modified" to create a large surface area to draw from on  one input...
- down size from gold series hammerheads to gold-series darts.  This drops from 6500gph to 4200gph.  This will not actually have much effect.  The current input strainers are only allowing 4500gph or so into the system... but this will reduce noise, wattage, and also reduce somewhat the intake flow

I think I can modify the current 4" diameter input strainers to lower the flow "enough" to not be an issue.  I mocked up one last night, and it really did a good job.  Not sure its "fish safe" yet, but it's better for sure.

If I cannot get the 4" version working, I'm looking for 6" diameter strainers that I can use... that will be a DIY special for sure, but I am pretty sure that the increased surface area will solve the problem... then I just have to make it look good.

in the end, it all comes down to making it look good... if I cannot do that, then I'm back to the drawing board...


Tonight's test results.

Time: 8:30pm. - my clock
Temp: 82.0. - ghl temp probe
SG: Not Tested
pH: 8.02 - ghl probe
Ca: 490ppm - salfert
Alk: 7.0 - salfert
Mg: 1290ppm - salfert
Phosphates: not tested
Nitrate: not tested

So, the Ca is a tad high.. I'm aiming between 380 and 420 so I have to lower it, but 490 isn't crazy...  Glad to see the other params are stable, now to work on the dosing to ensure stability... with the travel for work thats a challange, but i'll do what I can.

I have NOT decided how to solve my CL problem.  At this point I've turned them off and am using 3xK3 + 1xK4 for flow... ugly, but it works.

I'm leaning towards a complete re-aquascape at this point.  I know, I know... but if I take some time off work, start the project on a Thursday evening, I can basically be done and waiting for rock to cure in 4 or 5 days... This could/should fix all problems... but it's risky....  I like my wife and do not want to be divorced... again... ;) 

I'm drinking with the hopes that the bottom of a glass of Rye will provide the answers... so far, two down and no answers... but I'm diligent... :)

Thanks for reading.


I'm drinking with the hopes that the bottom of a glass of Rye will provide the answers... so far, two down and no answers... but I'm diligent...

I think that we've identified the problem...  you're drinking the wrong stuff.  I've got a few nice single malts that are sure to provide the requisite imaginative spark.
120G Reef


Quote from: Homer SimpsonAlcohol... the solution to... and cause of... all life's problems.



Tonight's test results.

Time: 8:30pm. - my clock
Temp: 82.0. - ghl temp probe
SG: 1.026
pH: 8.02 - ghl probe
Ca: 520ppm - salfert
Alk: 7.0 - salfert
Mg: 1320ppm - salfert
Phosphates: 0ppm detected
Nitrate: 0.5 to 2.5ppm - salfert test... I hate this test

So, the Ca is a tad high still.... Not sure why, I will check my dosing pumps again...  Thought I brought it down a bunch, but it's rising...  All others are good, but not sure where the nitrates are coming from....

I have not been using phosban for a few weeks now, and I'm happy the results are stable... 0ppm...


The insane decision....

The tank will be torn down!

And rebuilt!   :)

The only way to fix several problems in a way that I like, is to redo the entire internal plumbing, and set it all back up again...

Back to plan A, do the internal plumbing in DIY cement.  I found some that will be ready for return to the tank in 12hrs! 

The plan is to get the tank emptied to a 120gal on my floor.... I will re use this 120 gal as the breeder later on...

I think I can do the switch-a-roo in 6days. I will take off work on a Friday, monday and Tuesday and have it all done...

Ordering all parts starting this week... To be ready soon for the tear out...


QuoteThe plan is to get the tank emptied to a 120gal on my floor....

I read this quickly as "the plan is to empty 120 gallons on my floor" :P

The bigger the build, the bigger the problems it seems. Better to be frustrated short term than irritated long term.
110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


I understand this crazy idea.   its better to do things the hard way and have 100% satisfaction, then to take the easy way and only have 98%.       keep us posted and take pictures, i'm sure we can learn lots.



It's a big step, but one that I'm sure you will not regret in the long run.  Some short term pain for long term gain.

Let me know if you will be needing an extra set of hands.  I can't lift anything heavier than 15lbs for the next couple of months, but I'm pretty sure that the small brown bottles come in under the limit.  ;D

How was MACNA and the get together with Nineball & Mr Wilson?
120G Reef


Thanks for understanding... Perfectionisim is a disease.... But there you have it.

I was not able to spend time with Mr.Wilson, though I did have a few conversations with Nineball and was able to invite him to dinner with us Sunday night for a treat.

Contains Moose

If you purchase the next size up adapter, IE a 2 to 3 or 4 inch you would effectively
decrease the velocity by 50 to 100%, cut as much of the parallel sections of the adapter
as possible to reduce the profile size, drill 1/16 th diameter holes around the
circumference of the larger portion of the pipe and then weave fishing line as you would
a tennis racquet, the squares only need to be 1/4", do not try to stop sand from
entering, roll on epoxy and cover in sand or bits of rock.


tim your a hero man. ur serious on this build.

i give you 10 x boombaps.


Good luck Tim look forward to the pics and hearing what you do next with this remod reinteresting hear your projects unfold. Like Rybren said if ya need an extra set of hands LMK but I too can't lift.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Thanks everyone.

In this "re-do" there is one major constraint.  My wife.  And I have to agree with her 100%, I'm not throwing her under the bus on this as she is the most understanding and accepting person I know.  Hell, she puts up with me.

The entire "re-do" will be "done" in 10days or less.  This also includes finishing all of the wall/tank stand/painting etc.  Done means "wife approved and done".

There will be a project plan for this, which I can post.

I might require and request some hands when it comes to some of the days.  Thing is, as mentioned, I'm a perfectionist and would be a bit of a control freak.... so you might not want to help.... but know that if you do, I'm used to being told STFU.... ;)


Parts List:

* 12x 1.5" bulk heads
* 8 feet of 1.5" PVC
* 4 feet of 1" PVC
* PVC Glue
* Emaco s88 ci marine cement
* Acryl 60
* coarse aggregate (TBD)
* drywall & mud
* plywood (cherry)
* 2x4 for additional framing
* 120g temp-tank
* Temp Lighting Fixture
* 50feet of 1.5" spa flex
* 1.5 fittings (a few)

Unfortunately, i *might* need to get all new 1" ball valves.... which would suck.


Quote from: Hookup on September 10, 2010, 10:25:51 AM

I might require and request some hands when it comes to some of the days.  Thing is, as mentioned, I'm a perfectionist and would be a bit of a control freak.... so you might not want to help.... but know that if you do, I'm used to being told STFU.... ;)

LOL - that's too funny - admittance is half the battle!