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Fellow reefers

Started by ALPARENT, June 29, 2005, 03:09:45 PM

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Any other reefers at OVAS?



Wanna be Reefer.    Would love to discuss saltwater based chat,  I have subscribed to the aquaria central but never had any luck posting there, or doing much at all, The administrator there has not activated me in weeks and does not respond to my emails.


uh huh lol another one here...
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


aiglos.what you want to know.
there are few of us who keep salt water fish in this club.
So go ahead ask.!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
if you live here in the region.....there is 8)  8)
based out of Gatineau. :wink:
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


Yellow Tang:  I am going to be setting up a nano Tank.  I cannot offord to start up a 50+ Gallon tank.  I priced it out and just the live rock alone will be out of my price range.  

I was thinking about the Deluxe 12 gallon or the 6 gallon JBL Nano Cube.  That way the tank, the lights, and the filter are all taken care of.   I will probally end up going with the 6 gallon, I went to big als kanata and got a quote on a 6 gallon jbl nano cube and it was 260$ funny because the 12 gallon is 200 hehe.  

I have bought a few books on saltwater aquariums and been a subscriber to both tropical fish hobbyist and aquarium fish magazine so Im pretty sure my knoledge base is good and I shouldnt have alot of questions,   I was just dissapointed with the aquariacentral site,  I have registered weeks ago and it still says I am awaiting activation,  I resend my passwork often and have even emailed the administer but no responce.  

If i have any questions for you I will post here.  thanks.


Good to know you all.
I've just setup a 20g nano reef 2 week ago.
Got some Live rock and some base rock (the live will seed the base)

The first thing you need to be a good reefer is ..................... patience. (Can I get an AMEN to that!)

It takes time. After 2 weeks I'm getting into the diatom phase. Rust colored alge all over. Solution to that..............wait. Next phase should be the red alge and then if all goes well......the green and corraline.

There wond be alot of fishes in this tank. My wife wants a clown, of course (the Nemo syndrom) and a royal gamma. I'm more interested in the corals and criters side of reefing.

So there is not much I can bring to the table right now (only 2 weeks of looking at what my wife

If any of you have anything to trade or sell (frag's and stuff) let me know.

And if anybody as any experiance with refuiums? I would like to know the basics.

Maby one of the experiance reefers could give us some pointers on what to expect and tips.

Thanks to all ........ and like they say in Jamaica.......good reefing.

P.S. I'm french so I never make any typos......they are actual mistakes  :wink:


Reefer here, It's fun watching "rocks"!


Hey all you reefers:

Could someone amoung you spare me about a dozen bioballs?  I'd rather not have to go out and get a 200 piece back for the sake of twelve needed bioballs.




Don't you know that no self-respecting reefer would use bioballs these days?   I have no self respect, so I still use 'em. :D   I just like the added redundancy of a conventional wet-dry filter in part of my sump, and my nitrates are still zero.


Hi Al,
welcome to the board, and interesting to hear you just started with a reef.   I would like to start a little reef tank in the fall,  so I look forward to reading your stories /experiences.


Hi Art,
Good to be back.

I down sized my setup a bit.
Went from 10 fresh tanks to 3 fresh and 1 salt.

Marine tanks are fun...........lost of stuff to look at.

Eared you closed down a lot of tanks also?

When at Dave's to renew my membership the other day..............didn't know he was working at night .........woke him up twice! :oops:

He must really love me now.  :wink:


My 20g nano is now 2 weeks old.

Visited BA last Saturday. Karen had the OVAS T-Shirt on.....nice.
Got 3 snails and 3 hermits. WOW hermits are fun to look at (much better then rocks). One already molted. (At first I thought it was dead, when you see some legs floating around in your jump to conclusions. But after surveying the tank all 3 are alive. One snail found it way into my refugium. How the hell did it get there ????.

Added a 15W Actinic Lightning Rod (man they get hot).
Completely changed the colour of things (for the best). I now have 92W of daylight and 15W of actinic over that 20G, (man it's bright).

Got some coralline starting on some of the base rocks.

All is going OK.

PH is low and calcium to........but I'm adding some Kent Marine stuff to get those up.

That's it for now.

Any suggestions on what should go in next.

Good day to all.



If I were you, I'd wait another two weeks before addig anything else.  Are you sure the live rock you got was fully cured?  I got some "cured" rock one time, but it took two more weeks to "ripen" shall we say.  When I started my first SW tank, I waited four agonizing weeks before adding anything to the tank.  (I know thats a little extreme, but it served me well).

If your water parameters are OK, I'd add 7 more snails and 7 more hermits (if blue-legged).   Some starter fish which are peaceful and relatively cheap and hardy are green chromis.  Get 2 since they like to school.  You may want to return them later when your tank is fully cycled, and replace them with more attractive fish.


Thanks for the advice.

One of the hermits I have is actually a zebra hermit.

I'm going on vacation soon, so I won't be adding anything to the tank for about 3 weeks.

Do anybody have in there tanks, critters that will stir the sand (like micro bristle stars and stuff?) Do I need things to stir the sand and where do I get them?