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What I need to dose with?

Started by LEROY, September 27, 2009, 07:46:38 PM

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Hey I was wondering what I would need to dose my tank with if I wanted to keep a few Zoa's, a Ric and maybe a Frogspawn. I have a 10 gallon FOLWR right now but corals are tempting me every trip I take to the fish store. If anyone could tell me what I need in regards to additives it would be appreciated.
-Thanks, Steve.


Probably the easiest thing to dose with would be Fauna Marins Bio Calcium. It has pretty much everything you need.
Naturally you will need to test your water accordingly.


Thank you, yeah tests will be purchased at the same time. Would you know where I could pick up some of the Fauna Marins Bio Calcium? It would be nice to have only one thing to dose with.
-Thanks, Steve.


I am not familair with Fauna Marin BioCalcium, possibly you mean Tropic Marin BioCalcium.  If you decided to go the Tropic Marin BioCalcium route be sure to what your alkalinity.  I used to use it in the past and found it raised my alk higher than I was comfortable with.


Quote from: LEROY on September 27, 2009, 07:46:38 PM
Hey I was wondering what I would need to dose my tank with if I wanted to keep a few Zoa's, a Ric and maybe a Frogspawn.

Nothing, you don't need to dose your tank.  Your salt mix should provide everything you need for those corals.  If you get heavy into LPS or SPS, then look at dosing. 
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

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Frequent enough water changes MIGHT keep your parameters in check depending on demand. I have heard good things about the tropic marin bio calcium... bit pricey for me but good product I think.

I'm using ca/alk/mag from bulk reef supply. They claim pharmaceutical grade chemicals and prices are pretty cheap.


Just noticed it's a 10g.... if your very careful frequent 10-25 changes should keep you in check. This article will give you an idea of how water changes impact levels.... it's really just a bunch of simple mass balances so pretty easy to value and the calculations are not really integral to the understanding but worth a read imo:

Oh, and despite what this guy says, I still think water changes are a good safety check... I have been lazy in the past with them and still have had success but still is reccomended.


Awesome, thanks for the replies everyone. Now, this tank is a FOWLR stocked with 2 false percs right now and I was wondering when I put the corals in, what is the best way to switch over to ro/di? I am currently just using RO and was wondering if I should do like a 50% water change and then do another 50% later on both times adding RO/DI? Also does anyone know if the "Labrador" distilled water would be safe to use? Expensive, but until I get an ro/di it will have to do I guess. Any suggestions again would be appreciated.
Thanks, Steve.


just do simple 10-20% water changes. And from what i understand labrador is ok to use. Correct me if im wrong. Because thats what im using.


From my understanding Labrador does not have quite as good a reputation as Culligan. It makes it harder to find water as Labrador is more prevalent, but I was told it is better water.

As far as dosing, your calc, mag, levels etc should be maintained by water changes on a tank of your size. You might consider dosing organics though, to increase the colour and growth of your corals. Fauna Marin has a great line of amino acids and organic trace elements that I dose with. After about a month the difference to your corals is astounding.
55g Mbuna Tank 11 Saulosi, 4 Albino Socolofi
29g Biocube Reef


Thanks for all of the replies everyone. I am already getting anxious about getting those corals. I know that there is a place on Richmond road that sells distilled by the gallon so I might check that out as well. Well I'll be getting everything together in the next few weeks and I will post pics as soon as I get the first one in there.


LEROY what kind of lighting are you running... zoo's and lps don't need the kind of light sps or clams do but you do still need to consider adequate lighting.


I was thinking of running one of these (6500k) and maybe a 50/50 daylight actinic or just actinic. Do you think that would be enough light?



are they pc bulbs or what

i hate 6500 im not gonna lie looks brutal....go, 50/50, and a 420 or 460 if you can if you want the blue coloration and a nice coral coloration


Thanks I found what you are talking about and I'll give those a shot. Yeah they are pc, right now about all I can afford lol. Ghetto reefer.


get a 70w halide on that will be so much better theres some for sale in the classifieds...i would get one of those on a 10g over pcs...just my imo and get the esv b-ionic calcium and alk and then get the mag also i havent tried the mag but im going to get it cause the cal and alk is awsome and the mag should be as equally awsome


ya next thing i Buy will be ESV B-Ionic 2 part :D to go with my Sugar Dosing.