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Started by Maxthecat, October 01, 2009, 09:12:50 AM

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Hey, just thought id share my anger a bit. Everybody has a critter, either fish or whatever that just does stupid stuff all the time. Ya know, that little critter in your tank. You love him but you keep asking yourself "why did you do taht for??"

Well for me its a snail, a little fella about the size of my thumb. Hes been in my tank about a year now and wow does he know how to get in trouble. Its either that or hes just tring to find ways to kill himself... Every now and them he'l try to jump out the tank, just to realise "OMG where's the water??" so he'l hang out there waiting for someone to put him back in the tank. His other bad habit is that for some reason, he can never resist the temptation to go in to one of my powerheads, he cant get out and again, I have to try to take him out, witch is always hard. But his worst habbit and the reason why im writting this rant, is his tendencie to go in the skimmer. At first, I was concerned and always tried to get him out, but after a while, I just gave up i thought, "its not that bad, he comes out when he wants too", true, when I had a prizm.. but the other day I got a BH1000 and last night he figured "WOW!! a new skimmer!!" so he found a way (dont know how) to get inside the box that covers the intake pipe, and you gessed it, he went up the pipe and jamed my motor  >:( now the skimmer can run so i had to shut it down and his timming wasent so bad because im moving my tank tonight so ill take appart the skimmer and will be able to get him out of there.

Funny thing is that when I but the skimmer in, I just knew he was gonna go in there somehow and get stuck. Maybe Im a psykick or something.... I scare myself sometimes....

please share with us the behavior of the little critters in your tank, lol, so I dont feel alone in this.


I had a critter just like yours.
He met his demise when my skimmer exit, plugged by the little critter, caused it to fill up and over flow.
Lucky for me a friend warned about such issues and insisted the skimmer go inside the sump.
Close call, by the way, thanks Adam(weese3).
Lifting the discharge pipe above the water surface prevented him getting in again.
That little critter got fed to my reef lobster, another critter destined for rehabilitation! lol