Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS Nov. meeting Monday Nov. 23rd @ 7.00PM

Started by charlie, November 16, 2009, 12:32:19 PM

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OVAS will be having it`s Third meeting of our 2009-2010 season.
When:  Monday Nov. 23rd 2009
Where: J.A. Dulude centre ( Mel Baker Hall) 941 Clyde Ave
Time : 7.00 PM sharp
Free admission for members , kids & chaperons
Non members - $5.00
Our program for this meeting includes a mini auction and a feature presentation titled "Saltwater basics & Marine angels PT1", this will be presented by the ever dynamic Frank Aguirre, we will also have our usual coffee & goodies along with the members door prize draw& access to a sampling of the extensive Library.
This will be your final chance to procure your XMAS banquet tickets, this is one event you don`t want to miss ;)

All are invited to have supper with our guest speaker prior to the meeting @ the Village dining room located in the Travelodge conference centre 1376 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1Z 7L5 CA -Telephone: 613-722-7600
Cocktails @ 5.00 PM
Supper @ 5.30 PM, we will depart for the meeting at approx 6.30 PM

QuoteSalt water Basic Elements and Marine Angels Part 1 by Frank Aguirre

This presentation deals with the indispensable elements necessary to build a marine ecosystem. Breaking away from the common mistakes and mythology surrounding the hobby Frank explains with particular clarity for the audience how easy is to keep and maintain saltwater fish and invertebrates following simple steps. As well this presentation includes the first part of our series "Marine fishes" Angel fish Part 1 which deals with one group of Marine Angelfish. There is a discussion on husbandry and requirements to keep marine angels fish healthy and perky for many years.

Frank`s Bio:
Frank Aguirre has been a tropical fish enthusiast since the age of five. He began by helping his mother raise pond goldfish in his homeland of Mexico. He set up his first aquarium at age seven. By the age of ten, he became an assistant at a small aquarium shop. During his teenage years, he learned the techniques and "secrets" of breeding from master breeders in Mexico City.
In preparation for his career choice as a biologist, he went to the Polytechnic College in Mexico to study aquaculture. He then pursued a bachelor's degree in Biology. His ultimate academic goal is to obtain a Masters Degree in Ichthyology at Guelph University.
His life has been dedicated entirely to the study of fishes, with particular emphasis on reproduction and genetics. After publishing many papers and articles in a variety of magazines, Frank's next project, a book on tropical fish is a logical step.
His repertoire varies widely in topic, ranging from the common to the unusual. As the president of Acuaprof Inc. Frank is now fully integrated in to the aquarium business and supporting the hobby through his activities as member of the Canadian Association of aquarium Clubs CAOAC.
See you all on the 23rd  ;)


This might be enough to push me over...must resist...temptation....darn oceans...
Cheers, Steve


i wager a 10 : 1 ratio .. fw to sw...but ill be there


Frank is very interesting. I am going to attend, if the wife will let me out.

Maybe I will learn what I did (am doing) wrong with my son's 50 Gallon SW tank ;)




Quote from: Vince. on November 23, 2009, 02:59:19 PM
i wager a 10 : 1 ratio .. fw to sw...but ill be there
Despite your attendance, I plan on attending also... (just kidding... ;)  ) - tim


Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed tonight's presentation.  It was my first and certainly not my last OVAS meeting.

Thanks again to Mike & Focus Financial for the free membership.


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120G Reef


Since there was a SW speaker I wish this would have been posted in the SW forum. I don't usually check here... :(
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Great night and a great speaker! Frank's talk was great!


Good meeting and good turn-out tonight. I didn't get a chance to thank Frank at the end of the night for his excellent presentation.

I wish there was more time to talk with everyone.
Cheers, Steve


Quote from: Rybren on November 23, 2009, 09:47:53 PM
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed tonight's presentation.  It was my first and certainly not my last OVAS meeting.

Thanks again to Mike & Focus Financial for the free membership.


You're welcome Jerry, Ovas is a great organization and the knowledge I've gained and the money I've saved far outweighs the costs of a few memberships :)
110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


Thanks to all who took the time to attend our final meeting for 2009. Frank once again did his magic with our members , special thanks to Frank & his family for making himself readily available.
Congratulations to all our door prize winners & to our final Focus Financial membership  winner Jerry (Rybren), Thanks to Focus Financial for the generous offer.

We now turn our attention to the grand XMAS Banquet this weekend  ;)
For more candid shots of the action vist the Nov. meeting gallery;cat=61

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Fantastic meeting!! Glad to see you all there :)
Severum - you should check the meeting topics more often!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


first and for most frank's prez was amazing..and im glad i got to hang out with him after, thanks to the host and hostess for having us all.

Not to stir the pot but, here are a few things i would like to see changed..maybe others feel the same way...

1. It seems that are club is doing well and what not, but when u have amazing speakers .. I think they need to be promoted. There are many members who travel to, toronto, mtl, cornwall, brockville, ect.. .. Give them a few flyers to give to a few hobby stores.. Ppl WILL travel an hour or so to these lectures. Then this will generate more revenue..for other events.

2. I know the auction is a hit, but it needs to be fixed.. These speakers are paid a chunk of coin to give a let them give it... We should NOT be cutting them off to do the me thats rude. If they are willing to shed knowlege on os for 3 hours let them. Sorry to say this but im not a fw person but xxxx au prez was super dope..and the guy got the hook off the stage to do the 'dollar store' auction. Dont get me wrong i looove the auction is a great idea, but come on show the speakers respect.

3.  When we have break for coffee, it should be a good SOLID 20-30 min..this is the chance for people to have face time. Not cut short.

4. WE NEED MORE LOCAL TALENT.. What does it matter is some members give a prez. I know there are many diy'ers ... Im sure there are ppl with 10+ yrs in salt and fresh. Let them give a 30min prez. This was we save the club a few bucks..and we can put it towards proper promotion of a event. 
Idk, sorry, i have LOTS to say, i dont have the time to type. But i have a lot more i want off my chest. Dont get me wrong i totally respect everyones involvement and appreciate it. Just trying to involve myself..


Frank did yet another wonderful and exciting presentation.

Thanks again Frank, I hope to see you again when you do your next presentation.



Always a please to listen to Frank! Great meeting and presenation.


I wanted to additionally thank whoever baked the cookies / macaroons. They were very delicious. I was hardly able to only eat one because I wanted everyone to get some.

Vince raises excellent points and I especially agree with 2,3,4. In particular point 4 about having more local talent.

From my professional experience I know the best way to really learn something is to give a presentation. It's about what you 'teach', more than what you know.

It's amazing that we have the heavy hitters / pro's like the recent speakers, and keep 'em coming; there would be some advantages to having our own "open mic" events at times.

My history with the club is short, maybe this has been done successfully in the past.

One idea would be to have a Pecha Kucka event.
Quoteusually pronounced in three syllables like "pe-chak-cha", is a presentation format in which content can be easily, efficiently and informally shown, usually at a public event designed for that purpose. Under the format, a presenter shows 20 images for 20 seconds apiece, for a total time of 6 minutes, 40 seconds.

QuoteA typical Pecha Kucha Night hosts eight to 14 presenters.

Or if that is too difficult and stringent, a couple of short presentations.

Cheers, Steve


Yep, was another good one.  :)

Vince, stirring the pot in this manner is always welcome!

1. I agree, we need more promotion.  Are you volunteering to be our promoter?  ;)

2. Again, I agree.  Seems like the auction should come first or something.  It has always been done this way, maybe it's time for a change?  But people also don't want to be there for 4-5 hours, so anyone have suggestions?

3. I am agreeing again.  But time is a problem here again.  A good long speaker, a mini auction, then who has time left for the coffee break?

4. Local talent is certainly welcome.  The club does generate enough money to afford other speakers, so we do that too.  Sometimes members are not as anxious to see local talent as the ones from away.  I think Errol tries to incorporate both?  But if there is someone you'd recommend, by all means, do so!

Always feel free to "get things off your chest" and be involved.  We always want involvement around here, even if only a few are able, it's welcome!!!    8)
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Cheers, Steve


Thank You Frank again. Your presentations are always interesting and entertaining.
Thanks Charlie for another excellent speaker.

Last night was such a good meeting. People seemed happy and excited to be part of the club and the night. Cool!!!

Vince I agree with all your Ideas. Some easier to implement than others. I'm a fw person and I could have listen to Frank talk a couple of hours. We try to keep the talks on time because people do want to get home. Some of the old timers like me.  ;)
Though we where talking about trying to get Frank to come down for a whole day on a weekend. We will see.
The other problem we had with time is people came late last night. Couldn't get people settled down until 7:15pm which takes time away from either the speaker or the hanging out and talking part.
People where more excited than usually last night, full moon, there was a lot of talking in the back ground during the auction. Also we had people who where not members not getting the rules about Shhhhh.....!  ;)

We do have local talent talk. In the last 1 1/2 years Charlie has brought us not only exceptional speakers but he has done so at very low cost to the club.  8)

Just my two Cents.  ;)