Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Christmas Banquet thank you!

Started by Nerine, November 28, 2009, 10:40:16 PM

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Just wanted to give a big thank you to Wayne for the wonderful dinner!! The squash was to die for!

Looking forward to the photos!!! It was an amazing turnout and I know I and my son had a wonderful time there! Thank you everyone who helped take down and clean up and carry things out to my car, it is much appreciated!

Though the bad thing is, now my son has a second wind and he's running around like crazy after cat napping in the car on the way home haha

The desserts were scrumptious, the mashed potatoes were lovely, the butternut squash was my favourite, loved it!! Loved everything :)

Thank you again Wayne for a wonderful meal!

Thank you Joyce & Anja for helping set up, it was much appreciated!

Pictures to follow after I recover.... hahaha
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Big Thanks to our hard working Social Convenor Wayne Smith (wandmangels) & his wife for all the hard work & fantastic food tonight, also thanks to Wayne's helpers Nerine ( Alysa), Anja & washefuzzy(Joyce) take a bow you guys deserve it.
Thanks to all the members who attended, judging from the trips to the buffet table & desert table, the chatter & laughs it was easy to tell you guys had a blast.
Thanks to Sylvia (Fishnut) for the generous donation of  5 gln. Marineland kit

Congrats to all the surprise chair winners, door prize winners & our grand raffle prize winners, some folks like the OttawaFolkFestivum team was not satisfied to win one prize, they had to win 3  ;D  ;D & others had to win twice  ;D

Here are a couple  of pics, more to follow  in the XMAS banquet album later

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Here is a link to a album i started , i will add more pics  later,feel free to add your pictures to this album if you can.;cat=62


Very nice evening, thanks to everybody, who make it happened, and Wayne for very good dinner.
Pictures in the album.

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Great dinner!  Wayne, the squash was aewsome.  :)  Ladies, you did a great job too.  Thanks very much!
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Carla and I had a great time.

The food was great - I was so hungry when I arrived, when I left I was completely stuffed.

Things like this are a huge success when you have people that volunteer huge amounts of time and effort. All volunteers and Wayne in particular should be singled out for this.

I just showed up and ate and walked away with some prizes.

Carla is really excited about her new 5G that she won. The seed is planted. We'll see how it grows. The challenge for me is going to be letting her run it on her own. I was thinking....hmmmm...5G, it would be pretty easy to reach 4 WPG, I have some top soil left over, wouldn't take too much Excel...but I better let her run the tank.

Thanks again Fish-nut for the donation.

Cheers, Steve


Thanks all, it was fun.  You obviously put in a lot of work on it.  The decorations, the food, the prizes.  None of this can come together with a lot of hard work and dedication from the volunteers.  Kudos to all of you.

The shortbread cookies are great by the way.... :D



Great dinner Wayne!  What did you put with the squash?!  You made my favourite veggie even better :)

I'm so glad that Carla is excited about setting up her own tank!  Knowing I had some part in planting the aquarium keeping seed makes donating the prize twice as nice :)  I look forward to some updates and perhaps pictures!


simple...butternut squash pan fried with BUTTER honey and sat/pepper...thats it thats all


Great Christmas Dinner.
My wife and I totally enjoyed it.
Great company and Great food.
My Thanks goes out to all those involved.


Great Christmas dinner. My cousin and I both enjoyed it. That put us both in the mood for our own family Christmas get together.


Great food, great people! We had a fantastic time!
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my fish suck
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