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130G Starfire Cube Build

Started by xiaan, November 30, 2009, 09:53:00 AM

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While it was filling up I started adding the coral, fish and the rocks back into the tank. I also put on my filter socks to help with clearing up the tank (I do not usually run them)

And by 6pm you could finaly see into the tank

I then spent the rest of the evening moving back the coral from my sump, doing some temporary aquascaping and reconnecting my controller.

Her is the results

So far I think every thing went smoothly the fish & coral were in holding bins from 11am to 4pm. I so far only lost one fish (my cleaner gobie did not make it  :'( ) and all my coral seemed to be doing well this morning.

Here is what I have learned from the move:

Some things I could have done better

1. More towels! You will spill water! and It will get everywhere!
2. More heaters (only had 2 extra) I think that might be why my cleaner gobie did not make it I only had one heater for two bins and my temperature dropped to 74F. I also broke one that was in a bin that was holding some salt water (It gave me a nasty shock)
3. More powerheads, I would have like to have one extra powerhead to pump water as I was running around with only one.
4. Better clamps for pumps (see #1 ) my hoses that were pumping water were constantly falling off and pumping water onto my floor.

Here is some things I did right.
5. I did a lot of prep beforehand and had a plan on what needed to be done
6 I had extra plumbing supples I changed my mind on how the drains where to be plumbed last minute and I had more than enough supply to do that.
7. Basement sump helped allot, It provided a stable system to hold coral and extra water, and I was able to pump up all the extra water to the main display and also remove the excess water from the storage bins (I had about 30G of extra water left over) It is also in an unfinished basement with a drain nearby (see #1)
8. I did not wear socks (see #1)


So what is next?

Well, There is still allot to do.
- Under my tank looks like a mass of spaghetti with all the cables so I will be cleaning that up.
- I have to get more lighting for the tank my ATI fixture is ok but there is still lots of shadows in the tank.
- I have to clean and sell the old tank.
- Build a hood.
- Clean up my basement as it now looks like a bomb hit a fish store! (Powerheads, Bins Scrap plumbing, sand and salt everywhere!)


It looks really good.  Do you have a plan for adding lights? 


I have some Ideas for the hood but The will have to wait until the new year. I think I am going to get another ATI SunPower and run with that for the next bit.


Looks great.

This is so true:
Quote8. I did not wear socks (see #1)

I recently figured this one out as well. I think you can start calling yourself an advanced aquarist once you've learned that one.
Cheers, Steve


good looking chris. im liking the cube. im sure ur super happy with it.


Looks awsome! great work keep the photos commin'


I did some under tank wiring today and cleaned up the mass of spaghetti under the tank.

I think it turned out nicely  ;) Also if you are good you might spot someting special in my setup  :D ;D


I spy with my little eye... a router/switch?  What's with the JWIN adapter?
120G Reef


I spy with my little eye... three 2x4's that aint' painted black... Tisk tisk tisk

Oh and the usual stuff you'd expect to see in a high end tanks sump area.


I certainly spy something different under there, but lets see if anyone else can figure it out  8)



Quote from: Rybren on December 08, 2009, 10:44:12 PM
I spy with my little eye... a router/switch?  What's with the JWIN adapter?

Yup that is a Wireless bridge to my network it connects the controller to my home network. but that is not it  :D

Quote from: salvini55 on December 09, 2009, 12:11:59 AM
I spy with my little eye... three 2x4's that aint' painted black... Tisk tisk tisk

Oh and the usual stuff you'd expect to see in a high end tanks sump area.

Ya that is jut me being lazy and not painting (I do not care to much about looks under the stand)

Quote from: russrass on December 09, 2009, 07:38:31 AM
Profilux 3?



Quote from: xiaan on December 07, 2009, 12:04:41 PM
While it was filling up I started adding the coral, fish and the rocks back into the tank. I also put on my filter socks to help with clearing up the tank (I do not usually run them)

And by 6pm you could finaly see into the tank

WOW - What a great clean looking tank!!!   :)


That is one nice looking wide tank.......
endless probabilities to aquascape it any possible way!!!
one question.......are those type of tanks custom made?
hope to upgrade to a larger tank myself!!!
more of foot prints of 4"x 22''x 20''
once again beautiful set up!!!
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


That's a clean looking setup! Well done!

The wireless bridge is a neat idea I might copy.
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


nice... did you upgrade from the Profilux II to the III?  And when did these arrive?


It is still not released yet I have had it since September as I am one of the beta testers  ;)


110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


Man I knew I should have tested my betas water! If only I knew id get a P3 for doing it... >:(  (why is there no "jelouse" emoticon?)