Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Sharks v.s Barbs

Started by mcgillphoto, March 09, 2004, 12:56:26 PM

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anyone ever hear of Red Tail Black Sharks being particualrly vicious with blue tiger barbs? I've had the Shark in the tank for about a month with some tetra's and other tiger barbs. As soon as I added the green tiger barb, the normally peacefull shark has now become a terror in my tank (at least for that fish). Any ideas on why this might occur?



I was thinking it might have something to do with the coloring of the fich that the shark doesn't like


When I was a teenager, I had a red-tailed black shark.  He killed my Siamese Fighting Fish, my Tiger Barb and a Dwarf Gourami before I returned him to the pet store...


BTW, nice interactive Star Chart, Dave.  Is that all PHP??  I'm thinking no...


are they typically an agressive fish?


From what I read, no.  I guess there are always exceptions.  I have always thought that the fish my shark was killing were already semi-aggressive species so he might have just fought back...  but the Dwark Gourami?  Hmmm....


BTW i was teasing when i said the fish was jealous :)

as for the starchart, its off topic, but if you go to the starchart frame and view the frame source code, there is a short description of how it is done. That single frame is generated by a windows server in my house. The frame has generated over 7 million star charts to date!

But the frame itself is only a part within a php website, which is running on a linux server in Edmonton.


(From what I read, no. I guess there are always exceptions. I have always thought that the fish my shark was killing were already semi-aggressive species so he might have just fought back... but the Dwark Gourami? Hmmm.... )

Taste for blood now LOL


Mmmmm, that WAS tasty!!!  :twisted:


red tail and barbs are both territorial fish. I got a 55 gallon tank with both kinds of fish.I find that after a while the sharks were leaving my barbs alone..keep in mind the size of your tank and for both kinds of species to get used to one another. also depends how big your fish are. barbs can get quite aggressive as well.good luck :wink:
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


Seems like it was more than an issue of fin nipping. Today when I checked my tank I found parts of my barbs at the bottom of the tank. So just to let everyone know Tiger Barbs definatly dont go well with Red Tail Black Sharks