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Cichlid and Oscars together?

Started by kerisb, January 18, 2010, 11:09:04 AM

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Just wondering if anyone here has cichlids and oscars in the same tank.     Need some help with determining if I should separate them.     I have what I believe are three (Kenyi) cichlids amongs some smaller with three oscars.
The oscars seem to be very very gentle, but the cichlids race around the tank biting at everything inclucing the oscars...which in turn seems to tick the oscars off........then after a while of this the oscars seem to chase back.........the oscars have not done damage to the cichlids, probably because the ciclids are too fast,  but there is a lot of jumping and thrashing going on in my tank.   

Think I may have to get rid of the cichlids!!!!


It's not a good idea to keep them together because...

1) Oscars and african cichlids need completely opposite water conditions
2) Kenyii are some of the nastier africans out there
3) The oscar is going to grow to over a foot long very quickly and may eat them when it gets big enough.


Ok well that pretty much settles it..........gonna have to get rid of my aggressive cichlids.   I believe they are all male, but not sure.

And if bewoulf is reading this.....have to apologize to him........I got a pair of kenyi from him and within 12 hours of putting the pair in........every fish including the mate............killed the female.    Every single fish in the tank took a turn at going after her........even the oscars.   When I realized this I took her out and put her into another tank, but it was too late I guess.    I never once seen her fight back she just let beat her up!!!!

Between the two male kenyi and the other red african cichlid I have in the tank I fear they are eventually going to either attack or stress out the fact my biggest oscar does have some marks on him.


Hey - Just curious, but how big a tank is it?

Water parameters aside, Oscars definitely won't co-exist well with anything that will fit in their mouths, but if in the long run your tank isn't big enough for adult oscars, it might be better to stick with the Africans and lose the oscars instead of the other way around...(says someone more partial to old world cichlids than new...insert grain of salt here)


Right now they are in a 50 gallon................but I think Iam going to move around some fish and put them.....or at least one if I keep the 80 gallon with some large clown fish and blood parrots.    Maybe end up getting rid of the other two smaller oscars and keeping the ciclids in the 50.    The cichlids are wonderful to watch (when not fighting with everyone)............but then again the oscars are so big clumsy and peaceful..........always happy to see people (lol I know it is just cus they are big pigs).

Not sure right now which way I want to go with them.

oh should add..........none of these fish will fit in the Oscars mouth!   But he could no doubt do alot of injury to them if he wanted to...........they seem to pick at him till he gets fed up then he goes after them.........usually can't catch them though.   Although the smaller oscar just seems to let them torment her and never actually goes after them, just lets them pick on her.


I've got friends who successfully keep a large oscar with a bunch of male convict cichlids, since both SA cichlids, conditions are right, and if anything, the oscar seems to keep the aggression between the convicts to a minimum. just an FYI


Ok so got rid of the cichlids and kept the oscars.

And no doubt due to the number of convicts I am going to have ..............sooner or later some will be in with the oscars...........either to get along with or for the oscar's dinner............will have to let them decide when the time comes.

But did move the oscars to a bigger tank.............and they really seem to enjoy it..............mind you starting to get a free shower from the oscars everytime it is feeding time...............gonna have to teach them not to splash so much lol.