Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

frontosa f0 malade

Started by stephet steph, January 19, 2010, 10:49:33 PM

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stephet steph

 mon frontosa blue zaire est malade. il a les deux yeux blanc et exhorbité depuis plus de 8 jours. j ai essayer un traitement de melafix durant 7 jours ,suivit d un changement d eau d environ 40% .la je viens de fair un traitement de general cure, jour 1 traitement ,jour 2 rien ,jour 3 ,traitement jour 4 ,rien jour 5, traitement mais aucun resultat avez vous une idee de comment aider mon frontosa


Triple Sulfa (Sulfamerazine, Sulfamethazine, Sulfathiazole)Suit les instructions avec precision. C'est possible que votre frontosa est devenue aveugle.


Sorry to here about you Zaire Blue Gibberosa. Post a pic of it/them and that might help. White eyes can be from them running into something (rough rocks) if they flash if someone gets them excited.

How big are the fish? Did you get them recently? Often wild fish have parasites that can put stress on them.

What ph are they at?

I wish you luck as Zaire Blue Gibberosa are an expensive fish. What Varient/collection point are your Zaires from?

Gook luck,

stephet steph

bitterman iv buy that one 6 month ago at quebec cichlides he mesure around 8 inchs  .

i test my water and
ph 8
gh ?
kh ?
amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0


Are there other cichlids in the tank? Zaire Gibberosa are very shy and will easily flash if in a busy part of the tank. Additionally most cichlids are very busy and this stresses them out. If the Zaire flashed it coudl scratch it eyes on any rough rocks in the tank. Treating the tank with aquarium salt should help this cloudy eye issue as the salt will promote healing. use 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. Any water you add for evaporation only use de-chlorinator. When you do a water change add salt to the water oyu are adding to the tank as you age your water change water and add the salt based on the volume of the water change, not the whole tank. Too much salt can hard your fish.

Do you have other Zaires with this one? If its a Male another Zaire male might be picking on it and beating it up etc.

Above is assume there are not other symptoms.
