Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Have you seen this yet?

Started by jimskoi, March 04, 2010, 03:28:05 PM

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wow, thats really a shame.  Poor Fish :(
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Poor fish for sure... but hell, whomever did this should be thrown in jail.


IMO a 25 cent solution is in order.


I got my torch and pitchfork, whos with me?


33 gallons - FW Community tank [/li]
[li]20 gallons - Nano Reef tank (Two Onyx Clowns, 1 peacock flasher wrasse, 1 pearly jawfish, 1 black sailfin blenny, many LPS and few SPS[/li][/list]
30 gallons terrarium - Crested gecko[/li]


It's sad but what store doesn't have camera's now a days. Even if it's a fish store.  ::)


Quote from: 93GTCANADA on March 04, 2010, 09:42:47 PM
It's sad but what store doesn't have camera's now a days. Even if it's a fish store.  ::)

agree it's totally the stores fault here.  >:(


Did I say that  ::). I used to be in a field where I saw some bad stuff happen and people could prevent a lot of it by buying basic security. It will only get worst. People are just not honest anymore. At least with camera's they would be able to pin point who it was and that person could be brought to justice.


First, so we are clear, I'm not arguing with you, that would be silly.  ;D   I arguing with my interpretation of your comment.  Which is to say, you might not have written your comment the way I had interpreted it.  Therefore I'm really just arguing with myself... ;)

Saying "It's sad but what store doesn't have camera's now a days." is implying blame/ownership on the store.  It seemed that you were insinuating that the store is partially to blame either for not deterring the act in the first place or the lack of simplified resolution of the problem due to the fact that they are not using cameras as part of their security because everyone is using cameras these days and how sad this store is for cheaping out and ignoring the common practice of installing cameras.  (humor: see how I turned your 11 words into 71!)

It is "sad" that the store did not have cameras, as the bad-guy could have been brought to justice much quicker where now its likely it will never happen.  That is sad.   The entire situation is "sad" because some a-hole probably didn't want competition in his/her area and knows that the fastest way to deal with them was simply to take them out. 

I get my back-up when anyone defocuses the issue.  The facts are simple. 
1. Some a-hole did something drastic and criminal. 
2. No one through negligence or ignorance allowed or encouraged the act. 

Speculating on what might have been a better scenario is irrelevant and is an attempt to defocus the blame.  The a-hole is a criminal and his/her actions affect far more than the fish/corals that he/she killed as I'm sure many peoples livelihoods are now in question.  That person should be justicecized - (I made that word up)!


I agree. You put way to much time in your posting lol. Chances of finding the a hole is very slim.

Brent Shaver

this was also on another site and a member there lives a coupe blocks away.  It turns out this store is only a couple blocks from a BA's store and there is an investigation that it could be an insurance job.  Which I would say makes it that much worse, but the vertict is still not clear on who or how.


That would be horrible  :'(

It is suspicious if the store has only been up for a few months and going through some hard times....not saying that's the case here.


Just a quick note to all LFS's.

Be vigilant, there are others who might try to COPY CAT this type of thing.


Call me a pessimist or whatever but my first thought was it sounds like an insurance scam.


I thought insurance scam too, but let's not forget how disgruntled some customers can get when their $100 fish dies a couple days after bringing it home... Some nice people in this hobby, but some whacky ones too.


Note to Sponsors:

Be nice to me when im there, you may NEVER know what i might be carrying muahaha lol jk

I do agree that its a horrible thing, especially with toronto getting big named corals in lately lets just hope that they didnt have any of them ie: strawberry shortcake acro, miami hurrican chalice.
Same with fish, there are some super expensive saltwater fish, just a shame that they've all gone to waste....

To make light of the situation if I still had the dry tank I could have emailed them for the dead fish and put them on strings and made it like they were swimming around lol, that people, is "sad"


Quote from: Hookup on March 05, 2010, 11:31:50 AM
First, so we are clear, I'm not arguing with you, that would be silly.  ;D   I arguing with my interpretation of your comment.  Which is to say, you might not have written your comment the way I had interpreted it.  Therefore I'm really just arguing with myself... ;)

??? should we be worried....?!



I don't know about you but this eathier smells like competition or PETA

And don't start me on "oh peta would not hurt an animal" there is evidence to suggest otherwise.

What better way then to shut down an industry then to hit the front lines?