Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Octopus HOB Skimmer

Started by Terry, March 06, 2010, 02:50:29 PM

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I was surprised by the weight of one of these HOB skimmers.  If you have not seen one, they are made of VERY heavy and thick plastic. Full of water, they are very heavy, although I have not actually weighed it.

So I am just a touch nervous about hanging it on the back of a 75.  I know that is what they are sold for but I wonder about the mid and long term affect of all that weight hanging there.

Has anyone had any experience in this regard?



I have no experience here, but in my mind I would think the greatest strain on a tank would be at the bottom, where all the water from the top is pressing lower down. However, the same type of reinforcement is provided top and bottom of the tank. That said, the weight of a HOB doesn't compare with the 75g pressing on the bottom seams.


Fair point, but to my mind the skimmer will be more of a point load and will pull back on the frame, not just push down.  Sooner or later I will try it and, in due course, see if there is a problem


The point source is a valid point, since the weight will usually be focused on 2 points where most of the weight of the HOB is hanging. However, the water pressure is not only pushing down, but also on the sides; this is why with bigger tanks you require thicker glass on the sides aswell as on the bottom.


I had a HOB on my 120g for about a year w/o any incident.


I am running an HOB 1000 on the side of my 25 gallon tall tank. It's been on for about 7 months. Didn't have much choice for skimmers with my setup but it works great. Haven't noticed any issues with the strain on the tank, even with a fixture sitting on top at one point. I think your safe on a 75 gallon.


Thanks all for your input.  Especially those who have used one.  Gives me more confidence.


No problems either, I have a BH-100 and I have it on a 38 gallon tank and a 75 gal before and no problem.
