Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by Maxthecat, March 11, 2010, 06:04:53 PM

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Ok so, I did a water change last night and all specs are good. I just got home, and my GBTA is no thiker than a dime. I mean its all shriveled up and puking something. Has anybody seen this before? the clows are freaking a bit. The only thing I can think of is that i gave it food last night, but it was all puffed up and happy afterwards because it was hungry... This.. is... not gooo... at all  :'(


is it like cotton? I had a GBTA and when it did that, it died hours after... sorry to hear mate..


Quote from: cokelon on March 11, 2010, 06:15:32 PM
is it like cotton? I had a GBTA and when it did that, it died hours after... sorry to hear mate..

what do you mean "like cotton" ?


Do you have any pics of your mem, usually what they eat they will expell out the next day. When you feed them , your men will expand. This is how they digest, because they have no anus. What they eat from their mouth will also expell the left over or digested food out of their mouth. I have several mens and have seen them shrink to a quarter of their size and in a few days come back to normal size.
Try to feed once a week and small servings, without feeding they can survive with good lighting. If you over feed a men, you can do more harm than good.
Worry if you mem looks like it is melting and sagging or looks like jello.


+1 i've seen that gross stuff come out of my RBTA after feeding the previous day.

I've found that removing the skin/skelaton of the shrimp helps along with thawing it and very small portions about hte size of a dime will help reduce the 'stuff' that it spits out.

after feeding for 3 weeks mine got to big and went on a walkabout to find new lodgings... it's a win/lose situation getting big anenome's


My RBTA regularly shrinks up to almost nothing.  It does it generally the day after eating (which due to the Maroon doing the feeding is most days) and it recovers as if nothing had happened.

They've only got the one hole for everything in and out, so they need to shrink up to poop.

So, don't get too worried.


You guys were all right, it's back to its usual good mood now  8)