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20 valid post minimum

Started by Tsukiyomi-sakura, April 16, 2010, 07:15:12 PM

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I know it's been talked about before but how about adding a minimum post count before your allowed to post in the classifieds?

This would encourage more activity in the forums and prevent it from just becoming a buy and sell.

An Idea.


hum  i like that idea,   seem to get alot of first time posters in the classifieds. I wonder about tho's posts.


We discussed this when we changed the format of the classifieds. While the idea itself is good, at that time the apprehension was that someone could just post wildly anything to bring up the post count. This would create more activity, yes, but not necessarily more content.
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
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I think about this everytime i deal with someone with 0 posts on the classifieds ... i mean it feels much safer with someone with more posts


Agreed. It gives you a feeling of comfort that your not dealing with a ghost. Someone who is just going to sell your thier defective product and then disappear off the forums.


Quote from: omarshabaz on April 16, 2010, 08:35:56 PM
Agreed. It gives you a feeling of comfort that your not dealing with a ghost. Someone who is just going to sell your thier defective product and then disappear off the forums.

I had something similar happen someone tried to sell me a skimmer and once I got it home told me it takes a week to start bubbling (total bullcrap) so I called him up and told him to pick it back up pr there would be trouble.

Having someone who has been around kinda makes it seem safer.

If someone is posting stupid posts just delete the account, honestly at that point it shows how immature they are and very much so I don't want someone's business like that.


I think though 10 may be more realistic, maybe start low and if needed up it?


I like the idea but I will admit that my first activity here was a post in the classifieds...
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Sev, you just have to be different don't you ! :P

The freecycle classified ads even have an entry point requirement.....You have to post two items for give away before you can "ask" for something....Now that isn't quite practical here, but some metric could be used to minimize the possibility of the classifieds overtaking the website contributions.

I would ask the following:
Is there really a problem, today?
Do people think that the classifieds are overtaking the value of the contributions to the website discussion boards?
What could be done to minimize the risk of dealing with shady posters?....wipe the account, report the IP to the providing ISP as an abusive account, and have them blacklisted./gather personal information at account creation/registration for use in the event of fraud/require a minimum number of posts before being entitled to post into classifieds./require a paid membership in OVAS to post in Classifieds.

Some combination of the above....



Paid membership in order to post in classifieds is a great idea as it will also generate some money from people such as myself and encourage more people to become member. (as i intend to join anyway)


All great ideas, but what about a combination of minimum posts as well as a 2 week period of not being able to post at all in the classified section?! That way we get away from silly posts simply to up the count...

I do like the "you have to be a member in order to post in the classified section" suggestion.

And Ciaus - Yes, Severum does always have to be a cute sort of way...and not that I am biased!!!

Brent Shaver

I personally think it should just be an IP ban if any member sells something bad.  If it is a paying member forced to come good or also banned.

If this is stated then no one can complain if it happens.

I like people being able to post in the forum, I personaly just saved $60 on a piece of slate based marble last night and he wasnt a member.

I am sure we would all suffer not being able to see the deals that come up on some very good product/deals.



im not sure i like the " only be a member" to post an ad,   that will reduce the number of items for sale drasticly im sure.   Just something small to prevent the "one hit wonders" from selling.

i dont see it as a realy problem right now tho.   I tend to glance at the post count if im interested in an item for sale.


Quote from: Brent Shaver on April 17, 2010, 08:46:34 AM
I personally think it should just be an IP ban if any member sells something bad.

That wouldn't work. First of all, OVAS doesn't get involved in private transactions, it's between seller and buyer, it's their responsibility to judge what is "bad". And secondly, IP based bans may work for spammers overseas, but not locally, because ISPs assign a range of IPs dynamically.
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
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What about non members or new posters need to post a valid phone number in the add and confirm it is them?


Another thing to consider when adding some sort of delay time between registering and classifieds posting is that people may be trying to get rid of livestock fast (for whatever reason) and having to wait some time before being able to sell or give away on this forum may result in them doing something not so responsible with it.

The high post count doesn't necessarily result in security of the transaction. I've been involved in a rip off deal from someone with a lot of posts. I believe they still frequent the site regularily.

I usually take a hard arse approach to these sort of things but I'm not sure what the happy medium here is, if any.
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


We should keep in mind that this isn't eBay or email scams where the scammers disappear after you send your payment . You are meeting with the sellers locally. All the transactions are done in person. Before handing over the money, just make sure you thoroughly inspect the item be it an electronic equipment, livestock, or plant. The onus is on the buyer to ensure that the product is satisfactory before they hand over the money.


It's a buyer beware section, that's for sure.

I've always liked the idea of making the classifieds a members only Forum.  It's fairly common among other aquarium clubs to have a members only classifieds section.  I also feel it would increase interest in the club because all these transactions are kept "in the family" so to speak.  You'll still come across bad transactions and OVAS still won't be responsible if something goes sour but in the spirit of the club, I don't think it'll happen all that least I hope not. 

I think having that minimum post might be a bit more tricky to administer.


On the topic of classifieds, I think they need to be pruned :|  lol.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I have to say I don't agree with the post minimum, I think it will cause too much fluff hehe

I know I posted in the classifieds before I was a member of the club...

yes the classifieds do need pruning, but people forget, they need to delete their own posts!! when I buy something I always send a reminder along with it, delete please! lol
I know I went back awhile ago and deleted a bunch of my old stuff that I had forgotten about ;) everyone just needs to do that!

but in regards to the post count minimum...this is buyer beware, OVAS has no part in the personal transactions, if the seller cannot meet you in person, does not have cash, or gives you a check asking for cash back, there is an issue there..just use common sense :) I think the classifieds are ok as they are for now... my two cents!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts