Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

A productive alternative to recent changes

Started by markw, June 09, 2010, 11:21:10 AM

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We've made some significant changes to this website and we "as an Exec." believe them to be in the best interests of this club for this community and the hobby. They're is no hidden agenda and no malice in any of the changes. It needed to be done for the reasons we have stated.
The recent uproar and locked threads are very unfortunate. Imagine visiting this site for the first time or as a member of another club looking at how others go about running a club. Reading all the negative info. sure would discourage me from coming back! Like it has been said over and over again...we simply represent the membership and try and do what is best.
Having said all that, the one issue that always seems to come up is the lack of attendance at meetings. I've seen more excuses as to why not to ever attend than my 8th grade teacher heard about not doing homework. Meetings are the main focus of most clubs...and most clubs have very good attendance. We try very hard to provide reasons to attend the meetings. Obviously you can't please everyone, but balance is the principle criteria we try and use to attract speakers and topics that will interest members. Workshops, seminars, organized visits and numerous other club activities are vital components of a good viable club. If one-tenth of the energy spent posting complaints and threats were directed to how better the clubs activities and where we need to work to better the club then maybe we could improve things for more people. We know we aren't going to improve everyone's perception, but it seems so easy to rant and complain about lack of interest and why you can't attend a function, that we need to invite opinions on what you think would make you want to attend a meeting. Please don't just suggest "more saltwater" or "no more boring stuff"...try and be specific. What don't you know how to do, or feel you could learn from. We need the imputs to attract you to the meetings. The Exec. are committed to making this club work, and productive suggestions are what will help, not the constant non-productive ranting that has been rampant.
So please put some thought into this, and let us know what you'd like to see. You might be surprised at how reactive we can be.


I know that the club and website are manned by volunteers, and I am sure that I speak for the majority when I say that we all appreciate your efforts.

I know that I lose track of when the meetings will be.  There is usually a thread announcing the meeting and topic/theme; however, unless you go searching for it or get lucky and see it under "Recent Posts", one is likely to miss it.

The main page has a "What's new at OVAS..." section.  The last event posted is the Giant Auction; there is no mention of the last two guest speakers, nor is there a mention of the upcoming BBQ.  Perhaps if we kept it up to date with the details of the upcoming meetings, guest speakers, etc, it might prompt more people to attend.  I know that I would miss fewer events. 

120G Reef


Hi Mark,

I've sent my suggestion/offered help for getting a guest speaker to Nerine earlier today.  She said she would bring it up with the person in charge of inviting guest speakers. 



Quote from: Rybren on June 09, 2010, 12:42:26 PM
I know that the club and website are manned by volunteers, and I am sure that I speak for the majority when I say that we all appreciate your efforts.

I know that I lose track of when the meetings will be.  There is usually a thread announcing the meeting and topic/theme; however, unless you go searching for it or get lucky and see it under "Recent Posts", one is likely to miss it.

The main page has a "What's new at OVAS..." section.  The last event posted is the Giant Auction; there is no mention of the last two guest speakers, nor is there a mention of the upcoming BBQ.  Perhaps if we kept it up to date with the details of the upcoming meetings, guest speakers, etc, it might prompt more people to attend.  I know that I would miss fewer events. 

Thanks Rybren for the comments. The site is being "redone" as we speak and should be easier and more user friendly to get around. The focus of the site will be meetings, upcoming events and themes we want to explore. As far as the upcoming meetings go, there will be a break for the summer but the OVAS BBQ is this Sunday the 13th. Hope you get out to enjoy it. We'll take into consideration any suggestions, and try and make it easier to attend any of the meetings etc.


Quote from: Rybren on June 09, 2010, 12:42:26 PM
I know that I lose track of when the meetings will be.  There is usually a thread announcing the meeting and topic/theme; however, unless you go searching for it or get lucky and see it under "Recent Posts", one is likely to miss it.

The main page has a "What's new at OVAS..." section.  The last event posted is the Giant Auction; there is no mention of the last two guest speakers, nor is there a mention of the upcoming BBQ.  Perhaps if we kept it up to date with the details of the upcoming meetings, guest speakers, etc, it might prompt more people to attend.  I know that I would miss fewer events. 
Monthly meetings are announced on this forum as well we have a group email list that you can sign up for.  Usually about a week before the meeting or event an email reminder is sent out to the people who have subscribed to the list.

Just a reminder though about the email group, put on your whitelist so the reminders are not sent to your spam box.  As well, it is a double opt in list you must reply back after you subscribe.

Click - for full details.

1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


return to a central location for the monthly meetings? Has anyone charted changes in attendance since OVAS moved from Jack Purcell?


Unfortunately we had to move out of Purcell due to issues with the size of the room (and complaints about the gym next door)


MacNabb Community Centre has tons of free parking and huge meeting room upstairs. I have been part of events there and it is a great facility. I did suggest this place before. It is right off of Gladstone the 85 runs there the 14 plus it's walking distance from bank St. very central location. The 101 is also close to close and the 4 runs down Catherine St. a few blocks away too. On Bank is the 1 & 7 lots of access.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Meeting location is also somewhat of a concern for me. I have to travel in from Cumberland almost 50kms. Many other members are also effected. Like Matt said, we had to leave Parcell, but looking into another venue is an option.We do have to be aware of existing contracts etc., but it is an issue I will bring up again in the fall.


For me, if a central location near the downtown core is picked in the future, that would be great. That way, I'm not traveling across the city twice in the same direction on my way home from work, which is where I'm coming from half the time for the meetings.


A downtown location is closer for me to get to, which is great but I'm happy to be out of the traffic in the new place. However, I have never been able to warm up to the new place. I have a list of complaints about it but you're likely already aware of them...except one :) Not that this is a big deal to many people but there is no baby change table in the bathroom. I had to change Fishnut Jr. on one of the tables in the privacy there, not to mention the fact that the table was really dirty. Yay for prtable change mats! Are members allowed to know what the budget is for room rental? Perhaps that would help in finding a new place to go.

As for the speakers, I find all subject matters interesting. One subject I think might be nice to focus on perhaps next spring is something on koi or ponds. Get the pond club to help with that if you're worried about them having issue with an aquarium club getting a pond speaker. I've met some incredibly interesting and knowledgeable people in my koi adventures who I can suggest.

Also, it may be handy to find someone to do a talk on running a fish shop. There have been soooo many rants on this website about LFS's and they're usually filled with posters who clearly have no idea how a fish shop is actually run. We have a few LFS workers here...AHEM...mseguin? :)

I had a whole list of ideas at one point...can't remember half of them now!! Changing the website and establishing a new set of rules was right up on the top of that list though, so kudos to you guys for giving the website and club a much needed make-over.


There isn't a set budget for rooms, but let's just say that Dulude and Purcell had rates that were much less than any other site we looked at. I can't remember the rates off the top of my head, but most other sites were at least 5 times or more expensive.


OMG people are complaining about the location. Downtown is worst for me but as always still attend. I'm about 65-70Km from the meeting.

Meeting is an important part of the club and we need to all go out of our way to make the best of the club and put our best foot forward.

Thanks Mark say saying what needs to be said. I hope everyone start contributing and donating more time to ovas. This club will rock even more the more people put into it.

All this drama is hopefully come to an end and I hope and wish posative thoughts to all from now on.

BTW people use your filter... just because your behind a keyboard does not mean being nice, helpful and professional should be thrown out the window.



I just started on this site about two weeks ago!  I would love to come to a meeting, but now need to wait for the fall.   :(

Just a few friendly thoughts from the eyes of a new person:

I want to sign up for a membership, but need to wait until next month to avoid paying $20.00 for one month of a summer membership.  I found this to be rather strange - just from a business aspect.

My other thought was the homepage - the last entry regarding what happened in the meetings was from February.  I would love to see pictures and find out what I have missed.

Once fall hits, I can't wait to meet you all!


This late in the year, memberships are only 15$. Also, contact zima, our membership chair, as after some point during the summer, we give a few months for free to first time members.


First off, thanks to the exec, past and present for putting your personal time into the club.

I haven't been making it to the meetings lately, but it's no reflection on the meetings, simply my schedule.

The meetings are well organized, the speakers brilliant (I enjoyed Anthony Calfo, and I only keep FW!), the auctions well coordinated, I love the door prizes even though I rarely win anything, the meeting locations have been convenient for me and the cookies and coffee delicious.

I'll make a stronger effort to make the meetings in the fall when I hope my schedule will free up a bit. If I can think of any other ideas, I'll throw them in later.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Quote from: Sue on June 09, 2010, 04:20:26 PM
return to a central location for the monthly meetings? Has anyone charted changes in attendance since OVAS moved from Jack Purcell?

We have pretty well the same amount of people attending. I've been keeping track of the numbers at the door. Usually between 30 to 45 depending on the weather, speaker and and if a mini auction is happening.


I really appreciate all what is being done on the site and understand the changes done. I do have one suggestion but i do not know if it was suggested in the past. Why wouldn't the club make arrangements with some or all sponsors so we can buy the membership at their stores.

I do understand somebody would have to make the arrangements with them and some would be relunctant to participate. As for myself, i am reluctant to use Paypal but i am waiting to go to a meeting to pay for the membership (my main problem is the bad timing). I do think you would be having more memberships and it would expose the club by making some advertising. I do go to Al's a few time thru the year and have never heard about the club or seen anything. I could be mistaking but i do see it as a win-win for both business and club.



We used to sell memberships at a few businesses around town but discontinued that practice. There were a few reasons we stopped, the biggest being that we weren't selling that many that way to begin with. Some businesses also don't see it as being win-win and so we only had a few participants.


Quote from: mseguin on June 09, 2010, 10:45:29 PM
This late in the year, memberships are only 15$. Also, contact zima, our membership chair, as after some point during the summer, we give a few months for free to first time members.

Free is good or maybe a pro rata for the summer months since there aren't any meetings scheduled. It may be overly complicated but say a membership is $20.00 from September to April and then decreases by $5.00 each month thereafter. May $15.00, June $10.00, July $5.00, August free. An alteration to the "purchase membership" page may be all that's needed to reflect this.

Whether the club receives $10.00 now or $5.00 next month makes very little difference on the handful of memberships that will be sold but it does help to avoid inadvertently charging a new member more ($15.00 in June then $20.00 in September) than an existing member for the same benefits.

Again, maybe overly complicated but also timely given the recent changes to the classifieds.
110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.