Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Thanks for the BBQ

Started by Brent Shaver, June 13, 2010, 04:04:33 PM

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Brent Shaver

Just want to say thank you all that worked hard to make the BBQ a great success.

Great job, next year I will have to make sure I have an easier night so I can actually eat some of

It was great seeing everyone.



Great great day, thanks to all 60+ that came out to make it a success, the pork was good , so was all the salads deserts & fruits, best of all a great group of hobbyist having a good time, even the weather man blessed us.
Thank you all


yea, it was a super day. thanks to everyone who made it happen. everything was delicious. .. we wanted to stay longer but our Wild (i mean energetic) Daughter was not in the listening mood, running wild, screaming, laughing, exploring .. none the less it was amazing. nice to meet everyone. i tried to introduce myself to everyone, sorry if i missed ya. this yrs bbq was even greater than last will be hard to One-Up this one for Next Years....need to get the ideas flowing now...


Yep thanks to everyone for coming out, was a great time with great food


MMMmmmm piiiiiiig roooooooast.  :)  Great BBQ, nice to see everyone and thanks for coming and bringing the yummy side dishes!
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Thanks Wayne!

Special thanks to Alysa and company for arriving early and staking claim to the only spot with electricity!
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


A few pictures of Frankie ,the sacrificial pig of the day was affectionately named Frankie ( as in Frank Sinatra) by the Country Roasters team, this was due to the instant love for his blue eyes by Washefuzzy & Nerine on his arrival  :)
Album with some pics to follow later

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It was another amazing event thats to OVAS and the volunteers!

I really like the pig!!!!!! yummy pork.... so good I'm graving more now!

Thanks again all and have a great summer!

Bruce and Family!



That was AWESOME!  :D What a stunning day. Thanks everyone and kudos for the stakers-out of claim.
250G (Pond) - Comets, Rosy Reds; 20G Retirement - Congo Tetras, BN, Banjo Cats, Pristellas, Buenos Aires Tetras, Zebra Danios; 25G Pygmy Corys, BN, Green Neons, Assassin Snails, 15G Blue Daisy Ricefish, BN, Betta; 6.6G (Edge) - Diamond Head Tetras, 3G Bloody Mary shrimp, 2G Caridina Cantonensis (tangerine tiger)


Quote from: bitterman on June 13, 2010, 06:48:54 PM
I really like the pig!!!!!! yummy pork.... so good I'm graving more now!

This is so funny, I was just telling my wife I had a craving for a pork sammich ;D

Great time, great food.

Thanks to those who put it together for us.

110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


woulda love to have gone. but work needed to be done before monday.  :(


This plate caught my eye today & i think it might have won the Best prepared sandwich plate today  ;)
Any guesses who the creator was ??

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A true DIY`er, this hobby  does strange things to you  ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]


My guess would be zima for the sandwich, and jetstream for the DIY


Thanks again for the wonderful BBQ. Both my parents and I enjoyed it, and I know for a fact that the filipino who I gave the head and feet to will enjoy them as well.


Quote from: mseguin on June 13, 2010, 08:09:59 PM
My guess would be zima for the sandwich, and jetstream for the DIY
No idea of the sandwich, but the DIY is fischkopp.
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


My thanks to everyone that organized the Picnic.
As always everything was great.  Especially the company.
Could not asked for better weather.


Kudos to all the people that organized and setup this event...   This is my first OVAS BBQ and it was an amazing experience.  The weather was great and the food was excellent!  Thanks again!

    [li]72 gal bow: various exotic cichlids


Thank you Joyce for getting up super early to go stake out the site with me and Virigl!! ;D

AMAZING time, awesome food, great people! Virgil had a LOT of fun! :) He ran all day and after we left, we went to pick up Mike from work then went to another park for a soccer match, and he ran for a couple hours there too!!!! AHH! I was DEAD when I got home hehehe

But had a wonderful day and hope next year's bbq is just as awesome :)

It was great seeing families out!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts