Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Thank you

Started by charlie, June 15, 2010, 05:40:44 PM

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As we put the wraps on the 2009-2010- OVAS season I would like to personally thank all the members of the executive for a great year, the team work was the high point for me on this executive.
To Matt & Jenn thank you guys so much for the excellent time , input.& hard work.
To all the many members who made it out to meetings , activities etc. & helped in any way ,a big thank you & look froward to your continued support of the Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society
To all our sponsors - thank you for your support..
To all the speakers who took time to travel & share your knowledge with us we thank you.
A quick review of our season will reveal the club had a few first time activities that were very successful, namely the inaugural garage sale/membership drive in Sept., a nice sit down Xmas dinner prepared by our very own  Social conveynor & others & it`s first ever Pig Roast to cap things off, all this with a great line up of presentations , door prizes, mini auctions, tank drilling w/shop, meeting dedicated to members input, meeting dedicated to fielding hobby related questions by a panel of club members, our revered giant auction , should also mention the club was well represented at the 2010 CAOAC convention with a group of some 15 members.
& last but not least the club donated a 38 gallon starter kit to Century public school - Grade 4 class /room 23
Thanks to everyone for your support & efforts , have a great summer
See you back in Sept.
Program Chair/V.P.

Some snap shots of a few events.;cat=56;cat=60;cat=62;cat=66;cat=63;cat=61;cat=59