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Cichlids and dither fish

Started by DARKPHREAK, March 16, 2004, 01:29:47 PM

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I have 5 Ps. demasoni and 2 Lab. caeruleus in a 29g. Realizing that as they grow they might need a new home which at that time I will move over to a bigger tank. For now I'm wondering about their behaviour, when I walk by the tank they hide within the rocks acting very skitish. If I sit in front of the tank they swim around like Im not even there and continue to move the sand and crushed coral around. Would it help to add some dither fish to make the cichlids more comfortable, if so what kind could I add?

Any suggestions?




Some more intelligent fish refuse to swim in public for fear of being someones lunch. but instinctually they know that if there are many 'dither fish' smaller surface fish, that they are likely to be safe and come out to swim.

Dwarf cichlids are notorious for requiring dither fish. I keep dithers in many of my kribensis breeding tanks for this reason.

Good dither fish are guppies, zebra danios or other small fast surface fish.


A related question:

I currently have two tanks: 10 gal - planted, 5 guppies, 4 minnow, 2 busheynose pleco, 2 platy, 4 tetra (4 diff sp.) and tiny snails and a 25 gal - 1 common pleco, and 4 Pelvicachromis pulcher (Kribensis) hiding in the local shale and driftwood.

I know my 10 gallon is rather severely overstocked but I had been very hesitant to move more than the common pleco over to the new 25 gallon.  However after reading your post about dither fish it sounds like I could move one or more schools of more or less anything from my 10gal over to the 25.  

Suggestions?  I really need to address the overcrowding issue in my 10gal tank but by the same token I don't want to put the 'relocated' fish into any jeopardy in the kribs' tank...


I tried the following with my kribs:
tiger barbus;

The last two did not survive in the 20G aquarium with them - moved away, and shrimps were just been beaten and eaten.
All fishes and snail are fine. They just have bad times each month while kribs are spawing.


certainly moving some surface fish to the krib tank will make them more comfortable, and may prompt the kribs to breed - this is what i do.

But remove the dithers if the kribensis breed - kribensis can be quite unbelievably aggressive if they are defening their fry


Which school of fish do you think would be the best?  I was thinking minnows or guppies, since i only have 3 neons, but 4 minnows and 5 guppies (1 fancy)


surface fish like guppies, platies, or minnows are best


Zebra danios might work well.  Giant danios made a GREAT addition to my cichlid tank.


I used to have somw Zebras but they succumbed to some mystery illness during hte summer and I never got around to replacing them.

Thanks for the input - I've moved the four minnows over and everyone still seems to be happy.  Last I looked the minnows were lipping the surface, hoping they'd get a free lunch out of the deal...... and the kribs were just statring to peer around the rocks at the newcomers.


yeah I would also suggest any type of danio they are fast enough to keep out of striking distance of the labs and demaisoni, but as for the fish hiding when you approach the tank, this is very normal, all my fish do it.  It's funny I have over 35 fish (2"-5") in my 77 gallon tank and when I try and show someone the tank, they think there's not a single fish in there.  until I feed and then they are amazed


Perhaps I am in the minority.... however I tried a few giant Danio's and some tiger barbs in my 55 gallon tank (with labs, vics, a front... and a few others) as soon as they hit the tank my Cichlids went nuts and ripped them to pieces. Even the yellow and blue lab got in on the act chasing after the danios and then tearing them to pieces. It was a blood bath and I felt really bad but it was over before I could do anything. All-in-all the experiment with dithers ended up being a $20 dinner for my fish   :roll: ... I won't do it again. And I have advised other against it ever since... but that's just my opinion.



Hi vpilieci,

You are not in minority.
Actually I answered to FreeFloat about kribs, but they are very friendly in comparison with malawi. I missed the first message.
With my mbunas I could only have pleco twice of their size. Even kribs were beaten. And some of them, e.g. auratus could disassemble any fish, which he does not like... :twisted:


I put 6 4" giant danios in my 110 and all 6 are still alive...  even when someone comes over the fish do hide as per Ambushman,  but the giant danios are still at the surface schooling.. lol..  even then the fish come out after awhile once they recognise the person (me) or my GF
lately my fish have been a bit skittish but that is probably because the tank is due for a waterchange. they always seem to be a little more relaxed after a good wc.


perhaps they were killed because they were introduced improperly..if they are given a chance to take note of their surroundings I doubt they would be killed so easily .. I might suggest a total rock shuffle and intro in the dark


I have four zebra's  danios in my 25g, with my Maulani Bi-Color 500 (5) everything is great. I put the zebra's in first, then the Cichilds, I've had no problems at all. I am noticing that the Maulani are coming out more and more often.
My 120g, has about 30 fish, there actually pretty good, there out most of the day.
Drew on a side note, my Chilumba fry I bought from you are holding...Is it possible? Are they old enough? I kwon for sure I have a female holding!! Cool!!!


i have danios (think they were 50 cents at pets mart) in my tank and the get along just fine with my cichlids. my cichlids never hide either, but then again the are not in a high traffic area at all...


Drew on a side note, my Chilumba fry I bought from you are holding...Is it possible? Are they old enough? I kwon for sure I have a female holding!! Cool!!!

has one or more of them turned purple? It's definately possible they are holding you would have noticed one of the males turn purple and then the female would have been holding probly a week after that  I have had yellow labs breed at 1 1/2"


What about the use of a target fish

Ie: Austrailian Rainbow?


DARKPHREAK / James : The 5 Ps. Demasoni and 2 Lab. caeruleus in a 29g will kill any dither fish you put in this tank. I had a 55 gal species tank with 6 giant Danios and 8 Demasoni and they were picked off one per week. Demasoni are too aggressive and territorial for dithers. This size tank will also be too small to add any dithers too IMO. Cheers..... T.C.  :|