Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

For anyone on the fence about joining OVAS

Started by Brent Shaver, June 29, 2010, 12:40:11 PM

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Brent Shaver

I joined the website January 08, 2010 and became an active member at the Giant Auction.  In the time that I have been with OVAS I have only been able to attend the GA, one meeting so far and the BBQ.

I have managed to meet face to face with only a few members in these functions which I can assure I will take a solid effort to meet more.

Just recently I suffered a major set back that without lying had me wondering if I should shut down my tanks and put the hobby away.

Well, the amount of support, offers of stock from members was more then overwhelming to say the least.  I have never been part of anything that has such a family environment in any club or organisation I have been part of.

So if you are on the fence on whether you want to invest in a membership, all I can say is how can you not.

The people here are truly amazing and so unselfish it is incredible.  How could you not want to be a part of this.

To everyone that helped me with information, offers of stock and just over all support  HATS OFF to you all.

This has made me proud to be a member and whether I move, get out of the hobby I will always be a member here.



In contrast, I used to be a member and was going to renew again but the rules changed for the classified ads and I will not rejoin. The classified section is what makes this site great. The information here is high quality too but the deals made the hobby affordable and all the people you meet face to face when buying/selling goods is part of the fun. I have learned the most from these face to face transactions and have seen some amazing setups that I wished I had.

Now the amount of products for sale will drop since it's members only now and I just don't like being forced to pay for anything. I would have easily paid for the whole family without pressure but the pressure tactics have lost this sale. I used to promote OVAS to people I met looking for used aquarium stuff, now I will send them to usedottawa.

Brent Shaver

Since I was the original poster here I am going to reply.

The reality of it is no where in OVAS does the words flee market, or sales come into play.

This is a site to learn and share experiences with others, not make money.  The fact that you are upset that someone cant come here and post to sell and disappear and not be part of anything other then making money off stuff they have laying around is ridiculous.

The fact people are allowed here to learn and ask questions is what the site and OVAS is about, not a pawn shop or retail outlet.

If you choose not to buy a membership because some stranger cant post something for sale again it is ridiculous as what you have learned by reading on this site surpasses any membership charge.

I am sure if there is enough complaints and drama on the site it will leave the exec no choice but to go back to the way it was, members only peroid.  So before you say the rules are the downfall to the club and site, maybe you should sit back and realise what you are getting that was not availibe at all before and what could be lost by continually complaining about something as small as the classifieds.


I don't feel it was appropriate to post that after someone shared their OVAS experience. 

There were a lot of people abusing the OVAS classified section IMO.  I saw many who would post only 1 or 2 times then never be heard from again.  I noticed others would post the same things for sale over and over again, as if they were out there trying to make money.  These non paying visitors were ALL using OVAS like a local ebay.  OVAS is not a local ebay.  It's an aquarium club.  Give me one good reason why an aquarium club, (that exists because of members who pay a membership fee) should allow their resources to be used to help non-loyal, non-paying visitors make money?

I'm so glad you wrote that thread starter Brent!!  That's what I think of when I think of belonging to a club...and OVAS.  I'm looking forward to the upcoming season so we can start to get back to that :).


There is a lot of good in OVAS. The knowledge here is useful, people are helpful,  and I have benefited many times. I have learned most of what I know from 3 people I bought supplies from through the classifieds. They showed me all the equipment and shared experiences which lead me to add 5 more tanks to my house all bought from classified section.

The topic was about "for those on the fence", so I though the other side of the coin was appropriate. The people running the show aren't bad, I just don't like the policy created. My initial reaction is "well then what is my contribution to the site worth?" I would settle for a free classified section. My intention was to express disappointed in the change.

I have been warned by the site that my first comment is not tolerated so I will respect that and not continue with this thread.


Your contribution is worth as much as anyone else's in all the other forums, which is what we consider the most important parts. The sharing of knowledge and community is free to participate in, and is the cornerstone this club and site were founded on.
P.S. I specifically said I had no problem with your post in this thread.


please see my recent post in website issues.
1 210g Asian Community planted fast water tank: balas, tiger & black ruby barbs, red-tail black shark, rainbows, loaches, SAEs, gold CAEs, 1500GPH river flow, plus 1500gph filtration.
1 75g African planted tank: 3 synos (had them since the 90s), yellow labs, kribensis.
1 40g breeder, silicone-divided into two - quarantine and nursery.


Quote from: Brent Shaver on June 29, 2010, 12:40:11 PMThe people here are truly amazing and so unselfish it is incredible.

I don't know about you, but I consider shutting out non-members from the Classified a pretty selfish thing to do.


one of the 'inside' advantages of letting non-members post, is that it gives members of the site the advantage os seeing items to sell before they appear anywhere else. I've ended up with some good bargains this way.

Often when someone is leaving the hobby, he posts on the site - or at least he used to. The prices are often great - and I doubt he'd get a $20 membership just to post.

Having non-members post build the club, and benefits all members.
1 210g Asian Community planted fast water tank: balas, tiger & black ruby barbs, red-tail black shark, rainbows, loaches, SAEs, gold CAEs, 1500GPH river flow, plus 1500gph filtration.
1 75g African planted tank: 3 synos (had them since the 90s), yellow labs, kribensis.
1 40g breeder, silicone-divided into two - quarantine and nursery.

Brent Shaver

This has went from offering my thanks to everyone that was there for me and a positive note.  At no time was it ment to be a tool to rehash a topic that has been brough up in multiple threads.

As the original poster, could the exec/moderators please delete this thread.



Sorry Brent, I realize now that I hijacked your thread. I had assumed it was a general thread about joining or not joining. Please don;t delete the thread, i can delete my message instead, if you wish.

But from what I understand, it was the act of community that encouraged you to join OVAS, and I totally agree that community is a very important to keep the club growing and healthy.
1 210g Asian Community planted fast water tank: balas, tiger & black ruby barbs, red-tail black shark, rainbows, loaches, SAEs, gold CAEs, 1500GPH river flow, plus 1500gph filtration.
1 75g African planted tank: 3 synos (had them since the 90s), yellow labs, kribensis.
1 40g breeder, silicone-divided into two - quarantine and nursery.


I think many people sit on the fence about joining anything no matter what the cost. The old adage comes to mind, "you attract more flies with honey than vinegar". Myself I am on the fence and as several previous posting members mentioned a previous member of the executive but due to health concerns I had to step down before I completed my term 1/2 way through. I even paid for my own membership after stepping down which would have remained as free for the last 1/2 of the year. So I've supported and tried to do my part for OVAS. I've contributed at the Giant Auctions every year I've been a member and I am in my 5th year as a member of OVAS. I also do not depend on the discounts as a LFS employee plus mostly purchase product where discounts are not offered.

I did not find the classifieds as a pawn shop but do feel it needed some sort of over haul to prevent abuse. It is a great way to promote the hobby by having access to recycled aquaria equipment, tank raised local fish, plants and inverts. Those not able to remain in the hobby were able to regain some of what they paid out which to me was win-win for both sides. As mentioned the visits when I sold or purchased something from members and non-members was (almost always) a great experience. This is what OVAS is about to promote the hobby & preserve aquatic life. To me it tips me off the fence towards membership whether I attend meetings or not, use it for discounts or support the club.

So for those on the fence (like me) I think if we present our opinions properly they will viewed or should be and a possible change my be affected? OR not...  :-\
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Brent Shaver

Actually I was refered here by a site I am a member based out of Vancouver as I was told this was a good place to learn about SW.  And I did learn enough to realise I am not ready for that aspect of the hobby.

I saved a great deal of money by coming here and probably saved alot of fish and coarls.  I joined this club for one reason only, because everyone seemed to be helpful without an agenda.

I discovered the classifieds after I joined and have bought and sold one thing, I bought some drift wood from a member and didnt sell my stuff until after I was a member.

But again this wasnt ment to be a vessel for anything other then offering my thanks and support to the club.


for a side note...

anyone who is interested in starting a sw tank, ill be willing to give my 2 cents. either by pm or when the monthly meetings come around. its nice to put faces to names. im always 'down' to shoot the breeze at meetings, and its always nice to meet new peeps.
