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Assassin snails

Started by LittleAngel104, July 25, 2010, 04:51:45 PM

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Does anybody have any experience with assassin snails in a planted tank,  with cherry shrimps?   Would the assassin snails eat the live shrimps or go after the plants?   Thanks!


From my past experience, assassin snails are fine with cherry shrimps and plants. They were ok in my planted tank until I started injecting CO2 into the tank. Not sure I just had bad luck or other members have the same experience!  :(


I have assassins in with RCS and CBS without any problems...


I've read on various aquaria forums that assassin snails can harm RCS, but this only happened to a "friend of a friend" kind of way (ie. no first hand experience). Logically speaking, I'm not sure how possible it is for a snail to catch shrimps. After spending counting hours trying to catch RCS with a net, I've quickly realized that these guys can move at lightning speed if they want to.


I had my assassins with amanos in a planted tank.

Assassins eat pest snails and other fish foods that they find.  Right now I have the colony in with some fry with no issues, so I can imagine they will be fine with cherry shrimp.


Thanks everybody for your advice!   Sure is helpful!


Keep in mind that the assassin snails don't do well in lower pH.  I found that out for myself.  So you might want to keep in check with that.   :)
75 gal planted, t5HO, fine soft sand, powder-form hydroponic fertilizers., 5 viejita apistogramma, 1 Banjo Cat, 1 Rapheal Cat, 3 Emerald Corys, 2 black angels, 1 Bushynose Pleco, 1 molly, 5 SAEs, 2 bolivian ram, 1 kribensis.

20 gal low light sand tank, 4 white cloud mountain minnows.