Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

MACNA 2010 anyone else going?

Started by Hookup, August 23, 2010, 09:55:32 PM

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Our hotel and flights have been booked.  459.34$ round trip, united airlines and 99/night hotel.  Airmiles booked one flight, master card took care of the other one.... ;)

Anyone else going?


I would love to go but do not have the time (off from work). Last year I tried to get GHL to pay my way there but that did not pan out :D


I got my wife to pay my way there.. Haha...

But I bet I'm going to owe her...


Wish I could make it but it is not in the cards :-(

Have fun!!!



Yeah, at least we'll know someone...

oh and several people on RC are stopping in.

OH, and I will be flying on Wed, not Thurs.  Sandy will fly Thurs.  I have just been booked into a meeting in cocobeach for Thursday so I can now expense my flight!  BOOOONDOGGLE!

BTW, you'll want to have a flexible Thursday evening schedule.  Including your guests... More to follow in a PM.


Now we just need to find those white linen suits Hookup!

Incase you were on the fence about attending, Ron from Royal Nature and Claude from Fauna Marin will be there in our booth.
What better way to get some info that from the pro's!


I know and i'm running out of time...

i was not able to get to that darn store to get the awesome-suit...

I will try this weekend or next week.


I'll be at MACNA once again.  See you guys there.


Have you picked any seminars you must attend?

The photography one sounds like a must see for me!


I had not looked at the schedule since the early days. Your comment made me go look and I have to say that it will be tough to decide which ones to go see.  The photography one should be interesting. It will be an awesome weekend.


When are you heading down Groupie?
BTW, do you have a crackberry? If so pm me with your PIN.
Oh and I know Hookups better half is coming too so your wife my have some company this year by the pool if she doesnt want to stay for the whole show.

So do you want to get a white linen suit and aviators so you can match Hookup and I? :)

Hookup, I am on a missions for suits tomorrow. I found a couple again today but none that were the right size.
Give me a shout when your free in the afternoon and we will head out.


no crackberry on this end but I'll send you some contact info via PM.

We'll be in Orlando from Sep 1st till the 10th.  I've heard there's a giant mouse living there so we'll probably try to go see it.  No real fixed times/dates for anything other than MACNA.


I'm notmsure when I can go suit shopping... Just landed a few hrs ago from this weeks jaunt, got to catchup on office work..  Pool party with kids tomorrow, cottage Sunday... Bam it's Monday.... I need at least one more day each week.
