Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

thoughts on snails?

Started by Marx, September 06, 2005, 11:58:47 AM

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i have a 10g being over run with MTS..

i mean i see about 3 dozen easy in broad daylight.. and more in evening aftter feeding..

what are some pros and cons of them..

i wanted to transfer my drift wood to main show tank.. but afraid of transfering MTS.. incase they do enviromental damage lol..


MTS are a plant lovers best friend.

They burrow through the substrate, keeping anaerobic pockets and bay and making sure the substrate doesn't compact.

No anaerobic pockets = good
Burrow through substrate = no compaction = healthier root systems = good

MTS do not eat live plant matter... they only eat decaying plant matter, which is also good for your plants, as it allows for better growth.

If you really don't want the snails... soak the driftwood in a bleach solution overnight, and then rinse and dry very, very well.... no snails.


so MTS are planted tank safe?


i'll try to make baggies of MTS for next meeting..

and you some in my 125g.. Thanks


They're esecially useful if using a very fine substrate or sand. I recommend them for all tanks with sand, to be honest... However sometimes they can make a tank look 'dirty' simply by overpopulating it. I'll soon be putting some in my little 10 gallon.


If you have too muuch mulm, over feed your fish or otherwise supply excess food to MTS they breed too much.