Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

A great adventure?

Started by Brine, March 01, 2011, 06:49:29 PM

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Well my fellow fishy people I have recently decided to "just do it" I am shedding most of my personal "stuff" and getting on my bicycle and riding off into the sunset. I'll be selling off my tanks and stuff and my furniture, clothes and electronics and giving up my apartment.

There is no precipitating event. I am not running away from something. I am not running toward something. It is just a manifestation of a feeling I've had for some time now. I have no family here or dependants, in fact I only have three family members in all of Canada. I am from England.
I've felt the need to "shake things up" for a few years now and I've decided that there is no reason not to do it. ...Well actually the only reason I can think of is ..."I'm afraid" and that is not a good enough reason to stop.

I've made "Pro and Con" lists and every Pro has a balancing I won't have a job-I won't have rent to pay....I have to give up my fish and cats-I'll see all kinds of wildlife.
Anyway, you get the idea. My plan is to leave June 1st or so....that way I can sell the last of whatever is left at the Great Glebe Garage Sale.

I don't think I'll be back but then again I have no real destination or time frame in mind. I am just going to "do it"

As I mentioned I am selling all kinds of stuff so keep an eye on the classifieds and used Ottawa. I also need to buy some high end/light weight camping gear so if you have any leads send me a PM.

I'll probably start up a Facebook page or a blog so my friends can follow along so if you are so inclined send me a PM and I'll include you on the mailing list when I get that up and running.


Sounds like a great adventure! Enjoy yourself.
120G Reef

Salt Disney

I thought reef keeping was the great adventure...
Suddenly life seems plain.

Enjoy it for the rest of us!


Good for you!

That sounds like an amazing adventure and I wish you the absolute best of luck!!


wow that sounds nuts, kudos to you for even thinking of it, I would not have the what is you would need to take on an adventure like this, I applaude your free spirit and wish you the best of luck, who knows keep a journal it could become a best seller I will live this trip vicariously through you!~!

Good luck!

Kenny P

Good Luck
Maybe you could start some sort of bike-nano reef , I've seen some pretty small ones  :D

I please be nice!!

65G saltwater
15G "No Tech" cold water planted
2g Beta bowl
18x18x18 cube 3 Dendrobate Auratus
18x18x22 cube 2 Dendrobate Leucomela


You can do it!! I envy you....when I was single,  I'd just get up, and whatever fit in my chevy went with me, and just drive!!

You are much braver doing this on bike, it will be an experience to remember!! Good luck on selling everything by your departure date!!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Good luck!! Could be quite the adventure.


Have a good time.  I'm not quite doing what you are planning on doing but not all that far off. 

If in the USA, McDonald's $1 burgers aren't bad and you get free WiFi while eating that burger or fish thing.

Remember to take photos. 

Take notes. After about the first week, you'll forget a lot.  It's a function of sitting on a bike seat and has nothing to do with the brain:-)



Wow, that sounds scary but great, good luck!  :)
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


What direction are you heading first?


I have family in Trenton, Ontario and Cambridge, Ontario so I am going south west from here...after Cambridge I am open to whatever happens... I expect I'll keep going west until I hit the ocean then I might turn left...


Please let us know where you will be documenting your adventure!


Midlife?     Yes
Crisis?      No

my blog....


Dude I use to pick up and take to the road every spring. Haven't moved my roots for several decades though. With a family not really possible. As always you have my support please do follow the advice and keep a log/journal. Whenever possible try and upload as much of your experiences to an online secure source. Years ago traveling through BC I had my entire pack ripped off by a driver who picked me up. In there was a journal and addresses/numbers from friends and contacts worldwide. I didn't care about my clothes they were easily replaced but not the journal nor those friends info. :(

If ya need help gathering stuff up, delivering sold items, etc. you know you my number Dude... ;) besides still owe ya 20 bucks... opps shouldn't have reminded with ya leaving town I was home free... LMAO Hey I'm losing my Glebe coffee connection - thanks!  >:(

Found home for Jeff-Fury? I can ask around?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."