Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Algae Scrubber

Started by JetJumper, March 16, 2011, 12:04:25 PM

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Great thanks. Looking forward to hearing you have improved results. :)


So I fiddled around with it tonight and cleaned the screen for the first time.  With what I have available to myself currently I cannot move the lights any closer to the screen with out risking salt on an open socket and causing a fire.  Not going to do that today.

I shortened the screen down a bit as I was having dry spots (Gotta hate that!)  I have it running off an Eheim 1250 or something like that.  Which is only 3XX GPH.  When I add 2 screens and more lights I will need to get a new pump (Not in the budget right now)

Hopefully now the screen is seeded well enough for it to grow quicker. 

Pictures hopefully tomorrow.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Update coming in 5 minutes.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Alrighty, here we go.

I modified the scrubber last weekend.  April 3rd.  I cleaned off the screen, made it a bit smaller and more flow over the entire surface area. 

Here is a before Picture just before I cleaned the screen.  (roughly 2 weeks worth of "seeding" growth.)  You can see the white spots where there was little to NO waterflow.

After cleaning the screen and leaving it sit till today, this is what it now looks like:

Algae in the tank is still there, but it doesn't seem to be growing as fast as before.  Is the scrubber working?  I don't know.  Reason is because too many variables have changed recently.  I haven't done a water change yet.  BUT! I did install curtains that now block all the natural light that was hitting the tank before.  If the algae on the rock (Here are some pictures) disappear, then I know the scrubber is doing its job.  Time will tell!

.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I think once the turf screen has a good algae base built onto it, it will work better.. but I am still in the break in period.  Which will last a good month till improvements I think.  My lights are a little far away for what I want, but I had planned on installing 2 screens into that tank area which would put them both closer to the lights on either side.  But for now, it is how it is.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Growth seems good on the scrubber. I think the curtains are going to make a big difference. Especially this time a year, sunlight can grow algae like crazy. Thanks for posting updates.


Just checked and the algae is growing great now!  Pictures in a few days.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Its getting thicker :)  Sunday is the clean up day.. so I will be clearing the screen as they recommend to clean it once a week.

.: JetJumper's Zone :.


You can see that on some parts of the scrubber the lighter green is starting to grow.  This apparently is actually a good sign.  Light green algae means less nutrients in the water from what I understand so far about this method of nutrient export.  The darker the colour of the algae, well.. I am sure you can figure that out :P

If this works out the way people claim they work, I should eventually be able to turn off my skimmer and not have to run it.  We shall see.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Here is also a link to lots of designs incase anyone is wanting to do some research and make their own.

.: JetJumper's Zone :.


That is looking great Jet. And by great I mean disgusting in a good way ;D Thanks for posting results, and for the link. Maybe in a few months I will PM you and see what the lower nutrient tank is doing. Ever since I added a fuge to mine and brought my nitrates to zero, I have noticed much slower growth of softies. So I am still on the fence as to the benefits of adding a scrubber.


Looks just nasty and ugly... just like it should... :) great job!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I need to get a scrubber going on my current system again..

But I thought I would restart this topic with some inspiration!


More pictures here:

.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I believe the main reason they are not widely used is the space they take up and the mess/splash factor they can have.

They are awesome and if I get to redesigning my sump I would try my hardest to encorporate one as well.

What ya thinking DIY king?  When's this project going to rock and roll!?


Jet there's another guy who used a algea scrubber on RC's but not like this system only in his sump compartment . I don't know if you know & read his thread saying he never do a water change but his sps in his tank freaking huge colony amazing I'll go check tonight this guy name. I know this guy was he from Africa , I mean this guy who used a DIY algea scrubber amazing a look at those Formosa & prostrata colony:)


I have seen a few people say they never do water changes.  Mind you they are dosing everything under the sun, so no need for the water changes to replenish mineral salts.

I am still debating on how I am going to setup the algae scrubber.  The one above I just posted is sun power which I would love to do, but I don't have that luxury in the location I want to do it.  So I am thinking LED's as they grow algae no problem.. just need to come up with a plan... hmmm.. thinking cap is on.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Here's my latest photo from my tank...." I don't use gfo or carbon" since a couple of months ago now just sandbed of caribic sea mud or miracle mud & cheatos as well liverocks. I've got coraline algae everywehere thats all ;D I thought I could share here. got no hair algae I think my kole tang its been taking care of it ;D


I think I have a plan on what I am going to do.  The design will consist of 3 screens with a rough dimension of 10"x24" per screen double sided.  There will be 8 T5 HO bulbs in total to light up this contraption.  2 bulbs on each face of the screens.  The screens will be on a removable slide (Cut into the plumbing) to allow for easy cleaning.  The box will be mostly wood with a few glass panels on it and a drain at the bottom to fall into my fuge (Allow for a massive pod population :)

Attached is a picture of what I mean for further insight. 

What do you think?
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I've never been huge into sw, but your tank is of superb quality. The water is so clean and the sps so healthy. Kudos, you must be proud!
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: exv152 on March 03, 2012, 09:35:17 AM
I've never been huge into sw, but your tank is of superb quality. The water is so clean and the sps so healthy. Kudos, you must be proud!

thanks!  but I cannot take credit.  That tank belongs to a guy in Africa that uses the sun to light his tank.  I only wish I had a system like that!
.: JetJumper's Zone :.