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Honey Gourami breeding!! YAY! Advice needed please!

Started by freshfishies, April 21, 2011, 10:14:31 PM

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I just came home from work to find that my little honeys had indeed laid eggs a couple days ago and they became little wigglers this afternoon!!  :D
(yay more bap points!  ;D  )
The male is picking them up as they fall; keeping them in the nest like he should, while female is just hanging out bored at the other side of the tank (lucky lady!)
I've attached a pic of the nest with some of the fry/eggs.
I've never successfully bred bubble nesters, so you all can imagine my crazy excitement!!!  ;D ;D

I'm reading that I should remove the fry once they are free swimming....anyone have any advice on this? Should I do it sooner?
I already have a little tank set up for them with a sponge filter and the water has only been from the parent tank; that should do it right?

Thanks!!! :)



Congrats!  :)
It must indeed be very excitting and somewhat nerve racking!!
Sent from my tank


it's true! well only nerve wracking because I need to figure out where I can fit another tank in here to grow them out!  ;D


Nice!!! Not too often we see bubble nesters :) Good luck with the fry! I don't see why separating them could be a bad idea so I could do it.

I look forward to constant updates :P


Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


WOW!!!  Way to go!!  These guys are one of my all time favourite fish.  I also have a pair but the tank is a bit too turbulent for the bubble nest.  Are they in a community tank or their own tank?  If they're in a community tank, you might want to take them out sooner than free swimming.  You'll need to get a super fine net though.  The fry are teeny and skinny enough to swish through the holes and most nests.  I would be totally nerve wracked having to move a bubble nest!!

Get your microworm culture going!!



I got microworms :) im about to throw away a batch. let me know if you want it (its definatley due to be re-started but striving nonetheless)
Can deliver for gas money :)


Thanks guys! I feel like I am constantly staring into the tank right now to make sure they are still okay  :P 
Yep, I have them in their own tank.
I think I'm going to leave them in with the parents until they are free swimming and then move them over, cause daddy is doing a wonderful job of looking after them right now.
I've already got a few different kinds of fry food on standby, so hopefully they take to it okay. I hear they will take the liquid food without problems, so I'm going to try that since I've already got some from breeding my live bearers.

Patrick S

Great news! I am also definitely looking forward for more pictures.



These guys aren't as adventurous as livebearers are when it comes to food, from my experience.  Start with microworms because if it wiggles and it's small, they'll instinctively think it's food.  Then introduce the liquid.  Sometimes baby fish don't instinctively know something is food unlss it tries to get away. :)

Since the parents are in their own tank, it may be much easier to remove the parents and leave the babies!  You could actually move the female now...then again, it might stress out the male too much.


Where else can I get micro worms locally? Would white worms work?

I figure I'll try one method, with the feeding & housing, and if it fails, well I'm sure they'll give me the chance to try again :p
The female is already looking 'randy' again lol


Fry are free swimming now!  :D   ;D
I see at least 20 scooting around :)
I moved mom & dad to another tank for now, and moved the light closer to the top of the fry tank, as I heard the surface needs to be warm and humid so the fry's labyrinth lung can develop.

Does anyone know when I should start putting food in for the fry?


With the fry I've had, the babies are looking for food very soon after they're free swimming because their yolk sack withh me depleted.



Did you manage to get yourself a microworm culture or baby brine shrimp ?
Lots of tanks - lots of fish