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LF some ideas for some new additions to my freak show tank

Started by dustinm, April 23, 2011, 01:34:50 PM

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Hey guys ,
I have been searching and researching different kinds of fish that would make a good addition to my freak show 120g in wall setup but I haven't found really anything that caught my eye

The current residents are 2x blue dragon goby, ropefish,elephantnose, butterfly fish,baby whale. Golden nugget pleco I think I am missing one but you get the idea. It is a heavily planted tank with a lots of hiding place and drift wood.

I am looking for some idea from you guys because I think I have exhausted my lfs ideas

Lfs can order anything I ask for just need some ideas



Black Ghost Knife - would look cool with the Elephant Nose

White Lightning

One of my favourite freshwater fish is the ornate polypterus. I have had one for close to five years and I find him very peaceful as long as his tank mates are not small enough to fit in his mouth.
Some other ideas could be:

Wolf fish
Leaf fish
electic blue jack dempsey


Thanks guys I am definatley going to do some research on black knife and the leaf fish. The wolf fish is cool but I think he might just clean house lol I find myself being drawn to the eels( scares ppl when they pop out ).  the rope fish get my heart beating when they pop out when the lights are off

I am still trying to figure out what I am going to put in my 220g(just plants now)


Peacock eel are great looking don't get fire eel they will destroy others once get big enough. I don't think have 2 electro impulse fish in one tank is a good idea. They are blind and the only way around is sending off electro wave. But heres one thing to consider BGK are very and i mean very shy. I have a hard time getting them to eat since they are so shy but once your past the young stage and there're becoming adult they are pretty easy to raise.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


yes for certain Shawn!! and also the ones that send off electro waves shouldn't be mixed with certain fish...I can't remember which ones but I think that the knife is one? I'd have to look it up lol

dustinm - before you buy, make 100% certain that your fish can live together and preferably from the same lake/basin of water...makes life so much easier for you and no unwanted surprises later
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts

White Lightning

Fire eels are pretty cool  I had a couple for a while. They are jumpers though. I just sold my ropefish last week, They are also pretty cool. I really like teh eel type fish but the only draw back to them is that they always hide.

As for the 220 gallon I would suggest a flowerhorn. Some of the colouring in them is awesome. Or a school of frontosas. But if you have plants in thre neither would be a good choice.


Flowerhorn is a no no. They will kill everything off in the tank. I have that happen to my friends tank. Arrow, ID shark and flowerhorn all house in 1 tank eventually the other 2 got molested so beaten so bad that the flowerhorn had to go in a separate tank. Look up a fish called gar and Bichir.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Ummmmm...I think you mean "mauled", not "molested".  I hope so anyways.

Flowerhorns are great in a single fish set-up.  I would also skip the Jack Dempsey.  Nice fish but way too aggressive for the tank-mates you already have.

White Lightning

The suggestions for the flower horn were for his 220 gallon that only has plants in it. Again, I would suggest the ornate polypertus (birchir) for this tank as well.


The elecric blue jack dempsey are wonderful (though quite expensive!)

I found them not to be agressive compared to the "common" JD.  Plus, they don't grow as large as the regular ones.


Hey guys thanks for all the ideas I am not 100% on the black ghost knife but I added a leaf fish to my order.  I have been looking for a cool looking  ornate polypertus (birchir) for a resonable price. Haven't asked the lfs to order one yet was wondering if anyone here had one they could sell 

The flowerhorns are really cool but I think they might destroy all my aquascaping on my 220g


The jd will destroy that tank and electric blues have a lot of genetic problems sometimes they die easy and there very expensive for what they are.  There a mutation jean found within there dna code kinda like an albino but even more uncommon.  They are super pretty though if you want one do a species only tank.