Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by Nerine, April 27, 2011, 11:10:02 AM

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Just wondering if anyone is into gardening :D

We've already started our plants!! Have cherry tomato, beefsteak tomato, zuchinni, pumpkin, cucumber, lettuce, shasta daisy, poppies, and thyme already growing! :) I bought one of those huge planters from home depot and went crazy! and also have some fish tanks full of seedlings as it's the best place for them away from the cats ;) hahaha and the glass keeps them humid and warm!

Yay gardening!! I'm gonna go crrrazy this year!! Well Joyce has already put her name in for fresh veggies from the garden, along with a few other people :) We're doing a swap as some are growing other things that I don't have room for! YAY!

and my sister in law is starting a small herb garden on her balcony :) looove fresh plants! Can you tell I'm excited for spring and summer? LOL

btw - I'm collecting glass - I am building a greenhouse a real live green house and it will eventually have a pond or something inside it ;)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


i got 5 types of red peppers and a stash of tomato plants, my daughter and i have also started 2 misc. flower pots. dont have very much room for a garden here but we manage with what we have :)
gotta love them tomatoes


anyone into peppers?

I grew some Ghost Peppers last year, but they started late and didn't fruit that much.  BOY were they hot though !!!!!!mmmmmmm

.: JetJumper's Zone :.

Brent Shaver

Any stores carry the ghost peppers?  I think they would be a great addition to my current 5 types of peppers for my Superbowl Chilli.


Quote from: Brent Shaver on April 27, 2011, 12:45:59 PM
Any stores carry the ghost peppers?  I think they would be a great addition to my current 5 types of peppers for my Superbowl Chilli.

I got mine from a buddy who had a mother plant.  I took cuttings.

Ebay has seeds / plants for a decent price.  Or you can buy the Sauce in some stores in Ottawa.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.

Brent Shaver

ok thanks will check it out.  Lets see if they say it isnt hot enough this year...  BAWHAHAHAHAHA


My friend and I are redoing his backyard into a tropical theme this summer.... Going to take about 2 months then we'll have to bring everything in!

I've got Jalepenos, Scotch Bonnet Peppers, raspberries and blackberries for food, the I'm growing palm trees and banana trees as well. :)

We've got California fan palms, Mexican fan palms, christmas palms, Bismarck/silver palms, Chinese fan palms, Bottle palms, White thatch palms, Royal palms and a few more. We've also got a few types of banana trees and a few Bird of Paradise. Getting ready to go outside soon!

If anyone's interested in some I probably won't be able to fit them all in my apartment after the summer so let me know :P

We're putting in a little pond, surrounding it with palm trees, adding a sandy beach area to the pool and putting in a pathway and lighting. Can anyone say 'staycation?' :)

Bring on the heat and sun!!


Yep we always have a garden, it was 40'X80', but a few years back I made an executive decision
and scaled it back to 40'x60'.
Last years was a disaster, for two reasons one, spent too much time at the cottage and two lost our big tiller so all I grew were herbs, onions, and strawberries.
I'm really excited this year since we've bought a new tiller,

Can't wait to get this sucker dirty :D.

Looks like we'll be growing onions, tomatoes, hot peppers, squashes, cucumbers,
lettuce, eggplant and what ever else I can find to grow.
Our garlic is up 6" already so hopefully it'll be a good year?

Rob your project sounds great, and yep totally agree bring on the sun and heat!

Nerine the greenhouse sounds very interesting. Do you have plans for it or
is it just off the top of your head?

Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


I love gardening!!  When we bought the house there was nothing but the odd shrub. Now there's some beautiful gardens in the front and lot of berries and veggies that I grow in the back.

Last year, I had more raspberries than I know what to do with!  This year I'll have even more since these raspberry plants multiply like MTS's.   If anyone wants some raspberry stalks, I'll gladly dig them up for you!

I also have some blackberry bushes in my garden as well as some blueberry!  There weren't too many of those guys last summer because the bushes were quite young, but I'm sure I'll get lots more this year!  They grew a lot!

I'll be planting some zuchini, some sweet million tomatoes and some ground cherries!!  I have a small Thai Basil plant that's going outside as well as a chive plant. 


Rob - want a palm!! :D we have the room for one now hahahaha

Sue - YAY for new tiller!! we have to rent :(

Sylvia - I would love some raspberries! :D we were thinking of putting them in as a hedge type thing hehe

I'm realllly lookin forward to food gardening!
today Virgil and I planted flower seeds...and I guess a packet of seeds fell into the lizard tank as something is growing in there LOL
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


We have a 12'x24' raised bed lacking dirt........

Need to get it in before may 24 weekend so we can plant some more hearty things. I think we are getting 10 tons.... least they will deliver other wise it is 20 of my truck loads....

We want:
beans (yellow and green)
leaf lettuce
Some potatoes for new potatoes
Some herbs
Asparagus maybe if we plant it this year will have some in 2-3 years..
Haskap (5 bushes should be lots)
We already have 2 apple trees and a pear tree

Only problem is going to be the coons, deer, skunks, rabbits etc.


Bruce - do you do a fence around your garden? all our neighbors have fences to prevent against critters! just a simple chicken wire stapled to posts!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Nerine, I have a dozen stalks you can have!  They're already growing leaves :)  Next year you'll have LOTS of raspberries.

Do you want any Bruce?


Bruce - I'm starting up some zucchini plants...not sure if they will be up by the time the meeting comes around?? hoping to get them seeded by saturday :) my indoor garden is getting out of control!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Quote from: Fishnut on April 27, 2011, 09:12:24 PM
Nerine, I have a dozen stalks you can have!  They're already growing leaves :)  Next year you'll have LOTS of raspberries.

Do you want any Bruce?

I would love some!

Fence... nope... deer will jump upto a 12' fence and coons will go through chicken wire np at all :) We will see though.

for zucchini I will only plant 1 hill. My grandpa always planted them in hills with 5-6 seads per hill. 3 hills will feed a whole army!



One word of caution when you plant raspberries, don't plant them
in your main garden. They tend to take over by producing runners
under the soil.
Put them somewhere by themselves or at least in a spot that you
can deep till on both sides of the row to keep the plants contained.

Quote from: bitterman on April 28, 2011, 07:38:50 AM

for zucchini I will only plant 1 hill. My grandpa always planted them in hills with 5-6 seads per hill. 3 hills will feed a whole army!


Quickest way to get rid of friends, grow too many zucchini plants and then try and give them away ;D.

When we grow sweet corn we use an electric fencer to keep the coons out. Even when we were surrounded on three
sides by a corn crop the little monkeys still raided our patch >:(.
I've got a couple fencers that run off a car battery you're welcome to Bruce? :)
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Cayenne pepper mixed with water and sprayed around the garden worked well for me in terms of keeping critters away from my plants when I lived in Britannia...
I haz reef tanks.


We too do a lot of gardening.  Our main garden holds many of the usual things, along with unusual varieties (ie purple potatoes, purple carrots, etc).  I've also been setting up perennial foods, such as asparagus, straberry, blackberry, service berry, two kinds elderberry, 3 kinds comfrey, jerusalem artichokes, etc.  Many herbs and spices, including a few kinds of hot chilli (though not the insane ghosts).

Anybody want some zucchini?  LOL  We still have some frozen from last year. 


Good tip about the raspberries!  They certainly did grow wild!  They sent tones of runners into an spot I never thought would be appropriate...under the pine tree! 

Alysa and Bruce, I'll try to remember to bring a bunch of stalks for you guys to the meeting.

How hard is rototilling?  We need to re-sod (thanks to the grubs) but we need to get rid of the small tufts of grass left between dead patches.  I'm pretty sure Home Depot rents them...I hope.


we are renting a big one as our garden is gonna be a big one!!! we had originally planned a small plot...but with the prices of food and how much produce we consume in a week, we're going big!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE zucchini!! seriously, I haven't been able to get sick of it...boil it, cut in half, sprinkle some cheese, butter and broil :D mmmmmm I had a birthday party as a kid and that's all I wanted hahaha I think I ended up eating most of them ;) LOL and still do!!!

so one hill is all we need? LOL I'd go crazy planting if I'm not careful ;)

hoping to go to home depot tomorrow to pick up another flat for seeds as I've run out of space to put them and this way things will be staggered too so we're not overwhelmed LOL
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts