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LF: Seeding material?

Started by Rex, October 09, 2005, 07:58:15 PM

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Hey, I'm new around here, found the website while searching for general aquarium things.

Anyways I've got a 10 gallon aquarium using a Whisper Power Filter 10 that I've been trying to cycle fishlessly from scratch for over a month now and there doesn't seem to be ANY progress whatsoever.

I was wondering if it's possible to buy seeding material from an established aquarium on here at all? I'm in the Orleans area, north Jeanne Darc to be specific.


I don't know about Orleans but seeding material is FREE in Gatineau, Aylmer.  :D


Wha type of tank you trying to cycle? What progress are you supposed to see? I guess since I have a saltwater tank, I can "see" progress. But if it's a fresh water, what is there to see?


Free in Gatineau? Maybe I should check some of the LFS's, heh.

I'm just trying to cycle a 10 gallon freshwater. It's my firsrt aquarium so to speak. I have a betta in a 2.5 gallon starter kit (who's moving into the 10 gallon once it's ready).

I'm guaguing progress by testing ammonia/nitirite every two days. Since I'm cycling fishlessly, I've introduced an ammonia spike artificially though dosing with 100% pure ammonia. However after a month and a week, the nitrite still has not shown any presance.

Either I'm doing something wrong, or the process is just REALLY slow. Either way, I figured I'd attempt to find some seeding material to help the process as I'm getting a little frustrated :(


not being funny, but you must be doing something wrong.
i am cycling rubbermaids in the basement and each one so far has shown a nitrite increase by the end of the first week.
i know you said you use 100% ammonia, but for my peace of mind:
how much are you using? i find that 5ml is enough to take a new cycle of 20 gallon up to 4ppm, then i check the ammonia every day before adding any, then i add enough to take it back up to the 4ppm mark
what ammonia content in the aquarium?
the ammonia contains no perfume or colouring right?


What's the media in a whisper filter?
I'm sure someone has a sponge or something for your filter and you'll be ready to go.



You don't even need the soiled sponge, just ring out the dirty content of one or two sponge/wool into the tank and let the new filter pick it up. The added advantage of doing in this fashion is that you also seed the gravel.


Yeah I'm sure I must be doing something wrong, that or my test kits are crappy or something.

Anyways I used about 10 ml of ammonia to get it to around 4.5 ppm at the start and have only needed to re-dose (with about 2 ml each time) about 2 or 3 times when the ammonia dropped.

The ammonia remains at about 4 ppm now.
I figure I'll buy a new nitrite test soon just incase mine is somehow wrong.

And the ammonia is perfume or anything.

The filter media are Whisper Bio Bag cartrages found here  with a sponge filter in front of it I think.


Hi Rex, I would try removing any chemical filtration and just leave the sponge in your whisper until you get it cycled.
I know in the Aquaclears carbon/ammonia remover... interferes with initial bacterial colonization.
What is the ammonia you are using called?  Also try elevating the temp a bit.



Welp I've searched high and low for solutions. Advice from LFS's say just wait, many forums online say just wait. I've waited two months already though, so I just ordered some Bio-Spira from the US, which should be here in a week or so :)

Thank you all for the help.


Definitely try raising the temps. I find it helps to cycle faster.


When i got my very first tank years ago i learned to set it up and cycle it from a neighbour who had kept fish for many years.  His advice to me was to throw in a bunch of feeder golfish and the tank would cycle really quick. I did that and was adding new fish after a couple weeks..  but this was a long time ago..

Now, if you are just waiting for it to cycle to throw the betta in dont waste anymore time...   we keep lots of bettas and we throw them in 24+hr aged tap water from the start with no ill affects.


I hate waiting for tanks to cycle.  What I do now when I set up a new tank is add the filter to an already set up tank for a couple weeks, in anticipation of the date I can get the new tank together.  Then I just move it over, and it's always got enough bacteria to get the new tank going.


Well if you're looking to really speed up the cycle time...look into the product I ordered, it's called's only available in the US, but can be ordered here:

It contains the live nitrifying bacteria and will cycle your tank in 24 hours.


Rex, it's too bad you had to order, and someone in the are couldn't have helped you out.



Quote from: "Rex"Well if you're looking to really speed up the cycle time...look into the product I ordered, it's called's only available in the US, but can be ordered here:

It contains the live nitrifying bacteria and will cycle your tank in 24 hours.

Beware. It's not fool proof and not all it's cracked up to be from what I've heard. Careful monitoring is still necessary.


Quote from: "Rex".......It contains the live nitrifying bacteria and will cycle your tank in 24 hours.
Many of us just GIVE it away if asked.  :D


there is a news article on this site about cycling. If your cycle is stuff its a common problem - too much ammonia. do a water change and once the nitrite comes up keep your ammonia only at 3PPM


im sure many of us would gladly lend you a dirty sponge, or trade a dirty sponge or two for clean ones