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JetJumper's Tank v2.0

Started by JetJumper, June 14, 2011, 10:45:23 PM

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So, heres a quick run down which should sum it all up.  The tall cube tank is no longer in use. I will be putting it up in the classifieds shortly after posting this.  Good deal for anyone who sees the ad ;)

I didn't like the tall cube anymore and well, was a pain to work in all the time.  It started to get ignored due to the pain of getting in and out of it so it had to go. I managed to pick up some good deals in the past few months on some things and put it all together and this is what I have now...

I know its not my typical completely detailed build, but I am lazy this time and didn't feel like taking photo's a long the way.. Just the finished product this time.  Atleast this tank / Stand is wife approved and appealing to the eye!  No more unfinished stand! :D
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I lied!  I did take a few of the build.

But thats all I found.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Looks great Jet nice job. Nice a clean lots of swimming room even with all that rock. Your like me you go for the island aquascaping. Like that better for water flow to keep things clean. Have done that since freshwater days. Learned how much builds up if you don't when I switched tanks and moved a pile of rocks against the back glass.

So when is the next frag sale? ;)  (send me PM first LOL)

What is that light on the back right?
What are the dimensions?
Your sump is under stand - what are dimensions?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."



Quote from: dan2x38 on June 15, 2011, 08:23:31 AM
What is that light on the back right?
What are the dimensions?
Your sump is under stand - what are dimensions?

The light on top of the TEK?  Thats currently there temporarily until I get my ATO setup properly.  The ATO is setup to turn the light on when I need to top up the fresh RODI Water ;)  Just a silly reminder. 

Tank size is a standard 120g with Coast to coast I put in.  Sump is a 50g tank with 1 baffle.

Currently I have BioPellets running on the system to see how well they do.  So far some SPS is starting to colour up nicer, but I don't know if thats due to a new system and lots of nuts in the water for them or if its the pellets.  We shall see.  Eventually I want to get a Algae Scrubber running on this system but so far haven't had the drive to set it up yet.

Skimmer is rated for 180g so I am.  I have a ReefKeeper Lite setup on the system to control lights, return pump for feeding time so I don't forget to turn the pump BACK ON!!!  There are 3 fans in the sump as the water temp does get warm during the day.  These fans so far seems to keep the temps at a max of 82.5F. 

Once I clean up the sump area and tie all the cables down when I am satisfied with everything I will add a picture under there :P
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


So the ATO just runs the light that's it? Then you manually do the top off? Not bad idea but still have to get involved every day. Pretty cool idea though.

So your saying the sump area is dog's breakfast? LMAO

Doesn't the RKL have 4 available controls?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on June 15, 2011, 12:24:58 PM
So the ATO just runs the light that's it? Then you manually do the top off? Not bad idea but still have to get involved every day. Pretty cool idea though.

So your saying the sump area is dog's breakfast? LMAO

Doesn't the RKL have 4 available controls?

The ATO will be pump controlled once I get a container to fit in the area I want under the sump.  Until then it runs a light to remind me :P
On the RKL I have 1-Lights, 2-Just on all the time currently to power a Powerhead in the sump to keep the stuff that comes down the overflow moving until I get some filter socks., 3-Fans after the temp hits 82F, 4-return pump (So I can use the standby mode when feeding)
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


The RKL has a temp control? Does it come with a probe?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Yes the RKL Basic comes w/ head unit,4 plug controllable power bar,and temp probe,



Yes it does Dan, as Ray pointed out it comes with a bunch of goodies! :D  I have an ALC that Ray got for me that I will be hooking up in the near future for my Rapid LED bar to Dim some LED's.  I also plan on hooking up some 1w LED's I have for a moon light effect using the ALC as well.

Here is a picture of the Engine room.  Front door panel is held on with a couple magnets.

I just finished cleaning up the wiring a bit.  3 Fans hooked up on the temp probe to move the air around and keeep the tank water cool.   So far I haven't had it reach over 82.6 which I am happy with.  I might try changing the fan locations later but for now this works.  ATO I just hooked up, so no more light on top of the tank.  I just need to keep an eye on the water in the Rubbermaid pale beside the tank, but thats it.  Plumbing is very simple, 2 drops merge to 1 and into the sump.  Return is just the opposite but has a checkvalve in place so prevent the top tank draining.  So far it works perfect for me and is pretty simple.  I will see about adding a Algae Scrubber later on, but for now I just want to enjoy it.  haha.

Thanks for looking.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Really like the idea of the door and the ability to work on anything under there. My sump goes in through the back. I see ya got one of the Shorties how do you like it?

I added 2 fans but they lay flat on top of the sump over the return chamber. When I added them I was able to drop the temp with full lights on to 77.5 no issues. I prefer a little cooler to keep O2 levels up and save hydro... ;) Tanks is always close to 78*.

Very clean look under there how long will it stay that way? LOL
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Yeah, the door helps a lot.  I have seen your system dan and yours would be a lot easier to do glass baffle replacements if you had more access ;)

I am hoping the sump area will stay clean for a while!  but.. when the scrubber or reactors go on the system.  that will take up more room :(

I presume you are talking about the short reactor.  :)  Its perfect fit for where I wanted it.  I would almost love to replace the 2 other ones I have to the shorties but can't justify that.  haha
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Looks great Jet...

What's in the reactor?   BioPellets?


Quote from: Hookup on June 19, 2011, 11:03:14 AM
Looks great Jet...

What's in the reactor?   BioPellets?

Yeah, thought I would try them out and see what the results are like.  So far nothing crazy, but the tank is still fairly new with the pellets and all.  There is a bit of cyano right now, but nothing major.  I am guessing its all part of the process.  Good old Turkey baster takes care of it :)
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Time to mess up that clean design look in the sump - add a UV Sterilizer. ;) I have one I'd loan ya but it needs a damn bulb.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."