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The News - NHL

Started by dan2x38, June 23, 2011, 09:51:56 PM

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Brad Richards signed somewhere other than Dallas and guess where - Da Rangers of course... trying to buy another Cup. Wish he would have signed in Canada. Leafs sign Tim Connelly for a stupid amount of money of course. Then Jets pick up some grit with Ryan Jones good for them hope they do well this season!

<editted 10 minutes later>

Tomas Vokoun signs with the Caps that will make them better. But what the hell are the Bruins doing they signed Benoit Pouliot after letting Ryder go... not a good swap seriously.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Surprisingly low amount for Vokoun.


+1  yeah I was surprised and not a stupid long term deal either. The way he finished the season cost him. He didn't didn't do well down the stretch. Can't believe Theodore secured a job looks like a starter?.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Vokoun is complete steal at that price, hey, how motivated would you be down the stretch for the Panthers. I think he realized the two teams that most needed a goalie were out of the running, so why not take a 1 year deal with a contender. If he wins a cup or makes it deep with them, then next year teams will be climbing all over themselves to get him, and he can sign one last big contract.
As for Richards, the funny thing is after all that, his signing becomes a mostly non-issue. It's not like the Rangers suddenly becomes a contender by adding him, I don't think they make it past the first round of the playoffs. All he wanted was a big guaranteed contract, and to be the center of attention.


Rangers with their talent should being advancing past 1st round each season. This season they got killed with injures. I think signing Richards does them little good either they are already deep in scoring centres. What happened with Avery? To me he is a cancer. No one on the team respects him you see times on the bench with actual gaps between him and the rest of the team - not good. If Avery is gone I can cheer for the Rangers I like them but with him they are like the pledge - I'll stay away.


Also can't believe how stupid these long term signings are like the latest Christian Ehrhoff for 10 years. Freakin' dump no one learned after Jersey's bonehead move move with Kovlachuk? I read something close to 8,000 seats each game go towards his salary that is not right.

Would have loved for Habs to sign him they could really use a big guy down the middle and for face-offs they also lost Halpern their face-off guy. They got killed in the circle against the Bruins.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Heatley on the move again this time for Havlat. Havlat was having solid year barring a few injures and he finished quite strong. Sharks might come out better for this trade. Havlat is stilling putting points on the board and less of a streaky player like Heatley. The Sharks are retooling and they need to that team must do better and they should with their talent.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Is there anywhere Heatley won't wear out his welcome? How many fresh starts is this now?


One of the best off season signings in my books was by the Sens Tue - Zenon Konopka. many people might disagree saying he is just a goon - wrong he isn't just a goon. This guy played here under Brian Kilrea and wore the C. He is a leader on and off the ice. A top face-off guy last year he was 4th over all in the circle. After losing Kelly a great face-off guy he is a good asset. He can also kill penalties.

Neil can do more than just fight this gives them the ability to let Neil do more. Plus teams will know they can't come into to Ottawa and push them around. They still have Carkner who is feared by many with his big one knock out punch and now Konopka who has lead the league the past 2 years in fighting majors with almost 60.

I've always said what Ottawa lacked was grit and toughness to gring out those 1 goal games for a win. Well they are getting more of both.... still a Habs fan wish they had signed him especially after losing Halpern their face-off guy. To me this is key signing and steal for 700k.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Sens aren't going to be a top team next year, but they're going to be a tough team to play against, a lot of big bodies and a lot of hard working guys.


If the Sens play with heart they will make the play-offs next season. Maybe the Flyers will vacate a spot for them? ;)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I don't think playing with heart will be enough for the Sens to make the playoffs next year.

Making the playoffs would require multiple players having "break out" years, as well as the complete and having one or two other teams in the East who are mid-range at the half way mark completely collapse in the 2nd half of the season (like Atlanta did).


Always feel the need to say this, "I'm a Habs fan" and always will be!

OK the Sens are a better team than their record last year and that pains me to say... LOL They have a lot going for them one being a strong finish to a dismal season it gave them hope for a new season. If Anderson is for real he'll add some more wins just on his own and with some goal support they will get more wins - period. The defense will have matured and they will have more solid play. Their Dee can really move the puck and Karlson shows he can score if he tightens up some of the bigger mistakes he will be a better contributor too. The big thing though and I am not a Spezza fan but he will have a much better season. If he stays healthier will break 30 once again. Plus Alfredsson had back surgery he should be much more productive and available for more games - they hope. All this adds up to more wins but their season depends on them staying healthier that really killed them last season.

With teams struggling in the East like Atlanta, Rangers and seriously likely the Flyers will continue a decline and hate to admit but if I was a betting man Habs didn't improve much so worried about them. The Leafs who knows about them either no matter they will be at the doorstep of a play off birth themselves? So I think with the Eastern Conference flip flopping there will be room for a surprise maybe two this season. Either way Sens will be a better team and more competitive than last season - they can't be worse.
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