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fun freshwater builds

Started by brotherluv, June 28, 2011, 02:35:48 PM

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Hey everyone,

I wanted some input regarding stocking a freshwater 29g tank.  I am open to suggestions and would like to have a busy tank.(smaller fish)  I'd like to have plants as well. Any suggestions? Is this a big enough tank size to make sure the tank is stable?  (less fluxuation in ph etc.)  Money is less of a concern, colorful and busy is more important to me.  Size, however is a bit if a concern I can't go much bigger than what I've said.


Is it CO2 injected? If so look towards South American fish like tetras since your pH will be lower and water on the acidic softer side. Personally a large shoal of cardinals is awesome to watch there is also the bloodfin tetras just to name 2 but you have a large group to choose from even at that size of tank.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I haven't purchased anything yet...  I wanted some input first.  Co2 isn't off the table. What type of plants would be good with a shoal of cardinals?  Or the bloodfins for that matter?


I think I was mainly curious about everyone's favorite and most successful freshwater builds when I started this thread.  I am very  open to ideas.


I don't find cardinals shoal very much, if any at all, but they do add nice colour to a tank with live plants. I would try rummy nose tetras, lemons, black phantoms, etc, any of the tetras look nice really.
125g, 32g, 7g


Harlequin Rasbora are a nice looking fish and they shoal, if you are looking for a smaller fish might I suggest Celestial pearl Danio (most fish in this genus are quite small and have nice coloring) very cute fish and they shoal. I have some Celestial in my 12G tank I like them very much, that being said I would only keep them with friendly fish as they are quite small 2cm or so fully grown and are easily bullied.
As for tank set ups or styles I am a big fan of the Iwagumi style, this is currently what I am doing with my 26G FW set up. You can take a look at my post in the FW build section on the forum, posting new pics today.
IMO CO2 is really nice to have the plants love it and mine grow like weeds and I don't use any ferts yet  ;). Not all plant need CO2 to grow lush and health, but if you provide it they will certainly take advantage.


Quote from: morrom on June 29, 2011, 09:55:09 AM
Not all plant need CO2 to grow lush and health, but if you provide it they will certainly take advantage.

Not to disagree to disagree but ALL plants need CO2 to thrive. Some of the easier plants will do fairly well without CO2 supplementing either by injection, Excel or other supplement. If they are simple plants the fish often times provide enough CO2 and nutrients to keep them growing.

Same goes for ferts - fish can supply some and decaying left over food even tap water has some available nutrients. Once your plants start sucking up everything in the tank the substrate will be depleted, fish waste or other basic sources will not be enough. If you want more colourful or difficult plants and long term plant growth all three nutrients (light, CO2 & ferts) need to be present in some form or other. In fact not having enough of one or any of these plant nutrients can eventfully lead to algae out breaks. Algae is a simple single celled plant just waiting for it's chance to annoy the crap out of you and take over your tank. If your plants stop growing or are stunted and there is excess nutrients of one or other available algae will use it - you can bet on it.

PS- I breed literally 100s of the Celestial Pearl Danios and to this day are still an all time fav. of mine! I have kept them in a tank with Apistos and watched them try and chase them off at feeding time... LOL Loved watching these little characters! I still miss them and my plants for that matter... but not enough to set up more tanks again...  8)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I don't want to derail the thread, I didn't mean no CO2 at all just no supplemented CO2.
No CO2 = dead plants
Normal CO2 (not supplemented) = plants
Supplemented CO2 = Thriving plants
I have two tanks running atm one with CO2 supplemented (injected) and the other with out and there is a HUGE difference in the plants but both tanks are nice. I was just trying to say that the tank can do well with out supplementing the CO2, but if you do supplement it the plants will grow that much better. IMO go injected CO2 you wont regret it.

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+1 for the info on ferts its a must and I for one am getting on that bandwagon.
+1 for Celestial Pearl Danios.