Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Boy OH Boy do I have gas pains!!!

Started by dan2x38, June 30, 2011, 10:49:46 AM

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Tuesday got some gas it was $117.5/l in town. Today gassed up and it was $124.2/l. This is so freakin' wrong every single holiday they jack it up. The government (all of them) keep saying they are doing an investigation into the gas price jack ups... Yeah Right!!!  >:(

Why when last year the price was higher per barrel on the World market at the pump it was ยข98/l? Why did the gas price jump last night when World oil price didn't jump? Even if it did they paid a higher price for oil today or last night what they have in their tanks underground the World price wouldn't take affect it until that oil was refined and put in those same underground tanks? So yeah they are ripping us ALL off because it is a long weekend so if we want to drive during the holiday we have to pay the dealer.

In the U.S. their prices are almost 1/2 what we pay and they pay same World prices we do. In fact we export some of our oil to the U.S. They will not except this type of BS. We often complain about the U.S. but they stand up for themselves unlike us - we let our government walk all over else and anyone else who knows they can get away with it - like the big gas companies. Besides the government gets more taxes if the price is higher so why would they be behind us?

When are we going to do something about this? When will this become an election issue? I've never heard it debated during election times? I read an article saying if we boycotted the big name vendors and used the independents the big names would have to cave shortly. Only thing - we have to stand together like our southern counterparts!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Want to open up a gas station with me?  We can make it rich! :D
.: JetJumper's Zone :.



I have actually thought about this before.  But what I would do is try and get permission to setup stations in the middle of the 417 / 416 that are unmanned stations.  You pull up, insert card, pump, done leave.  No overhead at all.  But good luck getting approvals for that.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Quote from: dan2x38 on June 30, 2011, 10:49:46 AMWhen are we going to do something about this? When will this become an election issue? I've never heard it debated during election times? I read an article saying if we boycotted the big name vendors and used the independents the big names would have to cave shortly.

Sadly, that would not work due to basic supply and demand theory.

First, the small guys would quickly run through their normal stockpile and would have to buy more gas.  Their normal supplier wouldn't be able to keep up with the demand either, and at some point the gas would start coming from the big guys.  Assuming their normal supplier wasn't the refinery of one of the big guys in the first place, of course.

Prices at the non-boycotted stations would go up due to increased demand and an short term supply issues.  The big guys can then either sell their surplus gas to the little guys, or use it to undercut the suddenly higher prices.  Either way, they end up selling their gas for more than they could have before.


In most cases, the independents are buying their gas from the big refiners anyway. Where else would they get it? An intriguing idea, but common sense shoots it down every time. The simplest way to stop those gas pains is to conserve, conserve, conserve. I have absolutely no sympathy for those that whine about gas prices while filling up their monstrous, gaz-guzzling SUVs so they can make a quick trip to the grocery store or take their kids to a soccer practice. My vehicle gets about 35 mpg in the city and I can get up to over 40 if I drive it right on the highway.

Stop using it and the price will fall - that's how supply and demand works.


I have disabilities so have a limited income had to retire early I am now 52...  8) so no SUV here can't afford one even if I wanted one. I drive my son to school and wife to work. We use the car to pick up our groceries and if we are lucky go for a drive to Gatineau Hills now and then. We cannot afford a new car so usually end up with a $4000 - $5000 used car no 40 mpg or hybred cars here... :(  So it is not whining but out right complaining as many folks are!!!!!!

It is a crime and we as the people who put these puddingheads (wanted to use other wording) in charge need to speak out and remove them. Then stress our concerns and put into power those that actually look at the people's real concerns. Those with money usually have less to complain about except how to find more tax cuts and havens. Those without pretty much stay that way - without.

If people stood together even if they can afford something others may not than as a country we would be so much better off. If I quickly brush off every idea for change or take the stand it doesn't affect me (today) so whatever  - it is not my issue then, "if nothing changes, nothing changes".

I guess this is all politics and Momma warned me to not talk about three things in public - already mentioned two here politics and money... ;)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."



Quote from: Brine on June 30, 2011, 10:45:33 PM
bicycles people....bicycles

These are not the answer.  I live in Almonte, I am not biking to work every day.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


if everyone contributes OVAS gas bar is not impossible, but once you start getting cheaper gas at wholesale you will drive more and spend more on other things buying this and that, so you might have less money compared to now not driving much.
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Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532

Ottawa's BIGGEST SALTWATER Selection

Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532


I wish I could bike places :( when I lived on an island, I only drove when I left...everything else was done by bike or walking!!! even my grandparents walked everywhere!! walking to work was awesome :) (except in the winter, then it was just miserable!!)

But yep, I have gas pains too! :( I've cut my driving down and don't show up to the breakfasts anymore due to price of costs me around $30 to come into town...and then add breakfast and it just gets too expensive...I've even debated not coming to meetings to save a few dollars!!! i just cram a ton of other things into meeting days!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Our weekly gas bill since last year this time went up approx. $30... :(  We adjusted our driving habits and hiow often. We try to combine as much as we can when we go out with the car. We are lucky many things are close by. When I drive away from alight or stop sign I push the gas like there is an egg under the pedal. I make as many rolling stops as is safe... ;)  On the highway - which is very rare - I drive close to 100 km and that was never my max. ever LOL. Also do the little things like tire pressure and changed the air filter sooner than later. One other thing and you have to watch it is I keep the oil below full on the stick. In race cars with a wet sump they run oil quite low to reduce crank drag... we use to do it racing. But if you do not watch it you can cause some serious problems - it does make a difference really.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


 ;D ;D
Just try living in the country where you have to drive to get anywhere.
We're seeing a little improvement since both children are grown up, phew
and we're not having the soccer, curling, and school activities.
Can someone say "empty nest"  :P.

I still love country life.
Hubby and I both made a decision long ago that we wouldn't worry about
gas prices, there's enough other muck to think about. Life is too short.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


The young lad finished school Friday but no break there he starts hockey camp Monday it runs for 3 weeks but only every second week so a little break. But he starts his swimming lessons again tomorrow until hockey season starts up in Sept. So SAS I hear ya about the empty nest savings... ;) I use to live in Vars but gas was so cheap then (1998) never noticed it really.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on July 01, 2011, 06:11:32 PM
..........gas was so cheap then (1998) never noticed it really.

Anyone care to guess the cost of gas when I started driving in June 1972? You could just look it up, but that wouldn't be fair. And, we complained then too about how hard it was to afford gas. I was working for minimum wage, $1.30 / hr. Everything is relative.


Every day, I see the benefits of working from home....   8)


Quote from: Greatwhite on July 06, 2011, 12:37:55 PM
Every day, I see the benefits of working from home....   8)

How's that electricity bill?  8)


Quote from: bt on July 06, 2011, 01:21:36 PM
How's that electricity bill?  8)

Surprisingly, May/June was down almost $200 from March/April...  Not looking forward to the next bill with the AC running during most days' peak hours.