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Great another storm!

Started by NanoSF, July 17, 2011, 08:07:21 PM

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Quote from: Greatwhite on July 19, 2011, 10:13:14 PM
I once flew into Miami as a hurricane was approaching.  You get a real amazing view of the storm from 30,000 feet!!!!

Ghaaaaaaw I'm so jealous !!   Must have been epic !!


Even more epic was flying out of Miami in the eye of the storm.  It was surprisingly calm in there.


First off, fact "global warming" has been proven wrong. Look it up. Some of you people have a ridiculous left slant on world issues because you only watch communist broadcast corporation CBC.  Lefties sound convincing perhaps, close to the truth, but ultimately just want to fight with the right and if you've ever watched a debate...The left always loses! Watch fox news, and try not reading The communist newspapers, I would suggest the drudge Al Gore is a joke.  Very bad sources as far as I'm concerned. We could go back to pre industrial revolution if you in huts and eat moss and rabbit.  I like my life!  I like the fact that thousands of people including some friends, have jobs because of "the tarsands"  I like the fact that thousands of other people have jobs because the oil company needs their service (all of these people  drive the money they earn back into our economy)  Again just think about where almost everything is made...think about how much energy is wasted bringing it to Canada...think about how low quality the conditions are in these think about me driving 120 km a day to get to work...the problem is Not the government, if they made us do things instead of giving us the choice we'd be no better than Cuba. 


Here is what I said earlier about cow farts...

QuoteDo you know that the ozone layer of the county of Nicaragua is damaged from the cattle? The methane gas from released has damaged the ozone there. It is one of the largest beef producers in the world. A large percentage of out hamburgers and hamburger meat in North America comes from Nicaragua beef particularly beef shanks. I use to be a butcher learned a few wild statics. It is the people eating all that beef that creates the demand. If people ate less process hamburgers there would be just that much more ozone to protect our plant... who would think eating MacDonalds would create more cow farts and that would damage our world's oceans in turn creating world climate change from polar ice cap melt down?

I have read a lot on the topic of these trends not being global warming and it is more of global trends and cycles. We pass through many phases and the planet is aging. Last year there were huge solar flares and major activity from the sun's surface and even disrupted some telecommunications for brief periods. There was concern it would be even more far reaching then it was. The one thing reported is it could affect certain things for months to come.

Yes el mena and other trends are to blame. I'd never heard of anything like that until about 2 decades ago and they are suppose to have always been there. There is a pattern where some will potentially collide or the effects of the end or start of the other will what then? The jet stream changes constantly as do some ocean currents. Combine these occurrences together El Mina, solar flares, ocean currents, melting polar cap what do you get? Who knows there is no evidence or recorded history but there is lots of speculation and paranoia.

We are a changing society and planet. People have come to thrive off of disasters and live for them excepting the worst - "The sky is falling - the sky is falling". We seem to gain some sort of enjoyment from predicting the worst!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


this whole thread makes me chuckle, this turned from a wow what a wierd storm to a political debate! Why dont we all just agree to disagree. I mean we all know it's the aliens anyway changing stuff on us to see how we react, we are just ants under a magnifying glass in some E.T.s backyard face it people the truth is out there


.: JetJumper's Zone :.

Bob P

Quote from: dan2x38 on July 18, 2011, 06:41:17 PM
I missed the exact name Environment Canada said it was a down - something or other like down force but not that? Any ways the top winds were close to 140kms hurricane speeds. It was not a tornado but a larger area is affected like a large cloud cover area instead of a localized funnel cloud is forced down suddenly. It is less dangerous since it has lower winds. So an entire huge cloud system almost touches down but doesn't it just creates a large wind and potential hail stones.

Micro burst is a common term. As we know, hot air rises, in doing so it creates an area of low pressure.
This in turn intesifies the hot air drawing into and up the low pressure column. Sometimes reaching 60 000
feet. When you see thunderstorms possibly forming in the distance, note that the wind is drawing towards it. Suddenly it will change direction 180 degrees, and come blasting at you, this is the gust front, sometimes 10 km ahead of the storm, the air has cooled so much it can no longer stay aloft, and dumps out out of the cumulus clouds. I've seen a stretch in the Achray area of Algonquin park hit by a severe micro burst. I thought they had felled all the trees 100 meters wide and miles long for a hydro line or something. Every tree over 2 or 3 inches was flat, in the same direction. The difference with a tornado is the high winds are blowing into the vortex, the pressure is so low. Like closing all your house windows  and sucking all the air out, then open a window. I'm awed by the power of the planet, and If I didn't need to work, would probably be a storm chaser. LOL


Quote from: brotherluv on July 20, 2011, 08:57:34 AM
First off, fact "global warming" has been proven wrong.

No, it hasn't.  It's been proven true, by many, many sources.  Any (and I absolutely do mean any) credible scientific study on the subject shows that there is a definite warming trend occurring (averaged over decades - yearly dips and spikes are far too short term when we're talking about a period of time that started with the industrial revolution).  Right wing sources of research, left wing sources of research - doesn't matter.  It's only the fringe crackpots that deny it outright.

The split now is on why it's happening.  The environmentalists are still pushing human activity as the leading cause, while the critics are pushing a natural cycle as the cause.

I find it absurd and very, very sad that there is still anyone in this day and age that actually believes that climate change isn't occurring, even if there is still debate about the causes of it.



Quote from: Darth on July 20, 2011, 11:43:41 AM
I mean we all know it's the aliens anyway changing stuff on us to see how we react, we are just ants under a magnifying glass in some E.T.s backyard face it people the truth is out there

LOL!!  Don't even get me started on aliens!  If you thought my views on cow farts was crazy, watch out. ;)

"Global warming" is true, it's a fact that things are getting warmer outside on average and climate is going CRAZY with storms.  Like bt says, it's a matter of who is to blame for it.  *Most* environmentalists would agree that the earth goes through cycles, but humans have SPED UP the cycle with their misuse of natural resources and carbon emissions.  They are, however, under the illusion that we have the power to change the cycle, and HEAL the issues caused by man but "realists" like me feel that it'd be too little, too late and this would happen regardless of the number of cows farting in the world.

Anyway... speaking of weather - stay indoors today, and tomorrow is supposed to hit 46 with humidex!!!!


Quote from: bt on July 20, 2011, 12:48:40 PM
No, it hasn't.  It's been proven true, by many, many sources.  Any (and I absolutely do mean any) credible scientific study on the subject shows that there is a definite warming trend occurring (averaged over decades - yearly dips and spikes are far too short term when we're talking about a period of time that started with the industrial revolution).  

Man I am trying to stay out of it now and only debating with the reasonable people through PM's, but this one was funny. It actaully made me feel better.

bt - That was what I was thinking exactly, but as I said I am trying to stay out of it. However, when the CBC is considered Commies, and the recomended source for trusted information is suggested to be Fox news I think we can see we are in the fringes.

I guess I can't stay out of it. Drat  :-[

P.S Greatwhite  :'( Don't tell me you are going with the too little to late argument now.  :)


Quote from: Greatwhite on July 20, 2011, 01:28:10 PM
LOL!!  Don't even get me started on aliens!  If you thought my views on cow farts was crazy, watch out. ;)

"Global warming" is true, it's a fact that things are getting warmer outside on average and climate is going CRAZY with storms.  Like bt says, it's a matter of who is to blame for it.  *Most* environmentalists would agree that the earth goes through cycles, but humans have SPED UP the cycle with their misuse of natural resources and carbon emissions.  They are, however, under the illusion that we have the power to change the cycle, and HEAL the issues caused by man but "realists" like me feel that it'd be too little, too late and this would happen regardless of the number of cows farting in the world.

Anyway... speaking of weather - stay indoors today, and tomorrow is supposed to hit 46 with humidex!!!!

I do agree with the too little too late, I also believe that the world is changing it's happened before and will happen again now the real question is this could have happened without the use of fossil fuel, we can debate all we want but maybe we are just in a wierd coincidence, maybe this was happened all along,and we do tests to show it was our fault, now we all know if we try hard enough we can find a reason for anything we truly believe just look at religion. IN MY OPINION trying to say we can stop this is like saying we could have stopped the ice age which we all know was caused by dinosaur poop destroying the ozone


If you look at the weather...144 days thus far have had below normal temperatures.  Must be a result of global


Quote from: NanoSF on July 20, 2011, 01:31:27 PM
P.S Greatwhite  :'( Don't tell me you are going with the too little to late argument now.  :)

Oh, I'm just arguing with whatever will get the biggest response. ;)  Just kidding.  I mean to say that IF it has been sped up by human impact, nothing that can be done now will prevent the impending doom that would have happened anyway.  If we were supposed to die in a fiery ball of flame in 100 years, but now it's going to be in 50 because my neighbor drives a Lincoln Navigator and has a herd of cows farting in the back yard -- well, it's already been expedited to 50 years.  What's the difference if it happens in 48 years, or if we manage to get it bumped back to 52??

Screw it - live today like it's your last.  Enjoy yourself, enjoy your double stretched Humvee as you drive it 2 blocks to fill up at the next gas station.  There's nothing that any ONE person can do to magically clean up the greenhouse gas that is going to be the end of us all unless EVERYONE switches.  Get EVERYONE in the world to plant a tree, ditch their cars, buy a bike.  That's not going to happen.

The ice caps are still going to melt, the continental plates are still going to shift, causing huge changes in the shape of the world with new mountains in some areas, flooding in other areas, a new continent will form where Hawaii is, and a new ice age will start -- eventually.  That is how the world healed itself in the past, and it's how it's going to heal itself in the future.  The newly formed ice soaks up greenhouse gas, and everything balances out.  Then, repeat the cycle.  Hopefully humanity survives, in the end.

It's not "global warming", it's "climate change".  The name "global warming" has more shock value than "climate change" which is why it's the more commonly used term in media.  Climate is changing with warmer temperatures in some areas, cooler in others - more violent storms and weather patterns as a result of warmer oceans.  Some areas suffer drought, others get constant rain.

I know that I don't remember winters and summers being SO different... -40 in the winter to +40 in the summer?  Really??!?!


Quote from: brotherluv on July 20, 2011, 02:57:36 PM
If you look at the weather...144 days thus far have had below normal temperatures.  Must be a result of global

Apparently I need to repeat this for you:

Average temperature over decades - yearly dips and spikes are far too short term when we're talking about a period of time that started with the industrial revolution.

Recorded global annual average temperatures are up relatively consistently over the past 130 years.  Within that general upward trend there are highs and lows - but the recent highs are higher than the highs from decades ago, and the recent lows aren't as low as the lows from decades ago.

It's a complete statistical failure to find the handful of data points that disagree with the consensus and use it as proof the consensus is wrong.  There are always going to be outliers.  If you're looking at individual years, you're doing it wrong.  If you're looking at individual days, you're REALLY doing it wrong.


Quote from: Darth on July 20, 2011, 11:43:41 AM
this whole thread makes me chuckle, this turned from a wow what a wierd storm to a political debate! Why dont we all just agree to disagree.


Quote from: Bob P on July 20, 2011, 12:45:13 PM
Micro burst is a common term. As we know....

Thanks.  More of this please.  Too much fanboyism in this tread, not enough science :''(

Can we get back to discussing storms, and drop the political debate & pointing fingers at each other ?


The problem is we have no data from thousands of years prior to the revolution.  All the data scientists have collected shows nothing more than a blip in the grand scheme. We can theorize all we want but that's just it...a theory. Nothing more. You are arguing your own point for me...the trend may be temperatures are rising in the last hundred years.  I think it is a little obtuse to assume it's a by product of carbon emissions,only because certain groups or organisations claim it to be. These groups most likely have something to gain from doing so...I wonder how much money these people collect to do this research you are referring to. 


I was in viginia one year and a storm like this hit, i was sunny one min then the whole sky blackend ad then it hit a twister just fell from the sky scary as all get out !!!


Quote from: brotherluv on July 20, 2011, 07:26:40 PM
The problem is we have no data from thousands of years prior to the revolution. 

Sorry wrong again. Oldest ice core sample show the history of weather and gases for the last 740,000 years. A bit more than a blip. Enough to tell us a fairly large history and how much more rapidly things are changing today.


"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity"
— Abraham Lincoln