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Annual Garage Sale and Membership Drive

Started by Fishnut, August 26, 2011, 09:14:21 AM

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Announcing the 3rd Annual OVAS Garage Sale and Membership Drive!

Date: Saturday September 24 2011

Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Place: J.A. Delude Arena in our usual meeting room

New this year:

This year we are stepping things up a notch.  Not only have we invited all of our sponsors to participate in the event, paid OVAS Members get FREE table space AND we will be setting up a designated frag swapping area!  There will be raffle prizes and many more surprises, so mark it on your calendars today!

The frag swapping has been canceled due to a lack of interest, but the garage sale and membership drive is still happening on schedule!

Table space:

Each paid OVAS member will get a 1/2 table for FREE!

Any non-paid member (Forum only member) will get a 1/2 table for $5.00.

If anyone needs more space, please indicate that on your RSVP and it will be divided equally on a first come, first serve basis AFTER the RSVP date.  Please feel free to bring multiples of an item and keep it in a cooler or a box under the table so you can replenish the table items as they are sold.

Frag Swappers:

If you are swapping Frags, please indicate this when you RSVP.

RSVP Deadline:

September 18th 2011 at 11:59pm.  Please PM me or email me with your RSVP.  My email address is in my OVAS Profile if you click on my name.  After this point, we will start dividing the remaining table space among those who have already sent in their RSVP.  If there are any tables remaining after everyone has the extra tables that they requested, we will make them available to late comers. Please include the following information with your RSVP:

Real name
Types of items you will being (categories such as filters, swordtails, etc will be ok if you don't feel like getting specific)
The number of additional tables you would like if they are available
If you plan on being a frag swapper - if you do, please be very specific in what you're bringing to swap

Disclaimer: OVAS is not accountable for any lost or stolen items during this event.  By sending your RSVP, you acknowledge that you must take full responsibility for your own items during this event.


Hi I will be needing at least 3 tables for this event. I am willing to pay for these extra table Please let me know how much Thanks James
55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus



Anything special about the membership drive, or is it a straight forward "membership available for purchase" thing?


It's an even that we hold in September before the meeting where people can go to easily buy a membership and check out some fish and equipment for sale.

Our membership fee is only $20 :)


Would OVAS yearly memberships be sold at
The garage sale? :)
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


It's a steal of a deal...$20 for the whole year!! ;D


10 more days until the RSVP deadline everyone...and so far not a single swapper has registered!  Let's go salty guys!  You're getting what you asked for!

Fresh water people...let's fill up these tables!


I would love to be able to attend as I have a tank overflowing with frags to sell/swap but I have another commitment that day.


It would be nice if we could advertise the list of plants people will be selling.


it's a garage sale ;) there will be hodge podge hahaha

I need a small tinny bitty bit of a table, MAYBE....I have fry and I Think they are still too young to put out there :( but I do have some adult kribs....

and that's it really...I can see what I can do later...
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Quote from: Nerine on September 09, 2011, 09:55:09 AM
I need a small tinny bitty bit of a table,

I only need half a table, too. We can share one again, if you want.
250G (Pond) - Comets, Rosy Reds
25G - Pygmy Corys, BN, Green Neons
6.6G (Edge) - White Cloud Mountain Minnows


It's the weekend before the Garage Sale RSVP deadline everyone!  Take some time this weekend to de-clutter your fish rooms or storage boxes and come out to the Garage Sale! 

The deadline is Sunday at midnight!


So what are you guys bringing?

I will have some fishies...angels, cardinals, some tetras and of course Discus! ;)   Get your tanks ready! 8)
A couple of swords, anubias-nana & barteri.
Some driftwood & manzanita wood
Other odds and ends...heaters, filters, glass tops, airlines
Whatever else I can find.  I am hoping to work on clearing out my fishroom to get a good selection of stuff.  I may need 2 tables, lol


I'd need half a table please.

I'll be bringing hornwort, guppy grass, platies, rocks and a light fixture good for a DIY project (T10 in need of a new starter). And possibly other odds and ends.



Quote from: magnosis on September 09, 2011, 09:27:51 AM
It would be nice if we could advertise the list of plants people will be selling.

I will have some amazon swords, anubias- nana & barteri, vals if you are interested in those.


Dorrie and rockgarden, you're in! :)

Just under 4 hours left to RSVP everyone!!


There have been some changes to the GArage Sale...not a big deal, but I just wanted to post about it. 

The frag swapping was a complete bust.  Despite the amount of interest in it before, I only had 1 person RSVP that he could brings frags to swap.  I'm not too sure where everyone went!  So, since a one person frag swapping event will be pretty silly, it's canceled.

If there are any people out there who still want to participate in the Garage sale, please PM me.  We won't turn you down until all the tables are filled...and we still have a few more!

For those of you who have requested extra tables, they're yours!


Hi Is ther any extra space left I had requested some extra space and had not heard from anyone yet. I will need at least one table ,That is if it is at least 8 ft l
long. Thanks Oh and how early ca you set up Thanks James
55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus