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Name Change

Started by Cheebs, August 29, 2011, 12:36:01 PM

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Just to give people the heads up, I've switched my forum name from "Cheebs" to "Chubs". I've decided to abandon my old video game nickname, mainly because it was pointed out to me (by someone outside OVAS) that the word "Cheebs" could also be an identifier for an illegal substance of the "herbal" variety, hehe. It didn't concern me too much until someone on a different forum got the wrong idea.

Anyways, Chubs it is. And I hope this doesn't portend more weight game for me, I'm trying to lose weight as it is! I'll say the nme is for my fish instead, I like chubby fish.



Ahaha I feel old now, I didn't even know that word mean .. that.  Teenagers make up their own dictionary nowadays. Don't even know what they're talking about any more....

You know what - I had long hair for over 10 years.  What made me decide to cut it was the non-stop stream of teenagers asking me for *herbs* at gas stations and whatnot.  It just drove me nuts !!  So what, guy with long hair = drug addict ?  For the love of God, welcome to 1995, kids ! haha


I am going to add Chubs to urban dictionary... Well - it's probably already there...  Frankly, I'm afraid to look. :)


actually since you like fish, isn't Chubs a better word anyways? :D any ray-finned fish in several families is a chub! :)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts



I want to change to Drinks2MuchRye...  No reason.


I always thought Hookup meant you could hook me up ;)   haha!

As long as you didn't change your name to Chubby  ::)

.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Quote from: magnosis on August 29, 2011, 03:36:23 PM
Ahaha I feel old now, I didn't even know that word mean .. that.  Teenagers make up their own dictionary nowadays. Don't even know what they're talking about any more....

You know what - I had long hair for over 10 years.  What made me decide to cut it was the non-stop stream of teenagers asking me for *herbs* at gas stations and whatnot.  It just drove me nuts !!  So what, guy with long hair = drug addict ?  For the love of God, welcome to 1995, kids ! haha

Like the classic song says "Long haired freaky people need not apply!". My teenage years were less than a decade ago, and I did have my fun, but it just goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover!

Quote from: Greatwhite on August 29, 2011, 09:09:38 PM
I am going to add Chubs to urban dictionary... Well - it's probably already there...  Frankly, I'm afraid to look. :)

Oh no, now this name feels tainted too! Hahaha

Quote from: Nerine on August 29, 2011, 09:33:26 PM
actually since you like fish, isn't Chubs a better word anyways? :D any ray-finned fish in several families is a chub! :)

That works quite a bit better than what Greatwhite was thinking ;)

Quote from: Hookup on August 29, 2011, 09:38:21 PM

I want to change to Drinks2MuchRye...  No reason.

That will be third name choice  8)


Quote from: JetJumper on August 29, 2011, 09:43:12 PM
I always thought Hookup meant you could hook me up ;)   haha!

As long as you didn't change your name to Chubby  ::)

Ahaha, it seems everything has a double meaning now... A heck, I'm sticking with this one anyways!


Welcome your new name to the club! :P

I had long hair for some time too... and was also thought to be an herb user/dealer. While I can't part with long-ish hair completely, its shorter than before and I've mostly lost my assumed dealer status :P


Either of you two hippies know where I can get some special plants for my tanked?



That reminds me: I traded a baggie of Riccia with Thomas the other night.  It was 10:00PM in a parking lot near McDonalds in Gatineau.... ahah anyone seeing us might have got the wrong idea

lol @ myself :D



That actually reminds me of the stories I've heard from various people who sell livestock and other fish stuff from their home. The cops always seem interested.... Tons of lights in the house, huge hydro bills, people coming in and out with baggies at all times of the day... Who wouldn't be suspicious!


Someone from another forum I'm on mentioned something like that a few years back.. His house was swarmed by SWAT, thinking he had a grow op...  In actuality, he had (has?) a HUGE frag tank... About 6x8 feet with a bunch of MH light fixtures hanging over it in addition to his 300G display.  I am not sure if he was selling his frags personally, or if he was supplying fish shops...

BUT.. huge hydro bills, steamy windows, and I'm sure they picked up his heat signature with a satellite...  His wife was home when SWAT busted in. :)


Aha no way !
I'd be curious to know if he had to pay for their time...  I know that's the case if you erroneously make a 911 call and emergency units show up for nothing.  In this case he obviously didn't make the call, so he was probably ok.


Quote from: Greatwhite on August 30, 2011, 03:07:22 PM
BUT.. huge hydro bills, steamy windows, and I'm sure they picked up his heat signature with a satellite...  His wife was home when SWAT busted in. :)

usually they use helicopters.. not satellites.. Local police usually doesn't have access to satellite time.   Its possible.. but I would bet on helicopter first.  8)

But I have read about similar situations. :D 
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


To get back on track...

Are you also changing names from Phil to Phul?
120G Reef


Quote from: Rybren on August 30, 2011, 08:56:06 PM
To get back on track...

Are you also changing names from Phil to Phul?

haha  nice
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I too would actually like to change my name.

Redbelly was a great name when I had redbelly piranha, but its been years now since I had them and people ask me what exactly it means as the look at me kinda sideways....
As if there was some type of innuendo that they did not quite grasp or understand....

So how do I go about getting my name changed from Redbelly to PFoster?


They don't generally do name changes without "great" reason... or that's what I was told when I changed from a typo'ed name (Greatewhite) to the proper spelling.  Insignificant name change, really...  Sorry if it confused everyone.. :)


Quote from: redbelly on August 30, 2011, 10:49:29 PM
I too would actually like to change my name.

Redbelly was a great name when I had redbelly piranha, but its been years now since I had them and people ask me what exactly it means as the look at me kinda sideways....
As if there was some type of innuendo that they did not quite grasp or understand....

So how do I go about getting my name changed from Redbelly to PFoster?

how about Redbullbelly
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