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Super Custom 90g Tank build/stand.

Started by Feivel, October 13, 2011, 06:01:14 PM

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Hey guys i need a l;ittle bit of input more so on dimensions and maybee plan flaws.
So, thanks to Njoyrid, Malyon and a few others I got hooked. Now i also am a salty :)
I can already see my 30 gal getting overcrowded and there are some fish i want that i can't have SO im taking it to the next step 90g. Wich i already have in stock :) and pre-drilled. (The in wall freshwater tank) i will exchange this tank with the original 50g and use the 90(18"x4footx22"). NOW heres where it gets fun :) I work at an aluminum manufacture as a welder. We at Trebor build custom aluminum truck boxes cab sheilds platforms and Dumb Bodies etc.... SO I want to incorporate one idea into the other.

3 side viewable with a 10" "box" built up one side to house overflow/return hose, electrical, timres, dosing pums etc.)Built-in Hood (Thinking on going LED, maybee with some t5's for lights) It will be hinged and have struts to open it by a handle click lock. It will seal to the top of the tank. The overflow will fall straight down to my undetermined sump. that wil be on a rolling shelf (tracks rated at 500lbs) to facilitate cleaning and water changes. it will have 3 doors. one going all the way up the back of the 10"box and 2 front mounted doors in plain aluminum.(Will have a picture of a sketch soon for the visualy impaired lol (Thinking of you Phil (Do you have a Picture???? lmao))

(Dimension to define) height of the bottom Box (between 24 and 30-32max i think) 19 deep and 4foot 10 long max. The height is to include room for a sump & in sump skimmer (What size gallon wise would be good?) the rest will fit withing the tank. I have about 18" TIGHT between my walls and support brackets keeping in mind its on tracks and can move (tracks are 3" high and must be installed approx 3-5 inches from bottom depending on frame style use for the door (i think 1.5inch is tightest frame also depending if i inset the tank (lower distance less width of 16" BUT sump sits 2 inch from floor where as i could have 18" width but 5" off floor, i need 19 for the skimmer.A 30" high box is available and maybee 20 1/2 wide to leave clearence space for sump could be im the plans too :)

I know its a lot of questions and probably doesnt make much sense but thanks for bearing with me. trust me a picture is worth a million words :)

Essentially im looking for input from you guys who have made a stand and learnt from some mistake. the stand alone will cost me near 1000$ so i dont want to (excuse the language) it up :) 
Thanks for your time

P.S. This will be a one of a kind peice of art :)


my buddy Oli did one for his 220g; je peut te le presenter if you want
370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO


^ Liv's stand was awesome, very open look to it and plenty strong.

on a side note: Does your shop carry steel square tubing ? Or know anywhere to get this stuff at a decent price ?

(don't mean to hijack your thread and have no input on your stand design because i'm currently looking for ideas as well so I will be following along)


So here are some specs, nothing welded in place yet lol. (Yes Pictures heheh lol)

Let me know what you think guys :) Any modification suggestions are cool by me :)
Like i said i only want to build it ONCE :)


Just bought a 4 foot 4 bulb tek light for this set-up WOOT WOOT The first step is complete.


370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO


Need some input on this... Should I ventilate the box? and would a computer fan rigged to a dc plug do the trick? I have some cute vent caps at work ...   sme of the measurements have changed but the overall look us the same

I got some more LR and lots of sand the 75 is some what up and running just 20 gal in it and a circ pump to keep the rock live I run the lights couple hours a day

Finalising plans it will be 36 to botom of display open ip 7.5 feet sump is 30 gal 30x18x13high  hob skimmer will have extended plumbing and will make a custom spraybar ....

Any dyi stuff on that?? Can I make a closed loop to return pump? As in pump ,to line, to "T", to a bar that returns to itself with 2 sets of holes one downward and one upwards to break surface


solid metal stand is wayyyy overated, we build house with 2x4 so stand can be made with wood which is so much cheaper than metal(crazy high price these days).

tek 4x4 will be all or you adding some led strips?
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Eventually add 2 led reefbright reason being its 3sided  one led per side I think I will add the exyra ventilation too just wondering if one fan is enough

And besides I am a welder... This stand would cost the average joe 4000 to 5000 easily. For me its about  4 to 500$ and also because I can and I love to be unique and original

Thanks AZ for the input


I'm not understanding the 10" box on the back of the tank...  is it just housing to hid plumbing?

overflow noise should not be a problem if done correctly... there are at least two methods I know of for getting a dead-silent overflow...   nothing groundbreaking or secret... but things i've tried, tested, and proven silent.

is the 10" box going up against the wall? (i thought this was an in-wall project and also somehow three-side viewable...)

sorry.. if you think Phil needs pictures... you haven't met me... I'm a fiend when it comes to whiteboards and diagrams...

in your above diagram, i also noticed (i think) the stand hieight is planned at 20" floor to base of tank.  You might need to change that based upon skimmer sizes that you will want to put into the stand.  I would suspect you'll want to be closer to 30"...

and I recall trying to weild aluminum once... burnt a big hole in everything while my brother laughed at me...  i then gave him back the tool/torch/gun thing.... LOL.


Heres a teaser for the canopy unfortunately the project will be put on hold due to work conflict .... If I let you then I got to let him and him and him with 32 employees no body wants to go home any more lol and I dont have the means to weld it on my owm yet...... Yet lol. So yeah any,  input on wood stands? On the bright side ... bigger sump :-)


I'd build your stand out of 3/4'' ply. Then why don't you skin both stand and canopy
in that aluminum !! That would look so very cool. I'd do both stand and canopy in that metal. ;D
average height of stand should be about 36''. This way its nicely viewable both seating and standing positions.


Yeah I was thinking of that too ... O well Off to home depot for some


Just need to cut and hinge the doors for now