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Tank Pics

Started by Julie, October 19, 2005, 04:18:24 AM

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I got the coolpix going and took some pics of the 55.
Comments or suggestions are appreciated.  :)



Great tank!  I love the look of the discus.  but, even with MTS, there is no room right now.  Beautiful!


Very, very nice Julie.  The discus are gorgeous.  There's sure a lot to be said for a bare tank - looks very clean


Thanks but it will never be as nice as beautiful planted tanks with lots of colourful discus  :wink:




looking good.   Your Discus tank looks spotless.
How is the white doing?  I have always wanted one.

Your Oscars look really nice too.  I better not look at those pics again.  I would have to get one and get another tank.....


Nice looking fish but I'm not a fan of the stick on background you chose for the 55.


Nice Discus Julie.
Very nice pictures also... they are realy your 7,8,9th with the Coolpix? Great but try this...
--- Shoot at night, turn off the room lights.
--- Shoot slightly downward instead of strait at or up.

Then at this is one of my pet peeves.... YES I'm ana_ !
--- Resize the image to 600 pixels wide and Jpeg to 50-120k for this forum use.

And then again, you can send me wherever you want.  :wink:


The white is doing fine, he's paired with my favorite female - the nice round pb with very little pepper.  He's eating every egg she lays though, I guess inexperienced.  I think they would have some nice fry, maybe I'll move them eventually.
I'm wondering about the other peppery pb - she's gravitating towards the turq with tube extended.  Should be interesting.
Little guys from discusman69 are growing - I really like the little blue.

Evan,  you've got the nicest pb's I've seen in a long time.  Any pairing?



Hi pegasus, it's the coolpix 3200.  I shot the last ones this morning without lights on, just a little daylight coming in the room.  Surprised the fish enough, the africans all hid.  The ones you are referring too were night time pictures.  
I'll work on the resizing.



Nice tanks!!
Some nice pieces of drift wood would help add some colour and looks great against the plants too in pic 10. and it would give your fish somewhere to hide if they wanted to in pic 15 there. i found my piranhas were out 10x more when they knew they had somewhere they could hide if they wanted too.


Very nice fish! All you folks with discus (and now this sale for $35 dollar ones at my store) is really making me want to get into discus. Really nice fish!

I'm not such a huge fan of the bare tank thing. I don't know why. It just seems awfully boring to me. I prefer a densely planted, decorated tank. Even African cichlid tanks with a lot of rock seem barren and desert-like to me.

I love the background on your oscar tank. It looks fantastic! Is that a buy-and-stick-on one from the store?


There would be some interesting looking fish from that pair if they get over the egg eating.

thanks for the compliment.
I have a few pairs from the order from Jason.    A couple of the pairs have had free swimswimmers, but they are still in the main tank.    I am not able to separate them right now... One day.  I think it will be better anyway.  By that time the fish from Barb will be old enough and they can be mixed together.  

One of my PB has paired up with the SS that I have.  Too bad because they both are nice fish and seem to be good parents.  I think that pair will have to be divorced one day :D


Lovely discus, and nice tanks!

BB is the way to go, even though I don't like the look of it. I do like the background, as it takes away from the "stark" look of BB tanks. That first tank almost looks planted from the angle the picture was taken!


The discus tank background is from BA's and the other one is from petsmart - both stick on the back.

LuvF:  contemplating some brigs.  What would they eat and are they disease free?

Mettle:  Marlboro/Ghost/RT/Cobalt/SS are all superpet discus.
All from your store except one.  I got them before the prices were so inflated and your store just got into selling them.
You had a very good supplier, whomever it was at that time.

Evan:  Your ss is confirmed male?  My ss is confirmed female.

Redbelly - gotta get a nice piece of driftwood for that tank, only thing is it will soften the water a bit.

Thanks everyone for the compliments.   8)


Julie, brigs will eat anything your fish will eat. They don't like soft, acidic water, though, so they wouldn't be good in with the discus! The oscars would eat them, too, so that tank isn't an option either.

My brigs are disease free, and there are very very few, if any diseases that can transfer from applesnails to fish, so no worries there.


LuvF:  GH 15 Ph somewhere around 7.5.  
No soft water at my house.  Look at the top of those black tanks - all lime/calcium sediment.



Yes, he is confirmed and very mean to anyone who is near is site...


Sell him to me. 8)



I have plans for this guy. :D  One day I am going to find him a proper woman.

If I have to sell him I will let you know first.  It could happen.... :(