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Protest Saturday

Started by HappyGuppy, November 09, 2011, 01:33:31 PM

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Hey all,

Most of you are probably aware of the "Occupy" movement, and the healthy movement here in Ottawa.  Among the various activities they are doing they are organizing a protest on Saturday against C-10.  As for many of us this is on a weekend, outside of work hours, and thus hopefully a time available to do something positive for our fine country I would suggest you consider participating in the march.
(you can google to learn more about why Harper's proposed bill is overall detrimental to us)

Think of all this as another round of profound history in the making... and you could tell your grandkids that you were a part of all of this.

Hopefully some good will come of all the efforts from all the wonderful people involved, and that the world will be a better place for all of us as a result.


you think they'd mind if I went to recruit people??? they need work right?!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Aaaah, politics. Although I don't agree with the bill, I don't agree with the direction the occupy movement has been going in as of late either... "Healthy" is a relative term I suppose. Touchy subject I know, but I'm going to step aside. All the power to ya though!


Quote from: Nerine on November 09, 2011, 01:37:11 PM
you think they'd mind if I went to recruit people??? they need work right?!

Nerine, I don't understand what you mean by your comment.  Could you elaborate?

Personally I think all that is going on is really cool.  The people (all of us) are finally doing something about the multitudes of crap from our governments.  I hope that they initiate other protests for other topics on the weekends.  Honestly, I don't have the freedom nor inclination to protest throughout the week, but I respect those people who do.  Unfortunately my ability to protest can only happen at relatively convenient times, like the weekend.  Perhaps you're alluding to those people don't have jobs?  I don't know... but I guess that those people that are there 24/7 probably are not employed.  

Anyhow, I feel an affinity for what is going on, that there needs to be change in this world.  Perhaps a new Martin Luther King will emerge?  I am happy to go out, add my voice to the crowd, and be a part of history-in-the-making.


Quote from: Chubs on November 09, 2011, 01:47:02 PM
Aaaah, politics. Although I don't agree with the bill, I don't agree with the direction the occupy movement has been going in as of late either... "Healthy" is a relative term I suppose. Touchy subject I know, but I'm going to step aside. All the power to ya though!

Yeah, I don't fully understand what they're doing and all, but I do feel that somethings gotta change.  Not seeing any better way to add my 2 cents I figure that joining a protest or two is the least I could do.

Yeah, touch subject for sure.  I'm not here to convert anybody (not even 100% certain of anything myself).  I'm just making this post to raise awareness about this march that is happening on Saturday, which I discovered by going from a link from the CBC new website.


Here is a general coverage of ths bill in question:

Basically harsher sentencing and less flexibility for sex offenders, drug crimes and terrorism.

I mean... I may have smoked a dubie or two in my day, but I'm not certain this is something I'm ready to march against... I'll do some more research.


isn't it about censorship and internet policing?  maybe I should read up some more too.


Please do more research and let us know.  I don't understand what all of this is about and am interested.

Quote from: Chubs on November 09, 2011, 01:59:20 PM
Here is a general coverage of ths bill in question:

Basically harsher sentencing and less flexibility for sex offenders, drug crimes and terrorism.

I mean... I may have smoked a dubie or two in my day, but I'm not certain this is something I'm ready to march against... I'll do some more research.


haha sorry am not fully awake yet ;) just meaning people are all gathered in one place already, I dont have to go canvasing to hire :D just pick and choose from them!!

Hopefully it stays peaceful. The occupy movement in Ottawa has stayed peaceful so far and that's awesome, that's what protesters should be!! back in my hometown they used the protest as an excuse to riot!! ugh and that's soo not the message that needs to be getting across! yay let's do drugs and riot. yep not a good thing.

good luck to those who go!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


will do Ross... But so far as far as I know bill C-10 is a reform of the criminal laws....

That internet stuff is a whole other story, and I do have my issues with it for sure. But I'm not certain that this march has anyhting to do with it. I'll try reading up more on it tonight :)


I remember having my underwear tied up in knots when I was reading about some Internet laws & stuff on the CBC news website recently.  I thought that it was in C-10.  Isn't it?  What the heck???  I am confused.

BTW, reading the comments posted from that CBC link you provided sure makes for some interesting reading.


Well, if they have a protest against the CRTC and any of those stupid laws about the Internet I'll surely be there.


Indeed, but one thing to remember about CBC, and I'm not some hardcore conservative, but it is a very left leaning network and they love putting the conservatives in a bad light, even "twisting" facts to do so. Not saying they don't deserve it sometimes, but make sure you get your media from several different sources before making conclusions. It's like the new Sun Media channel or whatever it's called... Uber conservative, and they take a totally opposite perspective on these stories, as do the supporters of the network. It's hard to know where I stand sometimes, but I try to take it all with a grain of salt.


The Occupy Ottawa Movement has long since lost my support.  Sure, they are breaking the law by camping in a public park, but that is not my chief concern (even though they are pushing against the NCC's desire to get ready for Winterlude).

"Occupy Ottawa" gets its name from the Occupy Wall St movement which is fighting for awareness of the income disparities in the US and how Wall St's actions have caused global economic troubles without concequence.  Sure I can dig that.

Occupy Ottawa is borrowing their name, but that is about it.  I have seen signage for greater funding for tuitions, public transit, urban planning, income gap, crime bill, making pot legal, greater health spending, environmental spending and the list goes on.  It is not the "Occupy" which we associate it with.  They claim to be the "99%" but I cannot consider them to represent me at all.

Occupy Ottawa has turned Confederation Park into a camp ground where people are living.  I don't enjoy taking a walk through that park anymore only to bump into people changing, brushing their teeth or doing the dishes.  It is a public park, not a camp ground.


I'd have to agree... The rate of dissension is rising as the winter nears, and the overdoses and violence that have already occured will increase... I do understand that this is perhaps the first sign of revolutionary thinking and that things aren't perfect, but I'm not sure that people realize that some of these changes can take decades. I'm not exactly certain anymore what living in a public park will achieve. I went and saw it for myself. Two of the people that were waving signs had a starbucks cup in the other hand. Let's get our priorities straight here people.


Quote from: Chubs on November 09, 2011, 03:39:19 PM
Two of the people that were waving signs had a starbucks cup in the other hand. Let's get our priorities straight here people.

I am sure they are working hard in their Walmart tents to sort out their priorities.


Bill C-10 mostly revolves around minimum sentences for firearms offences and creates a couple of new offences in relation to firearms thefts. In my humble opinion as a cop who has spent 15yrs on the street this bill is absolutely necessary. Firearms are becoming more and more prevalent in our city and not much is being done to these offenders when they are brought to court. When I started 15yrs ago it was pretty rare that we had a call involving a it's pretty much a weekly occurrence.

Here's a link to what the bill is proposing

Once you see the link you'll see that this bill has nothing to do with the internet and the limitations the CRTC wants to put on it. THAT is worth protesting.

Just my 2 cents.

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell