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My 29 gallon/110 litre planted

Started by drukus, March 28, 2012, 07:41:27 PM

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Here is my 29 gallon/110 litre planted tank (30" x 12" x 18").

Thanks to daworldisblack, freshfishies and henry for the great advice and help with supplies.

In these pics all that is in the aquarium are 5 Peppered Corys, MTS and some stowaway Red Ramshorn snails (I think, please tell me if I am wrong). I have since done some rearranging and added 10 Pristella Tetras and 6 Constellation Danios.

For plants I have:
1- Limnophila Aromitica
2- Limnophila Sessiliflora
3- Rotala Rotundifolia
4- Sagittaria subulata (Dwarf Sagittaria)
5- Ludwiga Repens
6- Java Moss
7- Hydrocotyle verticellata
8- A crypt

I welcome constructive criticism and corrections on anything I have wrong.

Looking forward to everyone's feedback.


I like the natural look of your tank, the use of sand, wood and stone shows well. How long have you had the setup up and running? And what ferts are you using?
125g, 32g, 7g


Thanks a lot. The sand is thoroughly washed play sand (with an under base of Eco Complete). The stones were taken from around my property and the wood I bought used through kijiji.

The set-up has been running for about six weeks now. I have two T5HO bulbs and I have been using Excel Flourish. My water is very hard (29 GH/30 KH) with 8.2 PH.



Wow looks great! Awesome to finally see the pics! Plants are looking great and looks like all that worrying about hardwater was all for naught :p I guess I am guilty of supplying you with the red ramshorn snails :p They hitched a ride but they are pretty awesome at taking care of algae and they dont damage plants :) I like how the L. Sessiliflora looks in your tank especially! It looks like its grown more compact in yours! Great job D! Keep the pics coming!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Thanks alot! No worries about the Ramshorn, I am glad to have them. The MTS and Ramshorn are working nicely together.

I agree about the L. Sessiliflora. They are really flourishing (pardon the pun). They are definitely my favourite.

Any advice on what to improve?


I would just recommend macro and micro nutrients as the tank progresses. From personal experience sagittaria is a very good indicator of low Fe when the leaves begin to turn yellow. Something to keep an eye on. Keep the pictures coming.
125g, 32g, 7g


Great. Can you recommend a good product and a dose schedule?


Your tank looks great.  It will be nice to follow it along as it matures  :)


Quote from: drukus on March 28, 2012, 11:24:31 PM
Great. Can you recommend a good product and a dose schedule?

Sure. Here's an approach developed by a very famous aquarist that was developed for low-tech planted tanks and works very well, I use it for a 125g:

I have a 125g low tech setup, and I'm following this method once a week:
KNO3 ~ 1/8 teaspoon per 20 gal
KH2PO4 ~ 1/32 teaspoon per 20 gal
seachem equilibrium ~ 1/4 teaspoon per 20 gal

*you can also add some liquid all purpose fertilizer to boost the micros such as seachem flourish comp. But that's really optional since you'd be adding equilibrium.
125g, 32g, 7g


Nice start please do keep updating this thread.
Good suggestion by exv on the dosing, probably start with 1/2 of the suggested dose for a fewf weeks & see how the plants respond.


Great job, I really like the 29g size tanks.
Just a thought though, you could put a background on
and it would hide the wires and filter. The plants would
really show then. Nice work non the less. :)
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