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HOB filter stopped working after power outage

Started by tjmonet74, April 13, 2012, 08:17:34 PM

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In need of assistance. I just noticed this evening that our power had gone out during the day while I was at work. My Aqua clear HOB filter is not working. It's on a power surge protector, so it shouldn't have fried from a surge. I've unplugged it to see if it just needs to cool off as the motor feels quite warm.

Any chance of saving this thing? It's only a few months old, very annoyed! Has anyone had this happen before and is there anything I can do about it?

As well, how long can my tank go without the filter running? Will it be ok overnight until I can purchase another tomorrow?



Have you taken the motor off and cleaned the impeller?  Often, the impeller gets dirty, or there is hair or leaves, etc., stuck around the impeller shaft and that prevents the filter from starting after a power outage.


No, I hadn't tried that. Thank you, I will attempt that.


I'll bet that will correct the problem.  In order to prevent this from happening after power outages, you should clean the impeller once in a while.  

Also, if it is reluctant to start up after you have cleaned it, you can remove or lift up the intake tube, and flick the little plastic propeller with your finger, and that usually will get it to start up.

Please let me know how it goes  :)


Thank you!!! Seriously, you are so knowledgeable and it is truly appreciated!

It was nasty! I cleaned it out with a Q-tip and dumped a bunch of the tank water into it until it started pumping again. Phew!


Happy to hear you got it going, good stuff Valerie.
How long was the filter off?
It may be a good thing to monitor your ammonia levels for a few days, just in case the bio filter was affected.


I have no idea, could have been all day. It was working when I left this morning for work. So potentially since 9am??

I usually run my tests and do a partial water change on Saturdays, so I will check it out tomorrow. It just finished cycling again, after our recent move. So I'm hoping it didn't affect it too much. We just got some new fish and have some fry in there too.  :'(


If it is affected, post back here , i can offer some bio media to seed it & help jump start the filter( if you are close bye)


I have no idea what that is, but if it will help...I'll gladly come to long as you are in the Ottawa area :) I'm out in Aylmer, QC. Will keep you posted tomorrow.

Thank you all so much, for your assistance and great advice!


I am glad that you got it working.  Aquaclears are real workhorses, but you do have to keep the impellers clean.

I am in an area that suffers from frequent power outages, and from my experience, a filter outage like the one you just experienced, shouldn't cause too much of a problem.

However, as Errol mentioned, keep an eye on your parameters, and if you have an ammonia spike, it would be a good idea to seed the affected filter with a bit of media from an established filter.


If you are afraid to stick your fingers in there to start the impeller, here is what you an do... 

Get a bamboo kabob stick (the long sticks we used for BBQ)...  All you have to do is remove the lid of the aquaclear filter, slide the intake tube over to the right (I think), just enough for the kabob stick to go into the impeller.  Then you wiggle the kabob stick and the impeller should start right away.   This saves your finger nails and it works everytime :)

Quote from: touchofsky on April 13, 2012, 08:28:19 PM
I'll bet that will correct the problem.  In order to prevent this from happening after power outages, you should clean the impeller once in a while.  

Also, if it is reluctant to start up after you have cleaned it, you can remove or lift up the intake tube, and flick the little plastic propeller with your finger, and that usually will get it to start up.

Please let me know how it goes  :)

    [li]72 gal bow: various exotic cichlids


Also, make sure to take the little motor off the body of the filter now and then, and take the impeller right out and clean it.  Often hair or other debris gets wrapped around the impeller shaft, and then the filter won't start readily after being shut off. 


Quote from: tjmonet74 on April 13, 2012, 09:39:47 PM
I have no idea what that is, but if it will help...I'll gladly come to long as you are in the Ottawa area :) I'm out in Aylmer, QC. Will keep you posted tomorrow.

Thank you all so much, for your assistance and great advice!

It old filter material from one of his running filters loaded with beneficial bacteria. Works well.