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Diablo III

Started by Hookup, May 14, 2012, 04:26:01 PM

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Quote from: Chubs on May 17, 2012, 09:27:13 AMThe online only play does suck, but I can live with it. There are a million other games out there I can play if the servers are down...

That was my first thought.  My second thought was just "There are a million other games out there I can play"  ;D

I'll get my hack & slash fix from Torchlight II when it comes out.


Haha yeah..

The beauty of gaming today is the variety of options!

And Hookup, I do agree that the launch should have been better. It's not really in their defence, but I do know there was a huge rush of people right at the end that bought the game, maybe they didn't expect it (although you would think they would have). At work it spread like wildfire, and before you know it people that never even knew about it the week before were buying it pre-launch. I think they made a billion dollars by launch day? Insanity!


yep... dont ever feel bad for blizzard...  they are printing money, even with servers down...  and the launch of the realworld currency auction house is going to make them more...

IMO, the real-world auction house is a beta-test for doing it in a MMORPG.  I could easily see allowing anyone to play/own the game for free and the 15% take on the auction house be the entire profit model for blizzard...

Look at the AppStore and iTunes model... cheap items, billions of transactions... then look at WOW and their auction houses... they have the billions of transactions already... in WoW's 12 years with an estimated average 10,000,000 users, and each user doing only one purchase per week, that's 6,240,000,000 transactions to date.  if they only made .10cents per transactions that still 600million.

just saying, Diablo III is a test-bed for many things, but most of all the auction house....


Quote from: Hookup on May 17, 2012, 10:46:21 AMIMO, the real-world auction house is a beta-test for doing it in a MMORPG.  I could easily see allowing anyone to play/own the game for free and the 15% take on the auction house be the entire profit model for blizzard...

If they had done that in WoW, I probably would have been playing for free - even with the subscription fee still in place.  On a normal day, I was turning over 10k+ gold.  On a good day, I'd turn over 100k+ gold and make 30-40k profit.


There are plenty of games with real-money purchases for addons and "stuff".  A friend of mine installed some Smurf game on his iPhone for his kids to play, and then got a $500+ credit card bill for all the junk that the kids were adding in.

Why wouldn't a company like Blizzard try to do the same?  There aren't any subscription fees for Diablo, so they would want to keep money coming in regularly somehow.  $12/month for WoW, even when I'm not playing it certainly adds up...


Quote from: bt on May 17, 2012, 10:57:44 AM
If they had done that in WoW, I probably would have been playing for free - even with the subscription fee still in place.  On a normal day, I was turning over 10k+ gold.  On a good day, I'd turn over 100k+ gold and make 30-40k profit.

But someone was buying your stuff... so you lilkely would be playing for free.. and not just free... paying rent too... and other bills.....  it won't suprise me to see some article on some kid who made 1/2million dollars farming crap from Diablo III in the AH...

The notes i've seen allow people in other countries to buy your stuff.... so sell high, buy low... buy from the low currency AH and flip them to the high currency AH's....   That right there could net you $$$ until they put some balancing in place...

I don't have enough details on the RWCAH (Real World Currency Auction House)... mostly questions and speculations


It won't be as easy in D3 though.  Regional AH, instead of realm-specific means a much bigger "pond".  Part of how I made my gold was pushing competition out of certain markets by trying to cut off their supply lines (buy cheap mats before they could).  That won't work as well with a larger pool of players to pull from.


I give in to the Diablo god and bought the game. Monk is crazy... Loving it so far
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


The AH is a nightmare right now, they'll have to find a way of regulating or something. Millions of people putting up so much crap. I'm not sur eit will be worth it until I get pretty far in the game.


They really need to deal with this server issues.....
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


I'll probably end up buying the game this weekend. Damn you Blizzard and your products that I can't get enough of.

For someone that has not been doing any research into the game, what class should I choose?
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Quote from: Severum on May 18, 2012, 12:36:11 PM
what class should I choose?
depends on what kind of style you want to play

I favor barb and monk, hack and slash...I am enjoying my monk more than my barb, but I like em both

finished the game last night with my Barb (lvl 30) and just hit act 3 with the monk (lvl 24)...I play the monk exclusively with a buddy, and the barb is my open character....once I get bored of those, I will be playing WD I THINK


I'm playing a demon hunter.. It's pretty fun, but it's all ranged - no cool up close melee.  I started a witch doctor to see what was up with them, but wasn't real impressed by it.

LOTS of people love the monks.


I play a barb, foofoo... Love the up close melee a lot... Down side is when there is only one or two or three mobs to kill... A bit slow... But in groups he is a smashing joygasim...

I have a lvl 12 witch doctor, I'm undecided, but I think I like the barb better...

I like the shared skills and stash and cash...  It makes playing multiple toons funer...   

My WD found some yellow rares, and I put them in the stash, I want my lvl 20 bard to discover them...  See if that makes any difference..

I'd like a monk, but a barb is already a melee toon, so not sure if that will feel redundant.


AHHHHHHHHHH I so need to get my computer in order so I can play :D
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Quote from: Hookup on May 18, 2012, 05:18:59 PM
I play a barb, foofoo... Love the up close melee a lot... Down side is when there is only one or two or three mobs to kill... A bit slow... But in groups he is a smashing joygasim...

I have a lvl 12 witch doctor, I'm undecided, but I think I like the barb better...

I like the shared skills and stash and cash...  It makes playing multiple toons funer...   

My WD found some yellow rares, and I put them in the stash, I want my lvl 20 bard to discover them...  See if that makes any difference..

I'd like a monk, but a barb is already a melee toon, so not sure if that will feel redundant.

Monks are awesome! I started nightmare and i'm still not getting bored! I love this class, it has healing spells, fast melee action, some attacks can kill a group of 30+ minions at once with just a click... It's just really fun. You should really try this one


I agree! I just finished Nightmare myself, and it isn't getting old anytime soon :D


Ok well I ended up buying the game. I now have a level 21 Barb named, of course, Severum. My bro is playing on my account with a Monk and that appears to be a fun class as well.

The thing I don't like about the Barb is that he's too slow to get away from bosses. The only real way is with jump or one of his other skills. Not a good dash-in dash-out fighter, but I guess it was never supposed to be one.

Overall the game is pretty sweet. I played coop with a friend till 5am on Friday night. :)
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


I wish I was able to play more... but... I'm still on my first character... Level 19, maybe?  Demon hunters are fun, but are a little squishy.  I can get away fast enough with some skills, and there's one ability that heals as you do damage, which is cool.  I've been hearing so many good things about monks though - that'll be my next character for sure (although I don't remember hearing anyone say anything AT ALL about wizards, so ... hmmm...)


I absolutely love the wizard!