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Diablo III

Started by Hookup, May 14, 2012, 04:26:01 PM

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Quote from: Shawn84 on May 30, 2012, 12:10:37 AM
Great jsut got hack n everything i own is gone!!!!!
Im pisssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've heard of it happening :( they get into your account and transfer everything to their accounts :( does it show any weird account activity with people you don't recall playing with?


Same here Shawn, everything gone except for whatever i had on.  2 stash bags empted of gems and items, all my rare and legendary drops gone, even took my damn potions.  0 gold left.  No activity on AH that i can track. 

I did some research and apparently playing public games or using AH increases the chances of you getting hacked greatly.  They might not have access to your account per say but they can basically trade everything you have to their accounts (*Maybe that's why i still have my gear that i equipped because they can't unequip and trade).  Be cautious everyone.

Also, my biggest concern is how frequent blizzard does character backups, some players are getting their account restored but at a much earlier time, so you can be losing many hours of playtime based on backups.


I'm waiting for them to restore my char with all the item. Cause i can't do anything right now. I'm a naked monk. They hack me right after i turn 40. Yes public game is very deadly hence I didn't even play a single public game. But i do use auction house. Also the authentication doesn't work with D3. So its pretty much useless. I was playing D3 when i received an email on my Blackberry saying my account password was change. I went to my email change it back. Log back in and i'm naked in act 1 normal difficulty at town..... So now its a waiting game until Blizzard restore my char.... This is the first time i ever got hack in playing any online game. I have spyware/anti virus n all those program install. I did a scan n nuthing show up. So no clue on how they got a hold of my acc.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


In your case, yes your account was hacked, however mine i think it's fine.  But i'm really starting to think it was public games, because my Witch doctor was untouched.  WD is still a new character but i don't see why they would not touch that toon, it has a good 15k gold to start off lol.  I'm assuming because i never played any public games with that character. 

I'm so close to inferno on my main character, if they restore it too far back, i'mma be PISSED!!!!!


lol I'm half way through nightmare... This is not funnnn.... I didn't even bother checking my lvl 2 wiz
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Quote from: Hookup on May 30, 2012, 08:49:18 AM
are you kidding me?  that's balls... I put the authenticator app on my iPhone and use it for *blizzard items... but i've seen that is hackable from the forum posts, however I wonder if that's true..

From what I've read, they're able to hijack a game session.  They can only do things that you can do from in the game (so no getting into your account settings on the website, or into a WoW account or anything),  I'm not even sure they can change characters.  So it's pretty limited in what they can do, but it completely bypasses all the account security including passwords and authenticators.

Blizzard denied this, but there are documented cases of accounts with authenticators being hacked.

Quote from: JetJumper on May 30, 2012, 08:46:11 AM
How do you get hacked in a game so new? :|What were you doing at the time?

People were being hacked within the first week.  I think the first cases started showing up only 2 days after release.

Quote from: Shawn84 on May 30, 2012, 10:23:44 AMAlso the authentication doesn't work with D3. So its pretty much useless.

D3 does also ask for the authenticator at log in if you've got one on your account.  It sounds like you got hit by a standard password theft, so the authenticator would have helped.  They wouldn't have been able to change your password if it was a game session hijack.


the old phishing email trick...

Why do you say the authenticator doesn't work?  I am forced to type it in everytime, and correctly..

give me your account and password and I'll check it out for you... PM me of course, that way it's "safe".. bwahahaha...


Quote from: Hookup on May 30, 2012, 11:17:19 AM
give me your account and password and I'll check it out for you... PM me of course, that way it's "safe".. bwahahaha...

+1 hookup, nicely done. hahaha. Looks like a new OVAS D3 public account now Shawn.


Change your password, get the authenticator app (it's free).. if you don't have a smart phone that will run the app, i have a keytag fob thingy with a button you can have.

Send an email to Blizzard, and they'll (eventually) return all your stuff... although I'm not sure that it's really necessary in this game since I have just been using stuff I pick up. I haven't bought anything...  I only ever spent my gold on training...

I'm mildly amused that someone would even BOTHER hacking this game.


The only way they could have hacked you like that is if you have a keylogger on your PC sitting somewhere that your antivirus/etc doesn't know about.

If  you have the authenticator, they would have simply sat patiently waiting for you to log on with it and then they have 20 seconds or so to log onto battlenet with the same authenticator code.  I thought they had fixed this, in WoW at least, where if you log in from another IP, you are forced to authenticate and you couldn't use the same code twice.  Might be wrong though.


I'll take you up on the keytag fob thingy Greatwhite. Well the authentication doesn't work with BB so its useless to me :(
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Quote from: Greatwhite on May 30, 2012, 11:28:17 AMIf you have the authenticator, they would have simply sat patiently waiting for you to log on with it and then they have 20 seconds or so to log onto battlenet with the same authenticator code.

That doesn't work so well.  They might be able to log into, but if they try to log into the same game as you're in it would kick you out.  And they could log into the account management page, but couldn't change the password or remove the authenticator.  They might be able to log into WoW if they sniffed if from you logging into D3 or SC2, for example, but I'm not sure that won't cause noticeable problems either.

And this is assuming that the authenticator code isn't single-use across all systems like it should be.


Quote from: Shawn84 on May 30, 2012, 11:34:14 AM
I'll take you up on the keytag fob thingy Greatwhite. Well the authentication doesn't work with BB so its useless to me :(

not sure if it's all versions or what not, but there is some bb support.


Doesn't support the newest bold
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Apparently there was a way people could get in even by bypassing your password and authenticator... hopefully that latest patch fixed it.

As for gameplay, I have two words for everyone that will change your game entirely if you don't have it on already: Elective Mode. And make sure Advanced Tooltips are on too!!


Quote from: Chubs on May 30, 2012, 01:29:21 PM
As for gameplay, I have two words for everyone that will change your game entirely if you don't have it on already: Elective Mode. And make sure Advanced Tooltips are on too!!

Please elaborate
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Quote from: Shawn84 on May 30, 2012, 11:34:14 AM
I'll take you up on the keytag fob thingy Greatwhite. Well the authentication doesn't work with BB so its useless to me :(

Shoot me a PM with your address, and I can drop it in the mail to you -- unless you want to come for a drive out to Orleans.  Either way, shoot a PM...  I ordered my FOB from blizzard and had to get one from the UK because the US can't ship these "encryption devices" over the border.  Used it for years with WoW and only just recently switched to my iphone.


There's many issues right now in general the security of Diablo 3. There are many account that's had been hack. Just Blizzard been keep them on a quite with things.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Elective mode... very interesting... that is something I have to look into tonight...

(Cannot start diablo when sitting in back corner of a boardroom... must resist the urge)


Elective mode is off by default to help new players, but when it is activated, you can put any spell in any slot. In other words, you can have 2 defensive spells, a primary, secondary, and 2 offensive. Or all offensive, etc. it becomes necessary in harder difficulties. Try it out, it especially useful before bosses, so you can adjust for more dps or more defense.

Advanced tooltips is also a must, as it shows you the exact numbers of what spells and runes do. For example, as a monk, it will tell you that a specific rune gives you 30% more healing, while another might give you 20% more damage. Using advanced toltips can help you judge what is best to use for specific situations. That one should definitely be on by default.

Both these options can be found in the gameplay options. Further info on elective mode can be found online, YouTube and such, but that that's the gist of it!