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Diablo III

Started by Hookup, May 14, 2012, 04:26:01 PM

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So sad waiting for them to restart my account. Can't play at all.... The itch is killing me
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


For anyone who is curious or just knowing what the procedure blizzard makes you endure during a 'compromise' of an account.

Diablo III uses a roll back system to undo the effects of a compromise. Diablo III roll backs affect the *entire* Diablo III account.

       Each Diablo III account is limited to two rollbacks. We cannot guarantee the availability of future rollbacks beyond these two. Because of this, we require your approval to use a rollback to address this situation.

       If you would like us to proceed, please respond to this ticket and clearly state that you wish to use one of your two rollbacks.

       If we receive no response, no rollback will be done for this account.

       ***Please do not play on the account in any region after requesting a rollback, as any progress gained before the account is rolled back will be permanently lost.***

       We use automatically stored save points to roll compromised Diablo III accounts back to their pre-compromise state. Save points are regularly updated, but they will not be totally current when a compromise occurs. Because of this, progress gained on the account since the save point was made, including all progress (such as items, gold, or newly created heroes) since the potential compromise, will be permanently lost when we roll an account back. We cannot adjust the automatic rollbacks in any way, or restore any progress lost as the result of a rollback.

       For more info on how compromise rollbacks are handled for Diablo III accounts, see our article on Compromised Diablo III Accounts:

       Note: After the first compromise rollback occurs on a account, that account's access to the Diablo III Real Money Auction House will be restricted until an authenticator is attached. If the account is compromised a second time, access to the Diablo III Real Money Auction House will be revoked.


Woot!!! got my account restore. But gone a wait for the authentication stick to come in b4 i start lvling again. Lost 3 lvl :(
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


I`ve played around with my guest pass a bit. I have to say the game is excellent. It has a lot of the old Diablo feel. I am a little disappointed that there seems to be less control over levelling up your character (deciding to improve intelligence vs strength, ect) but I can live with that. The only real disappointment for me is the need to be constantly connected to the internet. The server doesn`t seem to be that great as I have already had a few instances where I couldn`t get logged on but I never have issues with my PS3 and gaming on line. Also I`m wondering what the longevity of the game will be due to this. I played Diablo 2 again and again for years....but how long will Blizzard keep the servers going for this one?

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell


The servers were up for Warcraft 3 for 8 years (and still up) and I played that game regularily. I'm sure Blizzard will keep them going for a while. Heck, there were still Starcraft tournaments on at least up until the the second one was released.
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Foofoo has defeated Diablo...  On normal...  The next spin begins...   Woot


Quote from: Hookup on June 02, 2012, 09:30:46 PM
Foofoo has defeated Diablo...  On normal...  The next spin begins...   Woot

watch out for the mobs who walk around with arcane beams and jailer, or walls and mortars.  Those have insta-gibbed my demon hunter more times than I care to count D:


My buddy plays a demon hunter... Seems squishy...  However from what I read, barbs in current end game are wussy...   And monks rule... 

Looking forward to this run thru.. 



Have you checked out elective mode yet?

Also, looks like I'll be grabbing an authenticator!


Quote from: Shawn84 on June 02, 2012, 12:08:46 PM
Woot!!! got my account restore. But gone a wait for the authentication stick to come in b4 i start lvling again. Lost 3 lvl :(

Did you get it in the mail today??


I'm using elective mode now. I kinda liked it the way I had it in non-elective mode so I'm still almost the same. Then again my barb is only lvl 32 so I haven't unlocked all the runes.

I started a witch doctor today. I'm undecided on whether i like him or not. I miss not being able to jump down levels and into masses of enemies like my barb use to do.
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Quote from: Severum on June 04, 2012, 04:06:26 PM
I'm using elective mode now. I kinda liked it the way I had it in non-elective mode so I'm still almost the same. Then again my barb is only lvl 32 so I haven't unlocked all the runes.

I started a witch doctor today. I'm undecided on whether i like him or not. I miss not being able to jump down levels and into masses of enemies like my barb use to do.

Elective mode definitely becomes more important later in the game. Advanced tooltips are a must form the getgo.

I'll have to check out the witch doctor, I hear he has pretty monstrous DPS later on.


My 37 barb is still pretty basic in terms of spell bar...  And he stomps...  Lol.   Tipped 500dps on my last level and gear drops...  Too much fun..

Stopped the WD at level 13 or 15...  Too slow... To squishy...


I gave up on weapon and armour drops. My 32 barb was dealing 38 damage with a sockted axe but for a buy it now at 5000 gold I bumped it up to 55 damage.

I've read threads complaining that the game steers users towards the auction house and now I believe it.
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Quote from: Hookup on June 04, 2012, 08:47:32 PMStopped the WD at level 13 or 15...  Too slow... To squishy...

That is the way of the spellcaster... but they're typically death incarnate at higher levels.

I know my original Diablo 1 Wizard was walking around in full plate and could drop Diablo with 2-3 fireballs.  My D2 Sorceress, while not quite that absurd, could flatten entire rooms pretty quickly.


everything changes when your at inferno. non-stop dying.


Yeah... Inferno is insane. Elites with 4 different powers. I'm a lvl 60 with all resistances up to aobut 350 and 19k DPS and some areas are still nearly impossible, and I'm not even past act I yet!!


i was able to up my crafting way beyond my level and the weapons i'm using are massive dmg (for my level)...

now that i'm done act 1 on (whatever is after normal) i'm feeling it a bit, but i'm staying alive 90% of the time... about to ding level 40 though the leveling has sure slowed since the beginning... /sigh... and the grind begins.


Crafting is interesting, but it needs a lot of tweaking, and Blizzard has mentioned they are working on it. You can spend tens or hundreds of thousands of gold and materials to get a suitable item for yourself, when you could just go and buy something better with more stats on the auction house for much cheaper. I found that if I sold most of my blue items (and salvaged a few here and there just to stock up on some materials just in case), I'd have a lot more gold and be able to just buy better items. Now I know that's not how everyone likes doing it, but it is efficient.

I've also discovered a few things about selling items on the auction house. It's a good idea to do a quick search for similar items of course, so you can undercut the others and get a guaranteed sale. Also, certain stats like Life Steal and Attack Speed sell for huge... If you find weapons, rings or amulets with those stats you are in the money. Most 2-hand weapons do not sell well though.

As for the stats you'll actually want to use, they become very different as you approach harder difficulties. For a Barbarian for example, higher DPS in earlier difficulties is efficient, but when you get to Hell mode and harder, you'll need to shift more towards tanking gear, ie armor, vitality, and the most important: resistance to all elements.

A friend of mine sent me a link where Blizzard explains what it is they are working on for future patches, and what they feel needs to be changed. I'll try and find it and link it here :)


Well i'm having issues already in nightmare staying alive...  I have just base resistances, but didn't think i'd need more till hell... I have just shy of 11k health but my DPS is down to about 350...   Any advise or sites with leveling guides would be appericated...  i'm not buying bob's pdf booklet for $29.99... no thanks.

As for crafting, i agree.. i've all but given up on it... the random-rolls for stats is neat in theory, but it's just not working when compared to the AH which is a gaurentee ... Crafting has to change before I'll roll more stats... i got lucky on a blade that im still using 11levels later... but that took three rolls... other than that, the 10 or so items i've tried to craft have sucked and been crunched down..

i need to get into the AH more and sell stuff... Thanks for the tips on Steal Life and Attack Speed... I just crunched down a few rings that had 7% attack speed on them for 65g each... lol... but it's ok...