Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS Annual BBQ Pig Roast!

Started by Fishnut, May 16, 2012, 07:13:27 PM

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Quote from: Fishnut on June 12, 2012, 09:43:17 PM
If someone has a costco membership, we could always use a nice big bag of buns to go with the pork!

I also added an update on the activities.  Keep checking back as things are getting finalized this week.

I'll be there as well.  Perhaps will be bringing a 10 year old.  I have a Costco membership so I could pick up some buns for the roast pork.  How many do we need?  Just a ballpark figure would be fine.

    [li]72 gal bow: various exotic cichlids


Hi, so my wife and I are just getting into the hobby and figure that coming out to the roast is a good way to introduce ourselves to the club.

We just bought a second hand 250 gallon tank and will probably start to fill it with salt water some time next year. The floor needs to be reinforced first.

We will be bringing apple crisp/cobbler. We assume there are going to be plastic plates and forks available to eat it with.

Looking forward to meeting you all.

- Jonathan and Stephanie Herstead
Current Set-Up: Mixed Reef 250g DT + 100g in Sump
Inhabitants: 2 Snowflake Clowns, 8 Bimac Anthias, 2 Mandarin Dragonets, Vigratus Rabbit Fish, Flame Angel, Purple Chromis, Atlantic Blue Tang, Sailfin Tang and lots of inverts.
Next Step: Set up controller and ATO. Really need to do this.


Hi everyone,

Unfortunately we won't be able to make it but here is the amalgamated list of food items as my contribution:

apple crisp/cobbler-----> Herstead
Macaroni Salad--------->BizFromQC
blocks of cheese-------> Feivel
Fruit platter------------->Shawn84
munchy food----------->Robt18
veggie/dip platter------>2075turner
browny tray------------>fishnut
potato salad------------>touchofsky
spice chicken wings----->limed
pre-cut watermelon---->jetstream
garden or ceasar salad-->bitterman

plates, cutlery---------->OVAS

So, there this is the complete list of those who indicated what they will bring. We do not have drinks! water at the very least.... and I don't know about cuttlery/plates/napkins...does OVAS supply it?

Wish we could be there!


Thanks for the round up :-)

Always glad to see some new faces ;-)


Plates, cutlery, cups are coming via me! I have a stack of OVAS goods in my basement!! hehe
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


UPDATE: We do NOT have much seating area at the bandshell...please bring your own chair!!! Limited picnic tables available

55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


QuoteThe Annual OVAS BBQ
Andrew Haydon Park – The Bandshell
3169 Carling Avenue (at Holly Acres), Ottawa, Ontario

June 24th 2012 rain or shine.  Festivities begin at 11:00am and the pig is due to be served starting at 3pm.  You never know may be ready a bit early, so please join us for some fun before 3.

If you're a paid OVAS member, it free!  If you're not a paid member, there is a $5 entrance fee per person.  It's also an optional potluck, so the more people who volunteer to bring something, the better it will be!
Please see for forum post for full details!


Looking at the list that Sylvie provided, I see that there is no potato salad, so I will make a potato salad  :)


We will bring some type of Salad either garden or Cesar Salad like last year.



I heard some rumours that there might be a live band or 2, also some certificates are going to be presented, any truth to these rumours? that would make for a fun day.


Quote from: charlie on June 19, 2012, 05:24:50 PM
I heard some rumours that there might be a live band or 2, also some certificates are going to be presented, any truth to these rumours? that would make for a fun day.
Will membership for the new season be sold @ the BBQ?


It should be. I bought mine last year at the bbq and advised that I would be renewing my membership at the bbq.

also a 4year old needing some friends to play with :-)


55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Membership will be available for sale
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


We will bring a coleslaw.
It will be my wife Carol and I.
I will also pick up Richard who usually buses to meetings.
So 3 people altogether.


I will cook up some spice chicken wings.
There might be 3 of us or just me.



I'll update the details of the BBQ but we've added some fun features!

Urban Static, a local band will be playing a few sets for us starting at 1pm until the pig is ready to eat.  Perhaps you'll recognize one of the band members!!

We'll also be joined by Bunky the Clown for some Face Painting and Balloon Animals from 11am - 12:30pm!  After everyone has their face painted and their balloon animal, Bunky is also willing to draw some caricatures for anyone who wants them.  They'll be $5 each person!

Don't forget that this is a pot luck, so if you intend to bring something please indicate what you're bringing on this thread.


Quote from: Fishnut on May 16, 2012, 07:13:27 PM
Where: Andrew Haydon Park - The Bandshell

When: June 24th 2012 rain or shine.  Festivities begin at 11:00am and continue until the pig is ready to eat...whenever that may be!  Please bring your own chair if you have one to bring.

Cost:  If you're a paid OVAS member, it free!  If you're not a paid member, there is a $5 entrance fee per person.  It's also an optional potluck, so the more people who volunteer to bring something, the better it will be!


9:30 - 10:00am: Country Roasters will be setting up and starting to cook the pig.

11:00 - 12:30: Bunky the Clown will be painting faces and making balloon animals

1:00 - Whenever the pig is ready:  Urban Static will take the stage for a few sets and we will be giving out the awards for fish breeders and volunteers between the sets.

We'll have door prizes, kids' loot bags and LOADS of fishy talk so please join us!

I hope to see everyone there!

Wow, will be a great day for sure
a limited amount of OVAS Polo Shirts will also be available for sale


We'll bring some pre-cut water melon if time allowed. No guarantee it'll be cold!  ;)


Quote from: charlie on June 18, 2012, 07:17:16 PM

Here is the latest amalgamated list of potluck items (as of Thursday evening):

apple crisp/cobbler-----> Herstead
browny tray------------>fishnut
Fruit platter------------->Shawn84
Macaroni Salad--------->BizFromQC (can't make it)
potato salad------------>touchofsky
garden or ceasar salad-->bitterman
blocks of cheese-------> Feivel
spice chicken wings----->limed
munchy food----------->Robt18
veggie/dip platter------>2075turner
pre-cut watermelon---->jetstream

plates, cutlery---------->OVAS