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Plecos and eggs

Started by aidensmomma2000, October 30, 2005, 08:33:38 AM

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If I put a pleco in with my discus- will it eat the eggs? I dont imagine the parents would let it...



Quote from: "aidensmomma2000"If I put a pleco in with my discus- will it eat the eggs? I dont imagine the parents would let it...


I've got three plecos in my discus tank and I've never seen them anywhere near egg deposits.  And you're right, the parents are agressive around their eggs, so I doubt a pleco would have the opportunity to damage them.


Plecos are opportunists.  A pleco will attach to the slime coat of a dieing discus and stay there.  Not a pretty site.
My experience with a pleco in a breeding tank is the parents killed the pleco and they hadn't even laid the eggs yet - the pleco is a threat; and keep in mind Discus sleep.
My advice is it's guaranteed given a chance the pleco will eat every egg along with any other fish in the tank like a neon tetra.



Oh! Ive never had them hurt another fish (I dont think anyway). They certainly eat them when theyre dead...

Ok then, I wont put on in. I was going to put in a little one since its a 30g and then move it on up when it grows out.


In my 29g the pleco was the victim.
Plecos will attach to the slime coat of healthy discus and stay there unless the discus swims away quickly and the pleco can't hold on.
Oto cats will do the same.
Robin, algae is generally related to nitrates.  Try upping your water changes or don't feed as much bh.  These are adult discus and they don't really need beefheart unless it's the only thing they will eat.



Plecos don't just attach to dead things.  I had a BN pleco that was chasing my goldfish and latching on to their sides.  He was sold at the last auction because he damaged one of my fish so badly that she got an infection.  I just cured her of dropsy a couple weeks ago.


Im not worried about the algae- I just like em!

I have one in my 80g with all my other discus and have never had problems. He has lots of space and places to hide away though, and more than enough to eat.


I like them too, I have a massive sailfin in my 90g.  He's a prehistoric looking monster, and ironically he is my longest living fish.



Quote from: "squeeker"Plecos don't just attach to dead things.  I had a BN pleco that was chasing my goldfish and latching on to their sides.  He was sold at the last auction because he damaged one of my fish so badly that she got an infection.  I just cured her of dropsy a couple weeks ago.
Did his criminal record fallowed him at the auction and with his new owner?
I guess it is . now.   :)


I'm sure he can find a good lawyer.


my pleco has a taste for live fish...I have a bunch of black skirt tetras and a few guppies in for him so he usually stays away from the other fish and just eats those!! he used to be gentle and non agressive when he was small, but since he has now reached the 1 ft marker he's a monster!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts