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The 110 Gallon Upgrade Build

Started by djtr, June 02, 2012, 12:36:25 PM

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Ok so, I'm going to throw my hat into the build thread ring here..... little late on the uptake but I'll try to get things up and going. This process started.... I think I about February..... Yes I'm slow.

Originally started with a 29gallon Bio Cube, caught the bug, jumped up to a bigger one and so currently for the last few years I'v been running a non drilled 90 gallon. Works pretty well but not exactly what I was aiming for. The boss gave the Ok for one big tank.

So I went hunting and found this awesome 110 Gallon Hagen

Non Drilled, but that's ok, we can fix this. 1400gph overflow is now installed!

Trying to decide on the stand design.......over building everything!

Gotta upload more photos.... back with more shortly.


Ok! So we have some stand progress!!

Rocks are Here!!!


More Stand Progress!!!

And the Tank is up on the stand.... yes I know its not the right way but there is a reason for this ;)

75lbs of Rocks Orca Glued to the back! (Thanks to Jim at Forty Fathoms for the glue this stuff ROCKS)


Another view of the rocks

And the plumbing Begins!

Time to rinse the tank and these rocks off!!

Will be back later with more!


Looking good so far. This is going to be a nice set up when you're complete. It's always best to take your time as you are. Patience is a virtue in this hobby as you well know.


Here is the Sump being wet tested, had to make sure it wasn't gonna hold water!

Hey! Canopy and Light Testing!!

Hanging Kit? We don't need no Hanging Kit!!! Brass threaded rod and lots of hardware makes overkill DYI adjustable hanging kit!

Back with more photos later.


One of the temporary tanks and buckets I had to setup to hold the water rocks and critters!

First coat of black paint on the back of the tank to hide the holes in between the rocks, you can also see the Nac7 (Another Jim @ Forty Fathoms Shipment)

The Transfer Starts!! time to unload the tanks and garbage cans of rocks, sand, water and critters!


Slow process..... yes I was wet.... yes the floor was wet..... yes I was very sure the other half was not home because she would have probably killed me for the mess I made

Crappy Picture of everything finally transferred!! Successfully migrated from the 90 gallon to the 110!!

Happy and chilling out

two weeks later I still don't have the RKL completely reprogrammed the way I want, need another power bar, lots of wires and timers hanging around everywhere.... doors still aren't on the front.... HOWEVER

It looks awesome and the water specs are perfect :)

once I get the stand finished off and the wires all cleaned up I'll post more pics...

I also need to start my frag hunt.... Still have some stuff in in a separate tank after a small manjanos outbreak in the old tank before the move :(


Cool rock work. Looks like there is a lot of swimming area for the fish. Definitely coming along great!


Quote from: djtr on June 02, 2012, 02:28:30 PM
Here is the Sump being wet tested, had to make sure it wasn't gonna hold water!

Back with more photos later.

That was a typo right?
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


LOL yes and a good one at that!