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Andrew's 24G Setup

Started by androo303, June 03, 2012, 12:08:56 PM

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Hey All, after much trials and tribulations with the tank I have decided to post some photos of it to finally show off to all. I've also been asked by Rah to post it too so, I figure I should get peoples input to better my tank.


Here is my current problem... It looks like BBA and diatoms...


So as per Errol, hopefully upgrading from my paintball CO2 injection to the 15lbs reg build CO2 injection will fix this problem.

I just need to get over to Pyromateck to get a tank, too bad they are only open 8-4, M-F. I will hopefully get out on Wednesday morning.


Hey Andrew, The tank looks very nice, and your plants and blue gourami look healthy. The pressurized co2 will definitely get rid of the bba, the biggest challenge now will be to ensure you get proper diffusion of the co2. What kind of diffuser do you have?
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: exv152 on June 03, 2012, 12:36:48 PM
Hey Andrew, The tank looks very nice, and your plants and blue gourami look healthy. The pressurized co2 will definitely get rid of the bba, the biggest challenge now will be to ensure you get proper diffusion of the co2. What kind of diffuser do you have?

The plants and fish are doing quite well indeed, I'd like to add a couple of more gouramis to the pot (dwarf have a beautiful colour). The plants are showing some difficiencies, but that will be rectified soon (hopefully).

I have a cermaic diffuser and i also made an inline system but it burbs a lot, so i am going to stick to the ceramic diffuser.


Beauty looking tank!

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Woah Andrew. Awesome progress! I like how it is looking. I also am jealous of the fact that your red phantom tetras are out and about. My black ones are super shy!! With the new CO2 rig, this is going to be badass!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Quote from: androo303 on June 03, 2012, 05:01:46 PM
...I have a cermaic diffuser and i also made an inline system but it burbs a lot, so i am going to stick to the ceramic diffuser.

A ceramic diffuser is a good choice. I would recommend sticking it just under a spot with excellent current, usually under a filter outlet, and you'll distribute the tiny bubbles everywhere in your tank. Increasing current always helps with some deadspots in your tank, and bba can sometimes be attributed to that - not enough circulation. Good circulation will help distribute the ferts too, not just he co2. I'm looking forward to seeing what a bonafide co2 system will do to your already nice tank.
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: exv152 on June 04, 2012, 12:44:22 PM
A ceramic diffuser is a good choice. I would recommend sticking it just under a spot with excellent current, usually under a filter outlet, and you'll distribute the tiny bubbles everywhere in your tank. Increasing current always helps with some deadspots in your tank, and bba can sometimes be attributed to that - not enough circulation. Good circulation will help distribute the ferts too, not just he co2. I'm looking forward to seeing what a bonafide co2 system will do to your already nice tank.

I will either be throwing the ceramic diffuser under the intake for the filer or into my powerhead (MJ 400). I am thinking the power head will be useful for both the CO2 and ferts for circulation.

Since I have to take it apart next Friday (not this upcoming one). Any thoughts on a future layout? I would like to get rid of the rocks and then have nice low cover plants in the front with some taller stuff in the back.

Any/All help is appreciated!


Quote from: androo303 on June 04, 2012, 03:08:05 PM... I would like to get rid of the rocks and then have nice low cover plants in the front with some taller stuff in the back...

Do a google image search for some of these popular foreground plants:
Glossostigma elatinoides
Hemianthus callitricoides
Riccia fluitans
Echinodorus tennellus
Marsilea spp.
Elatine triandra
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Eleocharis parvula
Marselia Minuta
Utricularia graminifolia
Lillaeopsis sp
cryptocoryne parva

125g, 32g, 7g


So I need to move this tank... Here are my steps, please chime in if required....

1. Put 10g of aquarium water into 2x5g buckets.
2. Put fish into a third bucket with 1-2g of water
2. Drain rest of water from tank (down to last 0.5-1" above dirt)
3. Put plants into one of 5g buckets
4. move tank into new home
5. Put fish and 5g of water into a separate rubber maid bin or tank
6. Fill the tank in its new location with 5g of old water and new water
7. Cycle for 1 week, put plants in once dirt has settled
8. Test water
9. Put fish in tank.

Anything I am missing?? I am also looking for some suggestions on a setup for front and mid ground tanks. I know Eric gave me some plant ideas, but I have a very hard time visualizing the end product.


Quote from: androo303 on June 07, 2012, 10:36:19 PM
So I need to move this tank... Here are my steps, please chime in if required....

1. Put 10g of aquarium water into 2x5g buckets.
2. Put fish into a third bucket with 1-2g of water
2. Drain rest of water from tank (down to last 0.5-1" above dirt)
3. Put plants into one of 5g buckets
4. move tank into new home
5. Put fish and 5g of water into a separate rubber maid bin or tank
6. Fill the tank in its new location with 5g of old water and new water
7. Cycle for 1 week, put plants in once dirt has settled
8. Test water
9. Put fish in tank.

Anything I am missing?? I am also looking for some suggestions on a setup for front and mid ground tanks. I know Eric gave me some plant ideas, but I have a very hard time visualizing the end product.

I'd say skip 3, cover the tank with some plastic - either cling wrap or a garbage bag secured with packing tape onto the edges to get it air-tight. Keeps the plants moist with the humidity and no need for messing with the plants just yet. Then step 6, Put in all ~12Gal of old water and fill the tank (rearrange plants first probably if you're lookin fo a nu do) and you should be set. It might go into a mini cycle but its almost like doing a 50% water change and the EI guys do it all the time so i think you can set it up right there and then. Keeping fishes and plants in smaller containers are more of a hassle I find - frequent water changes to keep water clean and need for plants to get light in the bucket and root feeders may not do so well just suspended in water(just a thought; not sure how true that may be but i rmb my dwarf sag didn't do too well free-floating). FUN ;D
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Quote from: daworldisblack on June 07, 2012, 10:44:03 PM... It might go into a mini cycle but its almost like doing a 50% water change and the EI guys do it all the time so i think you can set it up right there and then. Keeping fishes and plants in smaller containers are more of a hassle I find - frequent water changes to keep water clean and need for plants to get light in the bucket and root feeders may not do so well just suspended in water(just a thought; not sure how true that may be but i rmb my dwarf sag didn't do too well free-floating). FUN ;D

Rah is right. It can all be done at the same time, and doing a 50% water change is harmless. If you put it all together again within a half hour or so, there should be virtually no cycle. Most of your filter bacteria will still be alive and leaving the plants in the substrate with an inch of water won't stir the subtrate up too much.

Hope the girlfriend isn't making you move the tank to the washroom ;D
125g, 32g, 7g


Sounds good gents. I just wasn't sure if I could refill it right away at the new digs, but I guess I can. I just need a new du as Rah would put it.

Quote from: exv152 on June 07, 2012, 10:56:14 PM
Hope the girlfriend isn't making you move the tank to the washroom ;D

Haha. I fought to have it moved from the basement to the bedroom, and then i suggested the living room so we can all admire it. This idea took her a week or so to think it over and then she agreed :)


Here we go... So i would like advice on how i can move my current plants around and rocks/wood to get something a little nicer to look at it. Please bear in mind that I have just moved so some of the plants took a bit of a hit due to my negligence. So you can see the before photos at the top of this thread.

I am purchasing some some plants off Rah, so here is my stock list for plants to play with.

From Rah:
Ludwidia Arcuata (Large handful)
Rotala Vietnam (4 long stems)
Blyxia Japonica
Dwarf Sag(~20 plants)

Current Stock:
Dwarf Sag?
Blyxa Japonica
Cambomba Caroliniana
Weeping Moss (would like to get rid of this if possible).

I am still fighting the BBA / Diatoms, but I now have more water movement, proper CO2, and dossing the EI method for 20G or less.


New Scape! Exciting times! Ultimately beauty is in the eye of the beholder (yeah i'm feeding you that crap.. if its ugly its ugly lol) but what you have ain't so bad. Maybe a few minor tweaks:

1) Move the swords to the back corner maybe? If they are big pieces, perhaps you can even remove one. They'll grow huge and will be  out of proportion in your time at some point probably? If you like 'em both, you can have 'em on either back corners? They have broad leaves and are tall so exteriors work better for them I think.

2) If you move the swords to the corner, you can use some of your rocks at the base. The moss should be fine in the slight shade from the leaves. Then you can put the blyxia infront of the rocks, closer to you.. sorta like a mid ground plant?

3) Then all your stem plants can now be put in bunches at the back. Side by side

4) Then the dwarf sag can be your main foreground plant.

Just thoughts :)
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Definitely agree with Rah's suggestions on the swords. Having them up front on the left will take away scale from your layout. You want to have a gradual increase from lower to higher, front to back.
125g, 32g, 7g


thanks guys, I will try this design... As you can tell, i am not much of a creative person... I am more of a doer :P


Looking forward to 'after renovation' pics.  ;)


What is the easiest method to perform a rescape? Simply pull everything out (carefully and minus the fish), trim, and then put wherever I want them?